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What's your most challenging experience in sonic games?

A super no.2rookiemusician

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So this is my first topic. What are your most challenging experiences in sonic games? What self-imposed challenges have you made? Do you think the older games are more challenging than the new ones? Did you get all A ranks?

Mine would be: sonic 1 and 2 final levels. Fighting the bosses with no rings was just nerve-racking. Carefully timing your hits was one of the most stressful things to do. Sonic 3 barrel of doom was a pain for me so much that I was forced to look up the level select cheat.

A self imposed challenge I always do would be going through sandopolis zone without lights.

Can this be moved to green hill zone?

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Metal Harbour

Mission 5: Beat the level on Hard Mode!


*flipping multiple tables in anger*


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I still haven't found out how to A-rank Metal Harbours first mission, let alone hard mode.

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9 minutes ago, Ernest-Panda said:

I still haven't found out how to A-rank Metal Harbours first mission, let alone hard mode.

My biggest clue is:

Where you jump onto a missle under a timer, there's another path when you reach the part of the missile you can jump on. It has some GUN Beetles there, where you can homing attack to a different path. From there, you'll find a trail of rings that you can lightdash through. It will take you next to a spring you need to jump on to reach the higher end of the missile.

From there, you'll get a high enough score bonus to hopefully hit A-rank.

Warning: YOU WILL THROW YOUR CONTROLLER DOING THIS! I managed to do the path after 40 tries with 0.4 seconds on the clock.

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A Rank on Mission 5 of Cosmic Wall was always a jerk, though that also reminds me that to this day I don't know if it's possible to destroy the drill machine that chases you completely (or whether it's possible to collect any of the item boxes along the way).


Other than that I guess my biggest white whale in the series was the Special Stages in the Sonic Advance games.  I've never played the true final boss of any of those games.  Advance 1 I found too hard to find AND too hard to judge the perspective on.  Advance 2, even though I loved that game, the special stage entry requirements were just ridiculous without a guide.  Advance 3 I made the most progress on, but it still became very difficult to enter the stages from about Zone 4 or 5 onwards.

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A Ranking Mission 5 of Cosmic Wall was one of mine too, probably the most frustrating thing I did in a Sonic game, you had to be friggin perfect.

I'm pretty sure I had trouble with A Ranking some of Sonic Heroes' extra missions but I can't remember which ones.

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 Getting the A ranks in sonic adventure 2 was next to impossible for me. I bought a used copy about 6 years ago and I played it on my wii system. Beat the game and i attempted to go back and A rank everything. 2 weeks later, my wii died.

Heroes was easier for me to 100% though it was just really repetitive.

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Missing Sister in Sonic Unleashed and Mission 99 (or is it 100?) in Sonic Rush Adventure

Both of them are Time Trials where Sonic has to race to the end before time runs out in a Perfect, no mistakes speedrun.

Missing Sister has harder level design from Arid Sands Act 1 and requires Sonic having to dodges spikes on a wall without jumping. In Sonic Rush Adventure trying to steer Sonic through Pirates' Island Zone while knowing the timing of the instant death but also platform anchors and riding dolphins underwater without hitting any walls is ridicious.

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First boss of Sonic 2 on the gamegear. Good ol Egg Antlion.

Who in their right mind designed a 0 ring boss battle for the first stage?! That boss gave me fits everytime. Sure I was a heck of a lot younger back then, and I've gone back to it as an older, more accomplished gamer and toppled it with little problem...


but back then that was murder. It might hold claim to eating more of my extra lives than anything else in the series (minus speenrun restart penalties). It even holds that title over PS360 Unleashed's Eggmanland. Man that really puts it into context.

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Sonic Free Riders. The whole damn thing. Now, don't get me wrong, it's not a hard game by design. In fact, I'd go so far as to say the game itself is piss easy. No, the hard part is playing it without the Kinect, which you chucked out the window five minutes ago because frankly, it responds to your inputs just as well laying in your flower bed as it does plugged into you Xbox. Seriously, you thought Secret Rings had bad controls? Free Riders is literally a luck based mission, it is bullshit of the highest caliber. Lost World looks like the Citizen Kane of video-games by comparison, and I HATE Lost World.

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7 hours ago, JezMM said:

Other than that I guess my biggest white whale in the series was the Special Stages in the Sonic Advance games.  I've never played the true final boss of any of those games.  Advance 1 I found too hard to find AND too hard to judge the perspective on.  Advance 2, even though I loved that game, the special stage entry requirements were just ridiculous without a guide.  Advance 3 I made the most progress on, but it still became very difficult to enter the stages from about Zone 4 or 5 onwards.

I would definitely agree so far as Advance 2's special stages are concerned.  I've gotten all the Chaos Emeralds in Advance and Advance 3, but for Advance 2, I've only ever been in a special stage once.  They're just too hard to access.

Honourable mention to the special stage equivalents in Rush Adventure, the Johnny races, in particular the later ones on a first playthrough of the game when you don't know that you can upgrade your vehicles in the postgame.  The penultimate race in particular appears to be practically impossible with the basic jetski, and yet I remember eventually winning it after failing dozens of times, never knowing there would later be a way to make them easier.

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S-ranking every DLC stage in Sonic Unleashed. It's definitely up there being one of my most proud accomplishments in all of gaming lmao

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1 hour ago, Sean said:

S-ranking every DLC stage in Sonic Unleashed. It's definitely up there being one of my most proud accomplishments in all of gaming lmao

Oh yeah I forgot about this one.  I loved Unleashed and all the extra content the DLC provided, but S-ranking them became a serious test of patience, I got super frustrated with a fair few stages.  I'd never want to go back and do them again unless the game got a re-release and I was feeling masochistic enough to care that much about seeing consistent "S"es on each stage when browsing the menu.

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Oh I dunno.... how about every goddamned underwater level in earlier sonic games!

This theme has haunted me since childhood.


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Yeah getting all S-ranks in Unleashed was incredibly difficult, but I'd say getting all those achievements is even harder. Eggmanland's hotdog mission is the stuff of nightmares.

I'm not sure if I'm alone on this but Sonic Advance 3 is also quite difficult. I remember that gave me a lot of trouble especially Chaos Angel.

And maybe completing all the expert challenges in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is just...Oh God its so hard. I just want to unlock Ryu damn it!

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Keeping all the rings is the most challenging thing for me, it is really frustrating when you have over 200 rings and a sneaky enemy hits you, making you lose all your rings on that level. When this happens, I usually restart the whole level even if I was a step away from the finish.

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Challenging? Anything releted to 100% complition of SA2. This game broke me... But challange I remember the most is Seaside Hill in Generations. At first I hated this stage. I felt like everything was built to stop me, kill me, squash me... You get the drill. But the more I played, the more I learned this stage. The more I fought with it's challenges, the more I grown. Now I know most paths and can beat it with no deaths, with boost all the time, or whole stage without boost. It was the most rewarding challange in my Sonic experiance. But hardest is still SA2 100%. Those damn Chaos...

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It's hard to keep track on how many times I've died trying to A Rank Final Chase Hard Mode, that was a long test of my patience.

100%-ing main game Unleashed was pretty tough but I feel like I only had my skill get tested when S Ranking Eggmanland and the Dark Gaia bossfight, nothing else really pops into my mind on what challenges I've experienced.

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Who the hell was he? To this day I still haven't cleared this mission.



I've never beat Death Egg Robot in Sonic 2 without cheating. Everything else is fine.

The most frustrated moment due to cheapness/ bad game design was Zavok boss in Lost World because the game never explained you that you could charge your homing attack anything about the move set.


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When it comes to getting stuck, it took me ages to figure out how to pass the barrel of doom in Carnival Night Zone. But when it comes to actually challenging stages, Eggmanland first and foremost, of course. I'll admit though, Eggmanland after some practice isn't too hard. Security Hall is another, and that stage is just badly designed, point and blank. Way too little time and I only ever beat it when the emeralds are placed near the starting point. Getting all Super Emeralds in 3&K can also be a pain.The infamous Labyrinth Zone however isn't too hard if you just just take your time.

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Another challenging level for me (actually frustrating) is Mad space from sa2. Mixed up hints, upside down on planetoids were seriously annoying. It took me 2-3 hours to beat it and finish the missions! That's how long it takes for me to beat Sonic colors!

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