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Sonic 25th Anniversary Questionnaire Event-THE END!


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This sounds interesting. Might as well be the first post to get this started.

1: How long have you been a Sonic fan?

This is one i'm not sure of but I have been a Sonic fan for quite a long time, although I can't remember exactly when. However, I only just got into the Sonic community online a few years ago.

2: What was your First Sonic game?

Can't remember exactly, but I think it might have either been the Classic games or Sonic Unleashed Wii (Yes, really).

3: What initially attracted you to the Sonic series?

I don't know what attracted me to it before, (If anything) but now, I think it's the fast moving platforming gameplay and the characters.

4: How many Sonic games do you currently have?

I think I have 8. (9 if Sonic Mania pre-order counts).


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1. How long have you been a Sonic fan?

Since the beginning, so 25 years+

2. What was your first game?

Sonic 1 was the first game I played, but it was my older cousins. The first game I owned was Sonic 2.

3. What initially attracted you to the Sonic the Hedgehog series?

The above, Sonic 2 was amazing and contrbuted, as did various merch that was purchased got me as presents, but I think majorly it wasnt until I picked up Sonic the Comic issue 6 while I was on holiday. I'd had the first issue but don't recall my memories of it, only I know I cut apart the back page (?). After that I was hooked.

4. How many Sonic games do you currently have? Feel free to count duplicates!

I honestly couldn't say especially with duplicates included. I own every retail release for systems (various regions based on box art), SegaSonicArcade, had Sonic Cosmo Fighter for a bit, even the game.com one ?

5. Are you more of a Classic or Modern Sonic fan?

I gravitate more towards Classic probably due to growing up with that design, but I loved Modern up until 2006 I think. I Love Roger as his voice, but the direction the games have taken has diluted his character.

6. Who is your favorite Sonic character and why?

Sonic for his original 90's attitude, but Mighty the Armadillo is a close second.

7. What is your favorite continuity? (SEGA, Archie, SatAM, OVA etc.)

Sonic the Comic. All the stories based around the games were nearly better than the games themselves! 

8. What is your favorite Sonic quote? This can come from any character.

"I'm waaaaaaitiiiiiiiiing!"

9. What is your favorite story in the Sonic franchise?

Sonic Adventure 2

10. What is your favorite Sonic cartoon?

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

11. What is your favorite cutscene from a Sonic game?

Gah! There are too many! The scene in Sonic Adventure 2 where they use Chaos Control to stop the Ark is definitely one of my favourites. I may have to come back to this one haha

12. What is your favorite Sonic game?

Ok, the majority of the games I love and I go back to them all on a regular basis, but Sonic 3D: Flickies Island on the Mega Drive is the one I go back to the most. 

13. What is your favorite Sonic track both vocal and non-vocal?

Sonic Forces Main Theme is already a new contender for top spot, but for now Vocal: this is hard... What I'm Made Of? Non Vocal: ffs... erm... Beyond the Speed of from Sonic Runners.

14. What is your favorite move from Sonic or any other playable character?

Chaos Spear in Sonic 06. Can't remember if it was a good move or not. I just remember it looking awesome.

15. What is your favorite Sonic soundtrack?

Sonic Generations as it covers the majority.

16. What is your favorite image from the series? Please post it here and mention the source. 


17. Which is your favorite voice acting cast?

The current, although Ryan Drummed and Deem Bristow are forever engrained in my brain.

18. What is your main/favorite Sonic head-canon?

Sonic the Comic

19. What is your favorite recurring level theme (e.g. green forest, space stations, lava ruins)?

I do love me some Green Hill tropes haha sorry guys

20. What is your favorite level from the Sonic games?

Sky Sanctuary

21. What was your most memorable year in the franchise for you? 

Sonic's 19th birthday sticks in my mind due to Needlemouse The Musical and was around the time the community seemed really involved with the franchise.

22. What is your one favorite thing in the entire Sonic the Hedgehog series?

Chilli Dogs. Always my go to food these days haha

23. What is your favorite trailer for Sonic games revealed?

Sonic 06 E3 trailer. I was hyped

24. There are many versions of the iconic Sonic the Hedgehog in the quarter century he has existed across various forms of media. Which one is your favorite version of Sonic and why?

Sonic the Comic. He was a dick to everyone, it pushed across the attitude that he thought he was the best in any situation. Cocky but could be caring when needed.

25. More than a quarter of a century and the Blue Blur is still running! What keeps you around at this point?

Sonic himself. I have hopes for every game released to be amazing, the character design is still appealing, abd the music is some of the best gaming had to offer.

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I'll try answering 3 at a time.

1.How long have you been a Sonic fan?

Even though I got a glimpse of Sonic through the first Mario and Sonic game, I became a fan about the 2013 time, when Lost World was a thing and Boom was still in it's baby steps. Reminds me that it's been about 4 years since I found out about Sonic and his adventures, damn time sure goes fast!

2.What was your first Sonic game?

 (Does the Mario and Sonic at the Beijing games count?)  If not then my first actual "Sonic" game was Rush. Though I never finished it, this was the game that was starting to make me look more on who Sonic is.

3.What initially attracted you to the Sonic the Hedgehog series?

 I guess it was the speed of the gameplay and character design, and later on the level design of some games. I find the character design to be the most interesting though! Most characters are anthropomorphic animals and we got some robots as well, humans too. Some designs are pretty interesting, even in the Sonic comics I also found some characters with interesting designs!


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5: Are you more of a Classic or Modern Sonic fan?

 Personally, I enjoy both Classic and Modern Sonic, but I honestly prefer the 3D games. Although, part of this might be because in general, i prefer 3D platformers to 2D outside of Sonic anyway. 

6: Who is your favorite Sonic character and why? 

Going to be simple for this one, because I would honestly say Sonic himself. I like his design because it just looks appealing to me and I like how he acts in general.

 7:  What is your favorite continuity?

 Personally, I would say the main SEGA continuity and the Archie continuity based on what I've read. Don't have much to say here.

 8: What is your favorite Sonic quote?

 Really not sure on this one. Maybe "I'm Waiting!" Not sure on this one at all.

 9: What is your favorite story in the Sonic franchise?

  For me, maybe Sonic Unleashed because of the balance of tone.

 10: What is your favorite Sonic Cartoon? Haven't seen every Sonic cartoon, so I can't say much here. Maybe Sonic Boom because It's the one I've seen the most of although I haven't been keeping up with it recently. 



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1. How long have you been a Sonic fan?
Since 1992 more or less. People around me had Sonic the hedgehog for Master System and it was really fun to play. Funny fact: as I had almost zero English knowledge back in the day, I thought "Sonic The Hedgehog" meant something like "Sonic The Revenge". So powerful! XDD 

2. What was your first Sonic game?
Sonic The Hedgehog for Mega Drive. By the way, it took me some time to understand it was a different game than Master System's version. I assumed both games were the same (just better graphics on Mega Drive), so when I couldn't find Bridge Zone or Master System's special stage, I was really shocked.

3. What initially attracted you to the Sonic the Hedgehog series?
Sonic's design, the music and both the graphic and level design. It was such a perfect mix. It's fair it was so successful. It was a piece of art on every aspect.

4. How many Sonic games do you currently have? Feel free to count duplicates!
-Mega Drive: Sonic 1, 2, 3, & Knuckles, Spinball, Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (if it counts) and 3D Blast.
-PC: Sonic Generations, all Mega Drive Sonic games available on Steam, All Stars Racing and All Stars Racing Transformed.
-Android: Sonic 1, 2 and CD remastered. Oh, and Sonic 4 ep II.

5. Are you more of a Classic or Modern Sonic fan?
Classic. I'm not very fond of modern gameplay, although I do like Sonic's modern design.

6. Who is your favorite Sonic character and why?
Actually, Sonic himself. He's just well designed to be almost everyone's favourite. However, Knuckles was so close back in the day. And although I'm a "classic" fan, I happen to like Shadow and Silver, perhaps because I didn't play their games. I just like their designs.

7. What is your favorite continuity? (SEGA, Archie, SatAM, OVA etc.)
Sega, I guess. 

8. What is your favorite Sonic quote? This can come from any character.
"It's no use", for the lulz.

9. What is your favorite story in the Sonic franchise?
Sonic 3 & Knuckles storyline was awesome. Simple and awesome.

10. What is your favorite Sonic cartoon?
Adventures of Sonic the hedgehog (1993).

11. What is your favorite cutscene from a Sonic game?
Sonic & Knuckles's Hidden Palace ending, with Knuckles realizing Robotnik was the bad guy.

12. What is your favorite Sonic game?
Sonic 3 & Knuckles, hands down. I won't repeat all the reasons as we all know what was improved from Sonic 2 :) It's just the perfect classic Sonic game.

13. What is your favorite Sonic track both vocal and non-vocal?
This is really really hard. Maybe Lava Reef act 2. So dreamy and melancholic.

I don't like vocal songs on Sonic games at all. It's fine for driving games, like it was some kind of radio background, but for any other game it just doesn't make sense to me. Not sure who had the idea, but it's really bad stuff (for me).

14. What is your favorite move from Sonic or any other playable character?
The spindash. There's Knuckles glide, or elemental shields powerups, but the spindash was what made Sonic gameplay complete. There rest were nice additions, but not that essential in my opinion.

15. What is your favorite Sonic soundtrack?
Sonic 3 & Knuckles. The addition of remixes for second act was really awesome.

16. What is your favorite image from the series? Please post it here and mention the source. 

A videogame magazine included a big poster with this image (without the SEGA and MEGA DRIVE logos) when Sonic 3 was released. On the back there were 6 Sonic games: Sonic 1, 2, Spinball, CD, Chaos and 3. I think I started being a big Sonic fan the moment I saw this poster. I still have it, btw :) 


17. Which is your favorite voice acting cast?

18. What is your main/favorite Sonic head-canon?
Nothing to say, I'm afraid XD

19. What is your favorite recurring level theme (e.g. green forest, space stations, lava ruins)?
Pinball/Casino/Carnival, I'd say. Spring Yard, Casino Night, Carnival Night, etc.

20. What is your favorite level from the Sonic games?
Probably Sonic & Knuckles' Death Egg act 2.

21. What was your most memorable year in the franchise for you? 
It could be 1994, because Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles were released that year, but I'm leaning to 2017, because of Sonic Mania and what it might mean for the future of the franchise.

22. What is your one favorite thing in the entire Sonic the Hedgehog series?
The classic gameplay. It was so much fan.

23. What is your favorite trailer for Sonic games revealed?
Sonic Mania :)

24. There are many versions of the iconic Sonic the Hedgehog in the quarter century he has existed across various forms of media. Which one is your favorite version of Sonic and why?
I'd stick to the classic design, the Sonic 3 sprite more precisely. But I honestly have nothing against the modern one. I do hate Sonic Boom design. Really awful idea.

25. More than a quarter of a century and the Blue Blur is still running! What keeps you around at this point?
Mostly the classic games. I play all of them from time to time (even more now that I can play S1 and S2 remasters on Android). That, and the hope that Sega will get Sonic back to its former glory someday. This hope was almost gone from Sonic 4 to Sonic Boom, but is stronger than ever with Mania. The only way to get future right is to get your past right, and Sega was ignoring its past for too long.

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4. How many Sonic games do you currently have? Feel free to count duplicates!

Not much. I have Sonic Colors for the DS, Sonic Dash on my laptop, Sonic Dash 2 Sonic Boom, and Sonic CD on the Kindle. Whenever it comes to Sonic games, I usually play the mobile ones.

5. Are you more of a Classic or Modern Sonic fan?

I've grown up with Modern Sonic. I liked his new design and felt that through the Sonic X show and other Modern Sonic games. I haven't played much of the Calssic Sonic games (just a bit of Sonic CD), but now I come to like the detailed level design in Sonic Mania. I still prefer Modern Sonic though.

6. Who is your favorite Sonic character and why?

Sonic aside, I really like Blaze the Cat. She has a neat design, power, and is a badass princess too! She's a character preferring to do things herself and is getting accustomed with friendship in general, but her interaction with Cream and Amy (mostly in the comics) is pretty adorable to see! I would really like to see her in a game again being able to do something in a story again.

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Just gonna do 5 questions per post (it's more eye appealing).

1. How long have you been a Sonic fan?

I've been a Sonic fan for about 15 years...or since 2004. That was about the time I "owned" my very first Sonic games.

2. What was your first Sonic game?

The first Sonic games I got were Sonic Adventure 2: Battle and Sonic Mega Collection, mother gifted me them at the same time.

3. What initially attracted you to the Sonic the Hedgehog series?

His design. I didn't think much of it when just playing the 2nd game at my cousin's house, but I really liked Sonic's design. Blue is my favorite color and he just looked really cool. He is also the reason I actually got into drawing, so there's that too.

4. How many Sonic games do you currently have? Feel free to count duplicates!

This is a tough one, it involves thinking!! Since I can't actually check, but I know don't actually have duplicates.28 or 29, I can only get what I can doing solely Nintendo consoles.

5. Are you more of a Classic or Modern Sonic fan?

I don't really use that distinction on myself. I, StaticMania, am just a Sonic fan. I do not like one generation more than the other, that's not how I roll on a mentality level.

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1. How long have you been a Sonic fan?

Since about 1991, then stopped caring around the mid 90's, then sorta got back into it sometime around mid 2000's.

2. What was your first Sonic game?

Sonic 1 Mega Drive.

3. What initially attracted you to the Sonic the Hedgehog series?

I just played the game at random and liked it

4. How many Sonic games do you currently have? Feel free to count duplicates!

God knows.

5. Are you more of a Classic or Modern Sonic fan?

I am a Sonic fan.

6. Who is your favourite Sonic character and why?

Metal Sonic because he reminds me of the original Terminator movie.

7. What is your favorite continuity? (SEGA, Archie, SatAM, OVA etc.)


8. What is your favourite Sonic quote? This can come from any character.

"With all 7 Emeralds in him, he'll be invincible! And work for me!"

It's the 'And work for me' bit that always makes me laugh.

9. What is your favourite story in the Sonic franchise?

The Brotherhood of Metalix from Sonic the Comic.

10. What is your favorite Sonic cartoon?

Sonic OVA

11. What is your favorite cutscene from a Sonic game?

Sonic Unleashed opening

12. What is your favourite Sonic game?

Probably Sonic CD

13. What is your favourite Sonic track both vocal and non-vocal?

Non Vocal: Sonic Unleashed Final Boss Theme.

Vocal: Urm... urm... Sonic Heroes because I have to pick one?

14. What is your favourite move from Sonic or any other playable character?

Spin Attack 

15. What is your favourite Sonic soundtrack?

Sonic CD (JAP/EU edition)

16. What is your favourite image from the series? Please post it here and mention the source. 

I always liked this from Sonic the Comic.


17. Which is your favourite voice acting cast?

Current one.

18. What is your main/favourite Sonic head-canon?

I don't have one.

19. What is your favourite recurring level theme (e.g. green forest, space stations, lava ruins)?


20. What is your favourite level from the Sonic games?

Ice Cap Zone.

21. What was your most memorable year in the franchise for you? 

Whatever year it was that Sonic Unleashed got leaked... at least that week was hilarious for so many reasons.

22. What is your one favourite thing in the entire Sonic the Hedgehog series?

My Sonic Pin Badge Collection

23. What is your favourite trailer for Sonic games revealed?

Sonic Generations Sky Sanctuary

24. There are many versions of the iconic Sonic the Hedgehog in the quarter century he has existed across various forms of media. Which one is your favourite version of Sonic and why?

Probably Fleetways, because he let the attitude get to his head and wasn't all that nice. And he hates his fans too!

25. More than a quarter of a century and the Blue Blur is still running! What keeps you around at this point?

It's barely keeping me around.

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6. Who is your favorite Sonic character and why?

Amy Rose...before I sucked at it, she was my favorite character to draw a lot. Mostly because she used to be the hardest for me to do consistently.

7. What is your favorite continuity? (SEGA, Archie, SatAM, OVA etc.)

SEGA continuity by default. I didn't really have much interest in the way the others established themselves.

8. What is your favorite Sonic quote? This can come from any character.

"The butterflies...they're CONFUSING ME!!"

9. What is your favorite story in the Sonic franchise?

Sonic and the Black Knight, I guess. It just happens to be the most solid one out of all.

10. What is your favorite Sonic cartoon?

AOSTH. Looney Tunes style slapstick just does more for me, comedy before all.

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1. How long have you been a Sonic fan?

Around 2000. I was 3 when I first played a Sonic game.

2. What was your first Sonic game?

Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast.

3. What initially attracted you to the Sonic the Hedgehog series?

I don't remember. I guess since he was a cute animal character. I was 3, so.

4. How many Sonic games do you currently have? Feel free to count duplicates!

Uh... SA1 and SA2 on the PS3 and 360, Heroes and Shadow on the Gamecube, 06, Unleashed and Generations on the 360, Colors on Wii, Lost World on Wii U. Most of the above on Steam. I also have Sonic Gems Collection and Sonic Rush. All three Riders games. Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection. Sonic 4 episode I (Wii) and II (360). Secret Rings.

5. Are you more of a Classic or Modern Sonic fan?


6. Who is your favorite Sonic character and why?

Shadow the Hedgehog. He was always cooler than Sonic to me.

7. What is your favorite continuity? (SEGA, Archie, SatAM, OVA etc.)

Hm... SEGA I guess. I kinda liked X's continuity though.

8. What is your favorite Sonic quote? This can come from any character.

Either "Even if the world turns against me, I will fight like I always have" from Sonic 06, Shadow says it (may not be exact), or "All world's come to an end. I know that's kind of sad, but... That's why we've gotta live life to the fullest in the time we have" by Sonic in Sonic and the Black Knight.

9. What is your favorite story in the Sonic franchise?

Unleashed and Black Knight were good. I liked Shadow's true ending too. SA2 was cool sometimes.

10. What is your favorite Sonic cartoon?

Sonic X. Boom comes close.

11. What is your favorite cutscene from a Sonic game?

Hm. The one that plays when you fight Shadow in Generations was a cool throwback. I liked that CG one of Sonic slashing through blocks and stuff from Black Knight.

12. What is your favorite Sonic game?

I don't know anymore. Probably Generations.

13. What is your favorite Sonic track both vocal and non-vocal?

Vocal would be I Am All Of Me, Live and Learn or His World (Zebrahead and the one that plays in game are my favorites), non vocal, uh... Crisis City Modern.

14. What is your favorite move from Sonic or any other playable character?

Chaos Blast or Chaos Spear.

15. What is your favorite Sonic soundtrack?

Like, overall? I dunno. Generally only a few tracks stick out to me. I guess SA2.

16. What is your favorite image from the series? Please post it here and mention the source. 

This promo image for Sonic Unleashed is pretty great.

17. Which is your favorite voice acting cast?

The latest ones are great. I like Jason Griffith though, I can sorta mimic his Shadow voice.

18. What is your main/favorite Sonic head-canon?

I like to think Sonic's green eyes came from using the Chaos Emeralds so much (since they were green as Super Sonic in Sonic 3). Everyone else wears contacts.

19. What is your favorite recurring level theme (e.g. green forest, space stations, lava ruins)?

Space stages are good. I liked the Haunted Castle stages that were in Heroes and Shadow too.

20. What is your favorite level from the Sonic games?

City Escape. The Modern version from Generations is also incredible, probably even prefer it to the original.

21. What was your most memorable year in the franchise for you? 

2016. I drew that Sonic drawing for the 25th anniversary, and I also got to go to the San Diego party and see Sonic Forces get announced. Honestly one of the coolest things I've ever experienced.

22. What is your one favorite thing in the entire Sonic the Hedgehog series?

Chao Gardens. Well, aside from Boost gameplay.

23. What is your favorite trailer for Sonic games revealed?

Sonic Forces. As I said, I got to see it announced live at the party.

24. There are many versions of the iconic Sonic the Hedgehog in the quarter century he has existed across various forms of media. Which one is your favorite version of Sonic and why?

I liked how Sonic was in the Adventure games. Snarky and cool. Black Knight Sonic was pretty cool as well. Boom Sonic is funny.

25. More than a quarter of a century and the Blue Blur is still running! What keeps you around at this point?

It's my favorite video game series. I don't think I've ever actually dropped out of a game series, unless they stopped making games (and even then I still play whichever were released). I've never been given a reason to leave, so yeah.

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1. How long have you been a Sonic fan?

I'm not sure exactly how long I've been, but I think 2003-2004 was when I first got into the series with Heroes and Mega Collection Plus on PS2. I then got the handheld titles like Advance and Rush but didn't really get into the series until later when I tracked down Adventure DX and Adventure 2 Battle on Gamecube. Those two games were pretty much the ones that made be really enjoy the series. From there, I've just really enjoyed the series, even with the good and the bad. Also, I won't lie, I liked Shadow's game on PS2 when I was younger. There was also Sonic X and SatAM which were both running in the UK at the time (And is the reason why I still have fond memories of X). 

2. First Sonic Game?


As I mentioned above, Heroes and Mega Collection Plus were my first titles, but very first was definitely Heroes. I remember playing through all of Team Rose's story, and I got up to Frog Forest with Team Sonic. I remember really enjoying the game, but always getting stuck on Bingo Highway (Specifically, the broken pinball segment where you have to bounce your way to the next part of the stage. Rail Canyon is one of my most despised levels to date because of a glitch I always encountered on the PS2 version where no matter what, during the second stage of Rail Canyon, Team Sonic/Dark/Chaotix couldn't make it around a full loop after the massive cannon section and fall off the rails. But yeah, after that, I got Mega Collection Plus on PS2 and got to enjoy the classic games. 

3. What attracted you to the series?

To be honest? I just enjoyed the gameplay. I liked having the faster paced platforming compared to the slower platforming in Mario games, and on top of that, I had been introduced to the cast before hand with the shows, so I already liked characters like Tails and Knuckles beforehand. I can't actually remember what exactly attracted me to begin with though. 

4. How many games in the series do you have?

Off the top of my head...

  • Number of the Classics (Through Mega Collection Plus and Gems Collection)
  • Sonic 1 IOS
  • Sonic 2 IOS
  • Sonic 3&K (Steam)
  • Sonic 4 Ep 1 and 2
  • Adventure DX
  • Adventure 2 Battle
  • Heroes
  • Shadow
  • 06
  • Unleashed
  • Colours
  • Generations 
  • Lost World
  • Rise of Lyric
  • Shattered Crystal
  • Fire & Ice
  • Riders
  • Generations (3DS)
  • Riders Zero Gravity
  • Sonic And SEGA All-Stars/All-Stars Transformed
  • Rush
  • Rush Adventure
  • Advance 2 

I think that's all of the ones I have. 

5. Classic or Modern?

Modern fan, by far. I just cannot get into any of the Classic games apart from S3&K. A lot of them feel too cheap, or have major issues in their design that just makes it not fun to play. I'm made it no secret around here that I dislike Sonic 1, 2 and CD, Modern games, I enjoy much more for a better balance of speed and platforming without feeling overly cheap, with my favourites being Adventure, Adventure 2, Unleashed, and Generations. 

6. Who is your favourite Sonic character?

Main Series: 



Knuckles is one of my favourite characters in the series for a variety of reasons. Firstly, I just really enjoy the base idea behind him. This trickster guardian who's the last of his kind that wants to do good but is easily tricked due to his upbringing? Brilliant. I love how Knux was designed as a counter-contrast against Sonic's speed with strength and in general, I just thought he was a cool character. I enjoyed him even more with X, and Adventure and especially the OVA where he developed into a gruff hothead who still wants to do good, and on top of that, has hobbies on the side. Knux as a treasure hunter for example works so well due to the fact he's already protecting gems anyway, and works because of his species. But on top of that, they balanced Knux out where he was still gruff, and no-nonsense, but on top of that, he wasn't actually stupid. He was naive, and it's great that at some point, SEGA realised there's a difference between the two, because surprisingly, they aren't the same thing, which is what SEGA seem to believe now. 

Archie Knuckles (Ian Flynn Written) is even better though, because not only does he have all of the traits mentioned above but the guy is more like a big brother as well. Not only does he play around with Sonic and Tails, and maintaining a competitive friendly rivalry friendship with Sonic, but it's so cool seeing the two work together, compete against each other, and refer to each other as worthy rivals, with Knux's nickname "Rad Red" and Sonic's "True Blue". I should make it clear I refer exclusively to the Ian Flynn version of Knuckles though, because Ken Penders' version was horrifically awful. Not only did Sonic and Knuckles had the biggest and fucking stupidest grudge against each other because they had a crush on Sally, but Knuckles was turned into a bland author's pet that just godmodded the comic for years until Ian came in and made him way more like his game counterpart and actually added more personality to him. 




Tails was originally my absolute favourite of the series. When I was younger, I just really enjoyed Tails as a character, and a lot of his development. Funny enough, when I was younger, I thought the version of Tails in X was super cool because he was this tech genius that could create massive mechs and airplanes, but still had really fun friendships with the other characters, to the point one of my favourite moments was showing how he and Sonic first met on South Island. Then I went to SatAM where Tails was pretty much totally fucking useless and that really pissed me off that my favourite character then was practically reduced to the baby of the group. 

But anyway, yeah. Tails. I really enjoy his development over the course of the series, especially with Adventure and Adventure 2 where we see him grow from always relying on Sonic to being a hero in his own right, and then that character progression then carrying over to the next game where Tails is creating huge mechs and busting Sonic out of prisons. On top of that, I like how a lot of Tails' personality is that of a humble hero who's a tech genius who's also still learning about being a hero from Sonic, and the Archie version took that even further with developing Tails by showing him repressing memories and trying to stay strong for the sake of everyone else, and on top of that, still trying his best to help Sonic and the others despite his younger age compared to the other Freedom Fighters. I'm not going to lie though, Lost World damaged him in my eyes to the point Knuckles managed to overtake him. 

Various other favourites:

-Mina (Archie)

-Scourge (Archie)



-Nicole (Archie) 


7. Favourite Continuity:

Archie without a doubt. To specify, the old universe's version/Ian Flynn's run of the comic. I loved the development that had been going on with the characters and the arcs. Stuff like Eggman Empire where Eggman finally won and burnt Knothole to the ground, and delivering an soul-crushing beatdown on Sonic, or Nicole's exile because of Ixis Naugus manipulating the city against Nicole, or Mina's character arc as a whole, as well as the final arc based around rebuilding themselves after a huge defeat. Legitimately saddens me that it's gone for good. 

Honorable mentions are the OVA continuity, and the Post!Reboot Archie Continuity. 

 8. Favourite Quote

"Are you quite finished?!" - Enerjak

"Actually....Jumping-Jak, Ener-tube, Flap-Jak, Ener-State, Ener-Jak in the box, and come to think of it, Enerjak sounds like some kind of sports drink". - Sonic

9. Favourite Story

1. Unleashed. I love Unleashed's story. I didn't really appreciate it til I was older and was more into storytelling and story devices but I really enjoyed how Unleashed handed it's story. The level of world-building throughout the game, as well as trying to make every character have their own unique identity really helped a lot for caring about the world itself and wanting to save Dark Gaia. Sonic and Chip's friendship has also grown on me since the game first came out, to the point I wish Chip's bracelet became a proper part of Sonic's model for future games. It also showed Eggman with some seriously devious plans. The fact he manipulated Sonic right into his hands and used him to shatter the planet, as well as finally building Eggman land, he seriously got good in this game.

Secondly is Enerjak Reborn from Archie Sonic. A story that had a ton of build up, a lot of emotional moments, as well as funny moments, good payoffs for characters, an interesting idea, and a damn good attempt to draw things closer to game canon, as well as building Knuckles up with more character development? I'm all for it. I'd talk more about it but I really don't want to spoil the story. 

10. Favourite Cartoon.

In order:  

OVA: I love the OVA and it's world. Love the artstyle, love how stylistic it all is, and I love the animation, music, and story of it. It's like if the classic games got a proper story and that's really cool.

Boom: I enjoy the humor of the series a lot, as well as a lot of the references and inside jokes in it. I know it's a show not everyone enjoys, but for what it is, I think it's actually a pretty fun series. 

X: Nostalgia plus the show actually having some good stories at points (Adventure arc especially). It also introduced me to the series along with Heroes so it's always going to have a place as one of my favourites, issues and all.

SatAM: A really flawed show in my opinion, with a lot of things that annoyed me. Tails being useless, Sonic being overly "90s" at points, the animation being really meh, a lot of idiot plots. But there's still a lot of good. The Archie cast are all pretty fun, Robotnik is legitimately threatening in my opinion as well as just being an opposite to Boom!Eggman, where Robotnik is overly evil and hammy and loves every fucking moment of it, and it did have some good ideas at points, 

AoStH: It's just not my kind of show. There's some genuine laughs and I can see why people would enjoy it, but for me personally, I've never really gotten into it apart from a few episodes. 

Underground: I have an entire topic where I trashed this fucking awful steaming piece of shit show. This show is an utter shitstain on Sonic and on animation as a whole and it's frankly one of the absolute worst shows I've ever seen in my life. 

I'll come back and do some more at a later point.

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1. How long have you been a Sonic fan?

Since 1992.

2. What was your first Sonic game?


The original Sonic the Hedgehog.

3. What initially attracted you to the Sonic the Hedgehog series?

My mum worked at a video rental shop and was able to sneak home a Mega Drive and some games at the weekend. Sonic was one of the them and just about everything; the character design, art direction, music and unique gameplay reeled me in for the long haul.

4. How many Sonic games do you currently have? Feel free to count duplicates!

Blimey, errrrr.... I'll ignore duplicates, but count compilations (since they include one or two games I don't own otherwise)... and that comes to around 40 games:

- Mega Drive: Sonic 1, 2, 3, and Knuckles, Spinball, Mean Bean Machine (not sure if this counts)

- Game Gear: Sonic 1, 2, Chaos, Triple Trouble, Labyrinth, Drift Racing 2

- 32X: Knuckles Chaotix (not sure if this counts)

- Saturn: Sonic Jam, R

- PC: Sonic CD

- Dreamcast: Sonic Adventure 1, 2, Shuffle

- Game Boy Advance: Sonic Advance 1, 2, 3, Battle

- Gamecube: Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog (not sure if this counts), Mega Collection, Gems Collection

- DS: Sonic Rush, Rush Adventure

- Xbox 360: Sonic '06, Unleashed, Generations, All Stars Racing, ASR Transformed, Sonic 4: Episode I and II

- Wii: Sonic and the Secret Rings, Colours

- Wii U: Sonic Lost World

I'm likely forgetting something but that'll do for now.

5. Are you more of a Classic or Modern Sonic fan?

Sonic is Sonic as far as I'm concerned, but I have leaned more towards either side now and then. I don't think I have a longstanding bias there. (If we're talking badges, then Classic would be great =])

6. Who is your favorite Sonic character and why?

The hedgehog himself, who also happens to be my favourite video game character of all time. He's the one character that has stuck with me for 25 years, due to his incredibly strong character design and the attention paid to his animation. His use of the environment to propel his body forward and the way he can essentially become a spiky pinball are satisfying to experience inside and outside of gameplay. That seemingly carefree attitude and adaptability in the face of danger is enviable, as is his defiance of authority. He follows his own rules even if they run counter to a force for good. And his rivalry with Eggman is an entertaining one.

7. What is your favorite continuity? (SEGA, Archie, SatAM, OVA etc.)

It's always been SEGA. Even back when there was no faithful adaptation in sight, I could never get fully behind SatAM and some (but not all) of the UK Sonic comic could get a bit weird. The OVA did get close and AoStH was at least hilarious back in the day.

8. What is your favorite Sonic quote? This can come from any character. 


I enjoyed SA2's exchange between Sonic and Shadow in their final confrontation. Shadow asks what Sonic is and the hero essentially tells him that he's just a hedgehog who does what he wants. Aside from that, any of Eggman's announcements during Colours or his one-liners like 'Get a load of this!' are great.

9. What is your favorite story in the Sonic franchise?

Both SA and SA2 were fun to experience while playing. They had glaring issues, yet the introduction to a wider world and the exploration of it in SA firmly planted its nostalgia hooks in me. The same can be said for SA2, but for the interactions between the characters and the way the narrative tied the levels together.

10. What is your favorite Sonic cartoon?


The OVA for its relative similarity to the games. I loved AoStH as a child though and went as far as recording tapes and tapes of it to play again and again.

11. What is your favorite cutscene from a Sonic game?

The opening to CD is so well designed and does a great job of setting up the gameplay and narrative going forward. I also really like the beginning of SA2, as its short and to the point, showcasing Sonic's dismissal of authority quickly before launching straight into gameplay.

An honourable mention has to go to Unleashed's intro for its high production values and display of Sonic's new moveset.

12. What is your favorite Sonic game?

Sonic 3 and Knuckles. No other game, aside from Phantasy Star Online, has seen me clock in so many hours.

13. What is your favorite Sonic track both vocal and non-vocal?

You Can Do Anything and Classic Crisis City (or Big Arm... or Modern Chemical Plant... or original Ice Cap... D:)

14. What is your favorite move from Sonic or any other playable character?

Using your momentum while rolling to launch yourself from a vertical surface onto another.

15. What is your favorite Sonic soundtrack?

Adventure. Even if no song within it is necessarily my favourite, I think it the most successful at being incredibly diverse while still forming a cohesive whole. I particularly enjoy Emerald Coast, Dilapidated Way, Red Hot Mountain, Crazy Robo and Militant Missionary.

 16. What is your favorite image from the series? Please post it here and mention the source.


It changes a lot, but throughout the last 25 years, my mind has often drifted back to various images from CD's animated scenes. I love this shot in particular, as the pose perfectly embodies Sonic's sassy nature and striking design.

17. Which is your favorite voice acting cast?

I like a mix of different voices from the various English speaking groups, but probably lean more towards the Dreamcast crew if you are talking specifically about the sound of the voices rather than the dated production values. I should really listen to the Japanese cast where possible, as I enjoyed them for a bit in Sonic X.

18. What is your main/favorite Sonic head-canon?


The idea that Shadow was created by Gerald after he saw himself in Hidden Palace's mural. It just makes so much sense when Shadow and Sonic look alike and Gerald was confirmed to have performed some research into the history of the Chaos Emeralds.

19. What is your favorite recurring level theme (e.g. green forest, space stations, lava ruins)?

Pinball levels as of now, as it's a trope so uniquely Sonic. Space with gravity gimmicks is a close second (with the haunted and snow tropes not far behind).

20. What is your favorite level from the Sonic games?

I guess I should refrain from saying Studiopolis or Mirage Saloon, since I've not even played them lol. It's understandably difficult in a franchise filled with so many creative locales, so I'm just going to go with my childhood picks: Sonic 3&K's Ice Cap and SA2's Final Rush.

21. What was your most memorable year in the franchise for you? 

2011 with all of the speculation and leaks surrounding Generations. It encompassed an entire 20 years into one incredible hype train.

22. What is your one favorite thing in the entire Sonic the Hedgehog series?

Probably the pinball-inspired rolling mechanic. It took me a while to realise just how important this was to me, but it's such an integral part of why I loved Sonic to begin with.

23. What is your favorite trailer for Sonic games revealed?


The MegaDrive era trailer for Generations. I don't think we'd seen much of Chemical Plant (the most visually arresting of the game in my eyes) at this point and the reveal of Sky Sanctuary was epic.

24. There are many versions of the iconic Sonic the Hedgehog in the quarter century he has existed across various forms of media. Which one is your favorite version of Sonic and why?

The Sonic CD opening features my favourite version of Sonic in terms of design and personality. It's not because he doesn't speak or due to the absence of most of the characters, but in part for how well paced and animated it is. It's kind of how I'd like to see 3D cutscenes in Modern Sonic games to be handled; for actions to speak louder than words (but for words to be present regardless).

I'll also mention SA2 Sonic for the rare character development he received, thanks to his rivalry with Shadow. Framed, outsped and angered, he became more than his rival's equal by the climax, learning Shadow's own Chaos Control with relative ease and defeating him in battle.

25. More than a quarter of a century and the Blue Blur is still running! What keeps you around at this point?

Through thick and thin, the series has more often than not managed to show off some interesting ideas and hope for the future. Right now, SEGA's recent promise of commitment to higher quality games seems to be holding true with delays for Mania and possibly Forces (if it was ever intended to hit the year of the 25th anniversary). The main reason, however, is that this franchise means a lot to me; for showing me that games can be more than simple distractions and inspiring me become an artist and study animation.

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I'll try and do five questions a day so as not to clog up this page with a long post and allow easier reading.

1. How long have you been a Sonic fan?

Probably around 2008 is when I can remember really getting into Sonic. So that's around nine years currently. Damn, I thought I'd been one for longer than that :U

2. What was your first Sonic game?

My first Sonic game was Ultimate Flash Sonic, strange as it may be. I liked the music, graphics, gameplay etc. (though my limited skills and time in the computer room hid the fact that there were only four levels, discounting bosses). If we only count official games, then my first Sonic game was Sonic Unleashed on the PS2. Yes, really. C'mon, I was 11 with few consoles to my name and no sense of quality ;A;

3. What initially attracted you to the Sonic the Hedgehog series?

Probably the character designs. They seemed like they just "popped" more than others, likely due to the bright colours, geometric shapes and all that. There's also the gameplay as I knew it from UFS - the idea of jumping into robots to destroy them, collecting rings to stay alive and never die, running fast through loops and fighting some moustached guy in a cool UFO-thing with all sorts of crazy weapons just stuck out to me for some reason.

4. How many Sonic games do you currently have? Feel free to count duplicates!

Hoo boy, well one of those games is Sonic Mega Collection Plus on the PS2... is that one game or twenty-something? Well, for simplicity, I'll count it as one game, which brings the number up to fifteen, I believe (SADX, SA2B, Heroes, Shadow, Mega Collection+, Rush, Unleashed, Rush Adventure, S4E1, Colours (Wii), Generations, Lost World, Sonic CD (2011), Sonic 1 (3DS), Sonic 2 (3DS)).

5. Are you more of a Classic or Modern Sonic fan?

While I'm a fan of certain aspects of the Modern era (such as Amy's design and characters like Blaze), as far as gameplay and aesthetics go, I'm more of a Classic fan. I freely admit to going to Sonic 1 or 2 on my 3DS if I want to scratch my Sonic itch, and that's because I feel like that the Classic formula generally scores more hits over misses when compared to the Modern games. That's not to say they're bad, just that I don't go back to the likes of Generations often.

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1. How long have you been a Sonic fan?

For 13 years give or take

2. What was your first Sonic game?

Sonic Heroes somehow

3. What initially attracted you to the Sonic the Hedgehog series?

There was this one time I saw Sonic X on TV for the first time, and I liked the main character running fast. Blue was my favourite color at the time, so I was hooked right there. I was 7 or 8, don't judge.

4. How many Sonic games do you currently have? Feel free to count duplicates!

All Steam games + Sonic Heroes (I think) and Sonic Mega Collection +

5. Are you more of a Classic or Modern Sonic fan?

I'm not really segregated to one type of Sonic, I like both Classic and Modern, so I'll say both

6. Who is your favourite Sonic character and why?

Earlier it was Shadow (cuz 12-year-old me liked edge), now it's either Sonic or Blaze, only because I like both of their personalities (except in Sonic Lost World and somewhat in Colors, but w/e).

7. What is your favorite continuity? (SEGA, Archie, SatAM, OVA etc.)

Sega, but Archie might be a close second

8. What is your favourite Sonic quote? This can come from any character.

"What you see is what you get! Just a guy who loves adventure!" - Sonic, SA2

9. What is your favourite story in the Sonic franchise?

Sonic Adventure 1 in general (except Big)

10. What is your favorite Sonic cartoon?

Sonic The Movie (OVA)

11. What is your favorite cutscene from a Sonic game?

The cutscene before the last Sonic vs Shadow battle in Sonic Adventure 2

12. What is your favourite Sonic game?

Generations purely from gameplay perspective, but Adventure as an overall pack

13. What is your favourite Sonic track both vocal and non-vocal?

Vocal: Open Your Heart. It still sounds awesome even after 19(?) years

Non-vocal? It changes quite a lot. I would say Forces' main theme, but I don't think that would count since it will have lyrics, so I'll say Cool Edge - Night

14. What is your favourite move from Sonic or any other playable character?

Either Spin Dash in general or Cheese in Sonic Advance 2

15. What is your favourite Sonic soundtrack?

Ugh, that's a really tough one... I'll say Sonic 06, cuz pretty much all songs are great.

16. What is your favourite image from the series? Please post it here and mention the source. 


I don't know why, I just really love this image. It's somewhat out of place, but I love the art here(and art-style of Adventure 2 in general).

17. Which is your favourite voice acting cast?

It's a tie between this one and pre-4-kids cast

18. What is your main/favourite Sonic head-canon?

Don't really have one.

19. What is your favourite recurring level theme (e.g. green forest, space stations, lava ruins)?

City or an urban area. I don't know why, I feel like the theme fits Sonic quite a lot.

20. What is your favourite level from the Sonic games?

Crisis City in Sonic Generations. Fite me

21. What was your most memorable year in the franchise for you? 

2006. I don't think I really need to say why.

22. What is your one favourite thing in the entire Sonic the Hedgehog series?

Caliburn. For multiple reasons. plsdon'tjudgeme

23. What is your favourite trailer for Sonic games revealed?

Really tough to choose, cuz I cannot remember pretty much most of them, but I will say Sonic Mania, not only because of the hype around, but also because of music that was used.

24. There are many versions of the iconic Sonic the Hedgehog in the quarter century he has existed across various forms of media. Which one is your favourite version of Sonic and why?

Adventure 2 Sonic. He's cocky, but not too cocky. He's cracking jokes when he can, but he's serious when he needs to be. He's cool, he's fast, but he also relies on his friends. 

25. More than a quarter of a century and the Blue Blur is still running! What keeps you around at this point?

It's hard to say, I guess the game announcements keep me around at least for the sake of curiosity (and hype if the game actually looks good, which is true for Mania and still somewhat true for Forces). Also, the franchise was pretty much my childhood, so sure, I'll stay around, wait for another Blue Fu-- I mean Blue Blur's adventure(s).

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I too am doing the "5 A Day" approach, mainly because I want to really think about my answers and not stress myself out. Sike. Here they all are. xDD

1. How long have you been a Sonic fan?

My parents bought a Sonic 1-bundled Genesis for Christmas in '91 and, as far as I can remember being so young, that literally would've been my first permanent memory of Sonic at all, so I've been a fan to some degree for around 23 or 24-ish years.

2. What was your first Sonic game?

Sonic 1, of course. Although I wasn't the first person in the family to beat it. That honor goes to my mom!

3. What initially attracted you to the Sonic the Hedgehog series?

I was too young to be particularly discerning about why I liked the media I liked when I initially became a fan. At that age, I knew I liked platformers, bright colors, and animals, so Sonic became a natural mainstay as much as any other game with those parameters would've. Sonic Adventure came about the time I was old enough to start developing something akin to tastes and opinions. I liked the commitment to characters and plot, which was different at the time for platformers, and how these things related directly back to the gameplay goals and levels, and these initial opinions have informed my fandom since then.

4. How many Sonic games do you currently have? Feel free to count duplicates!

Here's my entire list:

Sonic 1 

Sonic 2 

Sonic CD 

Sonic 3 

Sonic Adventure 

Sonic Shuffle 

Sonic Adventure 2 

Sonic Adventure 2 Battle 

Sonic Mega Collection (Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, S&K, Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Spinball, Mean Bean Machine)

Sonic Heroes 

Sonic Adventure DX

Shadow the Hedgehog

Sonic Gems Collection (Sonic CD, Sonic The Fighters, Sonic R, Sonic 2 8-Bit, Sonic Spinball, Triple Trouble, Sonic Drift 2, Sky Patrol, Tails Adventure)

Sonic Riders 

Sonic 06

Sonic and the Secret Rings

Sonic Rivals 2 

Sonic Chronicles

Sonic Unleashed 

Sonic Colors 

Sonic and the Black Knight

Sonic Generations 

Sonic Lost World 

Sonic Dash

So in total (counting duplicates): 38 Sonic games!

5. Are you more of a Classic or Modern Sonic fan?

I'm more of a modern fan. I've had the biggest emotional investments in the 3D games, both in terms of their stories and how they have been an aspect of my gaming career and the bonding moments between family and friends. My most potent memories of these moments are of playing SA2:B with my friend when we were supposed to be doing a school project together as well as our epic race to finish Heroes first, challenging my brother in Unleashed speedruns on Dragon Road, or of just showing off the modern gameplay at all to friends and family not familiar with it. Just as well, the 3D games have presented such a mass of ideas that range in both mechanical distinction and quality that I think it's more fun to talk and debate about them than with works that are far more consistent and have a cemented consensus at this point.

6. Who is your favorite Sonic character and why?

It's always a tie between Sonic and Shadow. Sonic gets points for main character status- which is totally fair- but in general I like his fun-loving, thrill-seeking attitude and cocky nature. It's also a joy watching him run, rebound, and spin about in cut scenes and things. He's just a really likable hero that's entertaining to watch and play with. I like Shadow for his games' long character arc, not so much his weird past but how he deals with present-day events and actually evolves over time. I also like his personality; it's nice in a franchise of fun bouncy heroes to have that one no-nonsense guy that makes quick and efficient decisions. 

7. What is your favorite continuity? (SEGA, Archie, SatAM, OVA etc.)

The Sega continuity. It's not for any well-thought reasons or meant as a slight to other canons; I just prefer following the games! However, OVA also gets a shout out for its unique location, the implied history behind it, and the fact that it actually makes Metal Sonic into a real threat on the basis of his intended character and abilities. It would've been amazing to get an anime series of this.

8. What is your favorite Sonic quote? This can come from any character.

"Activate the Magnetic Sneaker Gripper Hedgehog Trapper Rug! GET him! Get that hedge-HOG!"

That's from Robotnik in AoStH, specifically the episode Tails' New Home. I love it because of the ridiculous name of Robotnik's invention and Baldry's pissed-off delivery. Me and my brother will just randomly quote this one from time to time. xD

9. What is your favorite story in the Sonic franchise?

Sonic Adventure's story. I enjoy the fact that each character's narrative is interlocking with each other's in sensible and interesting ways, and it gives the player that much more incentive to play through each campaign and find out the goings-on of characters before and after random encounters. The mystery of Knuckles' tribe being explored also gave the story a nice secondary plot that provided intrigue and the basis for climax's change in tension from stopping Eggman to stopping Perfect Chaos. Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Gamma were also provided some really nice and surprisingly endearing character arcs. Finally, it was Sonic's first foray into more prominent storytelling, and I think considering the limited lore, resources, and standards at the time it turned out to be genuinely enjoyable.

10. What is your favorite Sonic cartoon?

The Night of the Werehog short. Best animation we've gotten in a bonafide cartoon and it tells a fun little story. It's brief, it's simple, it's amusing, and it makes a nice Halloween tradition.

11. What is your favorite cutscene from a Sonic game?

Two cut scenes come to mind as my favorite. The first is the cut scene right before Sonic and Shadow's final battle in SA2. Sonic proves himself as a worthy adversary to Shadow and gains a begrudging respect from him. At the same time, they're still intent on finishing prior business, and they increase their running speed as the tension grows. It's quite well done! 

The second is when Chip recalls his memory to Sonic in Unleashed. Chip's attitude shifts from his usual playful and naive demeanor to one that is far more confident after self-actualization. He understands what his job is, thanks Sonic (and effectively the player) for spending time with him, and goes off to fight Dark Gaia alone. However, Sonic stops him and insists that he's going to help simply because they're friends. It's one of the most sincerely heartwarming cut scenes in the games thus far.

12. What is your favorite Sonic game?

Sonic Unleashed. It's not the most well-paced or designed game in the series, but it shines the most in being a hefty adventure with lots of content and replay value, a narrative that's elevated through its pleasant thematic explorations of light and dark, friendship, food and culture, one of the most appealing aesthetics in the series due in part to its lighting engine, a sense of comedy that isn't sarcastic and self-deprecating, and an overall sense of confidence and optimism that pervades throughout that makes it endearing still.

13. What is your favorite Sonic track both vocal and non-vocal?

My favorite vocal track is Open Your Heart. It's Crush 40's first song for the franchise and I maintain it's their best. It's got that really fast-paced, somewhat aggressive guitar riff that I love, and lyrics that are optimistic against the odds without dipping too far down into the cheese in similar fashion to something like Sonic Heroes. If they never made another song for the series, it would've been fine.

My favorite non-vocal track is the Mid Boss Theme from Sonic 3 because of its Michael Jackson-inspired sound and just how catchy and easily listenable it is as a result. I will forever maintain that it's actually the best song in the franchise.

14. What is your favorite move from Sonic or any other playable character?

This is a really good question. The Spin Dash, Homing Attack, and Boost are all top-tier choices. The Spin Dash for allowing quick top-speed rolling on the fly, the Homing Attack for solving the problem of accurately targeting enemies in a 3D space, and the Boost for giving unprecedented access to Sonic's top speed at the tap of a button. It would be really hard to pick one, although I would probably give the edge to the Homing Attack for how integral it's become to 3D Sonic's movement.

15. What is your favorite Sonic soundtrack?

Sonic Unleashed's. I enjoy how the upbeat rock of the day levels and the smooth funk and jazz of the night levels are augmented by the different countries each stage takes place in: there's lots of tribal and folk music, accordions and Chinese pianos, swing and big band inspiration, some ethereal synthesizers- it's a little bit of everything and all of it is gorgeous.

16. What is your favorite image from the series? Please post it here and mention the source.

I've always been partial to both this Sonic Riders' Japanese box art, and this key art/wallpaper of the Sonic Adventure 2/Battle cast, from GameFAQs and the Sonic Wikia respectively:



17. Which is your favorite voice acting cast?

The Japanese voice acting cast. They've got the advantage of consistency, and they all do their jobs well while being befitting of their roles. Outside of Silver who sounds a bit too old for my liking, there isn't a single cast member I remotely dislike. Extra credit to the Werehog's Japanese voice actor as his excellent performances in other media are half the reason I even continue giving anime the time of day. He also makes nice avatars.

18. What is your main/favorite Sonic head-canon?

I'm partial to my and others' various Shadow headcanons, namely: he enjoys writing from time to time as a way to express his constant thoughts, he probably has a biological family out there somewhere as it wouldn't make sense to create a hedgehog from nothing when hedgehogs already existed, and the idea that GUN blamed Sonic for the bank robberies as a diversion to keep Shadow's existence under wraps.

19. What is your favorite recurring level theme (e.g. green forest, space stations, lava ruins)?

Ruins! You can pair the theme with just about any other settings and elements like water, castles, jungles, lava, and even entire cities, meaning they have an extremely wide range of aesthetic potential. I also like that they tend to be really gimmicky levels and have a lot of obstacles and puzzles to deal with.

20. What is your favorite level from the Sonic games?

Speed Highway. It's the Chemical Plant of Sonic Adventure, a fast paced thrill ride from start to end. Running from the police on rooftops provides a kitschy, 80s' action fim sort of feel, and the set piece where Sonic falls through a pane of glass but recovers and starts running down the skyscraper is a genuine shock the first time it happens, and probably my most favorite set piece to date as a result. 

21. What was your most memorable year in the franchise for you?

2008, the year Unleashed was leaked and released. The marketing machine was insane: key art teases, trailers for nearly every country, personal interviews, fun development blogs and Sega websites, extensive gameplay impressions and a few cut scenes, and the Night of the Werehog short were all crammed into a year of madness. The hype honestly hasn't been matched since.

22. What is your one favorite thing in the entire Sonic the Hedgehog series?

Object wise? Probably rings. They're gold and shiny, infinitely collectable, have various health, energy, and economical uses, and make that satisfying twinkle sound whenever you pick one up. They're extremely iconic!

23. What is your favorite trailer for Sonic games revealed?

The E3 trailer for Sonic Unleashed. It was our first full-blown look at how the game played and was structued, and the way the visuals were cut against Endless Possibility- the first time we heard the theme- was snappy and upbeat. It's just a really good Sonic trailer!

24. There are many versions of the iconic Sonic the Hedgehog in the quarter century he has existed across various forms of media. Which one is your favorite version of Sonic and why?

Probably his SA1/SA2 incarnations. I like Sonic the most when he's a smack-talking show-off who gives a toothy grin to the camera, but without any hint of malice or tongue-and-cheek overtones to the character. Earnestly Cool Sonic is the best Sonic.

25. More than a quarter of a century and the Blue Blur is still running! What keeps you around at this point?

A mix of habit and curiosity for Sonic Team's insanity, or probably just a sunk-cost feeling. I've literally been invested in the franchise since its debut that I'm not pressed to cut it out of my life, even if I'm not the happiest with it at the moment. It's just a constant that's there for me and gives me some comfort. Also doesn't help that I mod this place and am thus obligated to immerse myself in a Sonic-y environment on a near-daily basis. xP

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Count me in for the "5 per Day" bandwagon. Anyway, let's do it to it!

1. How long have you been a Sonic fan?

I've known about Sonic since the late '90s, but I really started to gain an appreciation for him in 2007, when I discovered he'd be meeting Mario at the Olympics. I've been a fan of the chubby red plumber for nearly my whole life, so I started doing research on his opponent to get hyped for this sporting event crossover! (The game ended up being a massive letdown, but I did become a True Blue Sonic fan along the way, so I'd say it was worth it)

2. What was your first Sonic game?

Oddly enough, Sonic Heroes. I went to my local Blockbuster in 2004 looking for a new game to try for my GameCube. Saw Heroes and thought, "This looks really colorful. I think I'll take it for a spin!" And I ended up getting hooked on the high speed, floaty flight, and "S--T ROCK" power mechanics! And the incredible soundtrack and graphics were the icing on the cake! I now know that Heroes is a very flawed game, what with its slippery controls and overly-long levels, but it still holds a special place in my heart as my favorite Dreamcast Era entry in the franchise!

3. What initially attracted you to the Sonic the Hedgehog series?

As said above, Heroes pulled me in with its pleasing visuals and music, but what made me a fan of the series as a whole is just the unique sense of speed it has. Even mediocre games like Secret Rings still make my heart jump a bit when I jump to Mach 5, and great titles like Unleashed and Generations really get my blood pumping as I'm racing to get to the end as fast as possible while trying not to make any errors in the hopes of getting that coveted S Rank! I was also really pulled in by Sonic's snarky, carefree attitude- Most video game heroes are either blank slates or overly dramatic, but Sonic just keeps cracking jokes and having fun no matter how dire the situation gets. He just wants to enjoy himself as he blasts through any obstacle that stands before him, and that kind of attitude rubbed off on me.

4. How many Sonic games do you currently have? Feel free to count duplicates!

Oh, geez. Well, just to name a few...

Sonic 1-CD Christian Whitehead (iOS), Mega Collection (GC), Heroes (GC), Adventure DX (GC and 360), Adventure 2 (GC and PC), Classic Collection (DS), Chronicles, Unleashed (360 and GC), Generations (360, 3DS, and PC), All-Stars Transformed (360), Lost World (Wii U and 3DS), Rise of Lyric, Shattered Crystal, Mario and Sonic Beijing (Wii), Vancouver (DS), and London (3DS), Dash 1 & 2 (iOS), Jump and Jump Fever (iOS), Ow the Edge (GC), And Advance 1 & 3 (GBA).

5. Are you more of a Classic or Modern Sonic fan?

In terms of gameplay, I don't really prefer one over the other. Sometimes I go for the traditional hop-and-bop platforming, others I'm in the mood for 3D action and cheesy dialogue. Both have a plethora of memorable moments, great (and underutilized) characters, and plenty of gems to play. 

As for character designs, I'm definitely siding with Modern, as I feel he has the superior shoe design, his green eyes make him look cool and mellow, and I definitely prefer him speaking.

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1. How long have you been a Sonic fan?

Since the very early 2000s. I fell in love with the character and his design the moment I first laid eyes on him.

2. What was your first Sonic game?

Sonic Advance. To this day I still love that game to pieces. It will always hold a very special place in my heart.

3. What initially attracted you to the Sonic the Hedgehog series?

The character designs. They all look so unique and cool. Sonic's just so stylish! I also loved how you had lots of playable characters during the time I got into the series. Sonic Advance, SA1 and 2, and later Heroes had so many characters and I loved to play as each and every one of them.

4. How many Sonic games do you currently have? Feel free to count duplicates!

Most of them. Sonic 1, Sonic CD Mega Collection +, Sonic Advance 1, 2 & 3, Sonic Battle, SA1, SADX, SA2B, Heroes, Secret Rings, Black Knight, 06, Unleashed, Generations, Rush, Rush Adventure, Shadow the Hedgehog, Riders, maybe some more. I've owned lots more but over the years I've had to get rid of a few. 

5. Are you more of a Classic or Modern Sonic fan?

Modern for sure. I love classic Sonic games but I've just always been more attracted to 3D games. I have lots more fun moving around in a 3D space than I do just going left to right.

6. Who is your favorite Sonic character and why?

This is actually pretty hard for me. I've always been very indecisive and believe it or not literally every single character that has every been playable has been my favorite at some point in time over all these years. They're all just so great to me.

If I had to break it down, I'd say the Chaotix are tied as my number 1 favs. Sonic and Knuckles are probably tied for 2nd. Then Amy and Blaze are probably both tied for 3rd place.

I've known about Team Chaotix and Mighty through the archie comics even though I never actually followed them or read them. I was mostly in it for the pictures. Even then I've always thought they were really cool. It wasn't until Sonic Heroes came around until I really fell in love with Espio, Vector and Charmy though. I love how they communicate with each other, I love that they're just trying to make a living, I love how they're probably the most realistic and down to earth characters with quotes like "How else are we gonna make the rent?" and "Darn I forgot to pay the electric bill".

I love chameleons and Espio has always really intrigued me. He comes off as one of the most powerful characters but he doesn't often get a chance to shine so I hope someday that changes. I love how he changes colors in Knuckles Chaotix plus his design is so pleasing to look at. Modern Vector to me has like the best design right up there with Sonic himself. Plus I love his mannerisms and Marc Biagi did a really amazing job portraying Vector in Sonic Heroes. He really brought him to life and if it wasn't for his performance of the character I probably wouldn't love him anywhere near as much as I do now. I really wish he could have stayed once the voice actors changed because every other english portrayal of his voice has been so bad. Ah well at least there's still Kenta Miyake <3 Charmy looks really cool and I love his playful and annoying nature. He gets lots of hate that I feel is undeserved. He's meant to be this obnoxious hyper little kid and they do a perfect job portraying him as such. 

I love Mighty a ton too I really wish he'd show up in the games once again just to see how he's been doing. 

7. What is your favorite continuity? (SEGA, Archie, SatAM, OVA etc.)

While not perfect, I have a soft spot for the main SEGA continuity. I felt it was a lot better from Sonic 1 - 06. Sonic 1 - 3 is easy to see how they're all connected. Sonic Adventure goes back and references Angel Island, has you revisit a different area of Ice Cap, plus mentioning the events of Sonic CD in Amy's story. SA2 does a pretty okay job following suit mentioning how Tails saved Station Square but even that one detail goes a long way. Heroes brings Shadow back and then in his game Shadow gets his situation sorted and moves on. in 06 Shadow never once mentions Maria, is a complete hero, and has joined GUN for the sake of good. Say what you will about Shadow's arc, but I really love the connection all the games had to each other during that era. Since then stories have just kind of been one off's and I really wish they'd call back to past events more. Not empty references like Sonic mentioning saving genies in magic books but little things like how Black Knight subtly referenced the Biolizard during that one dragon boss fight.

8. What is your favorite Sonic quote? This can come from any character.

"Let's blast 'em boys" - Vector the Crocodile :^)

9. What is your favorite story in the Sonic franchise?

I love Sonic Unleashed's story and tone and I honestly think it did it best. Though it's been many years since I've played through the game's story so I can't quite remember why, I just remember loving it. I feel the same about Secret Rings and Black Knight's story and tone. That said my number one favorite is still Sonic Adventure. I love the way all the stories and interconnected and everyone plays their part. Other games do that too but I just love the way SA1 does it. I love Chaos, I love Tikal, I love station square and the mystic ruins, and honestly the acting and cutscenes always puts a smile on my face.

10. What is your favorite Sonic cartoon?

The OVA has always had such a special place in my heart. It may not tell the best story out there but it's just tons of fun. I really wish it would've been picked up and made into an entire series.

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I think for the sake of length, and so I have time to properly figure out all my answers, I'll be splitting this up into chunks of five as well. Gonna be fun!

1. How long have you been a Sonic fan?

I've been in here since at least 1993.

2. What was your first Sonic game?

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the Genesis. My introduction was when I went to a cousin's place and he showed off his Genesis and Sonic 2 to my sister and me. We eventually got a Genesis ourselves that Christmas.

3. What initially attracted you to the Sonic the Hedgehog series?

The art style and character designs. Music was also a huge draw. I loved pretty much the entire soundtrack of Sonic 2, especially songs like Chemical Plant, Aquatic Ruin, Hilltop, and the Boss themes.

4. How many Sonic games do you currently have? Feel free to count duplicates!

I'm not sure of an exact number, but, hey I'll list them anyway, along with what system I own them. Duplicates/other versions will be noted. I'm not counting collections as duplicates, but I will list them too.

Standalones owned physically or downloaded through other services (and, yes, I'm aware the MS/GG 8-bit titles are different from the 16-bit counterparts, but to keep things neat, and because they share the same titles, I count them as different versions):

Sonic 1 (GEN, MS-Virtual Console), Sonic 2 (GEN, GG, MS-Virtual Console), Sonic 3 (GEN), Sonic & Knuckles (GEN), Sonic CD (PC), Knuckles' Chaotix (32X), Sonic 3D Blast (GEN), Sonic R (PC), Sonic Chaos (GG, MS-Virtual Console), Sonic Triple Trouble (GG), Tails Adventure (GG), Sonic Drift 2 (GG), Sonic Labyrinth (GG), Sonic Adventure/DX Director's Cut (DC/GCN (DX)), Sonic Adventure 2/Battle (DC/GCN (Battle)), Sonic Advance (GBA), Sonic Advance 2 (GBA), Sonic Heroes (GCN), Shadow the Hedgehog (GCN), Sonic Rush (DS), Sonic and the Secret Rings (Wii), Sonic Rush Adventure (DS), Sonic Unleashed (Wii), Sonic and the Black Knight (Wii), Sonic 4: Episode I (Wii), Sonic Colors (Wii), Sonic Generations (Steam), Sonic Lost World (Wii U).


Sonic & Knuckles Collection + Sonic Screensaver (PC), Sonic Mega Collection (GCN), Sonic Gems Collections (PS2-Japanese edition, GCN-US edition)

So *counting* ... 38 altogether? I swear this list feels like it's still missing something, but I'm not entirely sure what.

It's also interesting looking at this list and realizing that, thanks to the collections, as well as the DX version of Sonic Adventure, I actually own quite a few games on the standalones list a few times over! Notable ones include Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles (three times), most of the Game Gear games (in particular Sonic 1, 2, Chaos--as I bought the Master System versions on my Wii's Virtual Console--and Triple Trouble, at least three to four times! It also made me realize I own Sonic Labyrinth twice over...), and even Sonic CD (three times) and Sonic R (three times)! Crazy when you think about it.

5. Are you more of a Classic or Modern Sonic fan?

I like to think of myself as an all-around fan since I've been into the series for so long, but I would say I lean toward the modern era because I have a strong attachment to many of the characters and certain games' stories. I'm definitely part of the "Adventure era" club, even with its ups and downs.


I'll be back tomorrow with another five!

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49 minutes ago, Nepenthe said:

Sonic Sez: When copying and pasting, you gotta remember that not everyone uses the same forum theme you do. Formatted text on a dark theme makes your posts completely unreadable, and that's NO GOOD. If you wanna copy and paste, hit the little "Remove Format" button right afterwards (the very first button in the WYSIWYG window), so that the text is white instead of dark grey when you post it.

Or if you wanna skip an additional step, simply click paste with plain text, and it'll remove the formatting too.

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1. How long have you been a Sonic fan?

I don't have sure, but I think it was in 2007, well 10 years.

2. What was your first Sonic game?


I think that was Sonic 2 (16-bits), by playing it on SEGA Genesis Collection for PS2.

3. What initially attracted you to the Sonic the Hedgehog series?

Well, it was my brother who showed Sonic for me, I remember that I played the 2P mini games or Sonic 2 and playing as Tails with Sonic and Tails formation (It's funny, but I really liked that). Then I remember that my brother showed more of the Sonic games universe, and I enjoyed.

4. How many Sonic games do you currently have? Feel free to count duplicates!

Many, I don't know specify how much. But this is very relative. If counting emulator and piracy media, a lot. If not, may I just have my old Sonic CD for Windows 95 and some free games at Android/Microsoft Store. But I have a lot of non-gaming related media.

5. Are you more of a Classic or Modern Sonic fan?

I think that I'm more a classic fan. The nostalgia and a but more make the games great, but I love games as Sonic Unleashed (PS2) and Sonic Generations.

6. Who is your favorite Sonic character and why?

Certainly Tails, it was my first character I played and well, he does everything easier.

7. What is your favorite continuity? (SEGA, Archie, SatAM, OVA etc.)

Well, I have and Sonic Underground DVD and I really like that, unfortunately, it isn't easy to find Sonic Underground dubbed or subtitled in Portuguese.

8. What is your favorite Sonic quote? This can come from any character.

It's hard to choice one, generally I skip or don't read the cutscenes, but well, let's be classic. "Watch out! You're gonna crash Ahhh!"

9. What is your favorite story in the Sonic franchise?

It's hard to choose just one, but I think that is Sonic Adventure story. It's my favorite, do you know when you can't stop to play a game just because you want to know what will happen?

10. What is your favorite Sonic cartoon?

Well, I have a lot of Sonic X content but I love Sonic OVA.

11. What is your favorite cutscene from a Sonic game?

Well, as I said in question 8, normally I just skip the cutscenes, but I think it's the Sonic Unleashed intro:

12. What is your favorite Sonic game?

Sonic Generations or Sonic 3 & Knuckles, it's impossible to choice one.

13. What is your favorite Sonic track both vocal and non-vocal?

Vocal: Waking Up - Julien-K - Shadow the Hedgehog

Non-Vocal: Chemical Plant Zone

14. What is your favorite move from Sonic or any other playable character?

Tails flying, because leaves you to everywhere (Or not).

15. What is your favorite Sonic soundtrack?

Certainly Sonic Generations.

16. What is your favorite image from the series? Please post it here and mention the source. 

Sonic05.jpg (Source)

I really love SEGA if they still made this images. Showing how is Sonic life aside from the games, It's funny to think that.

17. Which is your favorite voice acting cast?

I think it's the 2010-present. Especially Kate Higgins, I think that she was the only woman that made Tails really looks like an little boy. A bit sad for she exit from Sonic dubbing.

18. What is your main/favorite Sonic head-canon?

It isn't the type of content I follow.

19. What is your favorite recurring level theme (e.g. green forest, space stations, lava ruins)?

If multiple would be an answer... But well, I think that industrial themes is my favorites. And I'm really sad to every game see an Green Hill based level.

20. What is your favorite level from the Sonic games?

Sky Sanctuary, don't know why, I just love it.

21. What was your most memorable year in the franchise for you?

Don't know exactly, in fact I just start to really follow sonic since 2014, and we don't have too much interesting things since this period.so I think that 2017 will be the most memorable year.

22. What is your one favorite thing in the entire Sonic the Hedgehog series?

Many things, but I think the speed and the facility I have to start playing. But same now, many things still impress me, the Casino levels, some different item box, and many other things.

23. What is your favorite trailer for Sonic games revealed?



24. There are many versions of the iconic Sonic the Hedgehog in the quarter century he has existed across various forms of media. Which one is your favorite version of Sonic and why?

Classic Sonic, don't know why, he is funny sometimes and I like him.

25. More than a quarter of a century and the Blue Blur is still running! What keeps you around at this point?

Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces can be an answer? I'm talking serious, if it wasn't announced that games I'm certainly wouldn't be here now.

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1. How long have you been a Sonic fan?
20 years

2. What was your first Sonic game?
First one I played was Sonic & Knuckles, first one I owned was Sonic 1

3. What initially attracted you to the Sonic the Hedgehog series?
That blue thing is running on vines and jumping on mushrooms. Neat!

4. How many Sonic games do you currently have? Feel free to count duplicates!
I don't own physical games these days, but it's fair to say that I own almost all of them digitally.

5. Are you more of a Classic or Modern Sonic fan?
More Classic than Modern

6. Who is your favorite Sonic character and why?
Big, because Big doesn't care about what anyone thinks.

7. What is your favorite continuity? (SEGA, Archie, SatAM, OVA etc.)
OVA and the main SegaSonic continuity before Shadow's game dropped.

8. What is your favorite Sonic quote? This can come from any character.
"I'm outta here" - Sonic CD, before leaving the game because you suck so bad

9. What is your favorite story in the Sonic franchise?
The Death Egg saga in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. It felt like the game was about somethin.

10. What is your favorite Sonic cartoon?
AoStH because it also doesn't care about what anyone thinks.

11. What is your favorite cutscene from a Sonic game?
The opening to Sonic CD. Just a cute little animal tearing through the environment and cutting through giant boulders.

12. What is your favorite Sonic game?
Sonic 3 & Knuckles

13. What is your favorite Sonic track both vocal and non-vocal?
I really like You Can Do Anything as a melody and as a general overture for the series itself; as far as vocal themes go, I have an embarrassing soft spot for "We Can"

14. What is your favorite move from Sonic or any other playable character?
The insta-shield. Thing's underrated. It's totally OP and can make the Big Arm boss beg for mercy.

15. What is your favorite Sonic soundtrack?
Sonic 2 has some of the best beats, I'll go with that one.

16. What is your favorite image from the series? Please post it here and mention the source. 

From Sonic Unleashed's opening. One hundred giant robots vs one hedgehog.

17. Which is your favorite voice acting cast?
The current one (Roger Craig Smith, Mike Pollock, Colleen Villard, etc)

18. What is your main/favorite Sonic head-canon?
The Special Stage is the primal dimension where all universes (continuities) stem from; the tubes/half-pipes send energy to other worlds and keep reality alive like blood vessels, with the rings flowing through them like blood cells.

19. What is your favorite recurring level theme (e.g. green forest, space stations, lava ruins)?
Casino levels are rarely ever done right; but when they are, they're really fun.

20. What is your favorite level from the Sonic games?
Lava Reef Zone - Hidden Palace Zone. You're uncovering a hidden fortress inside of a volcano while a giant space station is lifting off the ground. That's pretty awesome.

21. What was your most memorable year in the franchise for you? 
2010-2011 was really interesting. We had the Sonic 4 debacle, Sonic All Stars Racing being the first major Sonic kart racer since Drift, and Sonic Colors broke ground by being a mainline Sonic Team platform that didn't suck, and then there was the lead-up to Sonic Generations. Lots of activity 'round here.

22. What is your one favorite thing in the entire Sonic the Hedgehog series?
Despite all odds, it's still alive and trying to figure things out. It coulda died like Bubsy or Gex, but it didn't.

23. What is your favorite trailer for Sonic games revealed?
Sonic Mania.

After a drought with nothing but mobile games to keep us busy, constant teasing from @RubyEclipse and the hard work of Tax/Stealth lead to this; the build-up to the first shot of Sonic speeding through Studiopolis kept me on the edge of my seat. Classic Sonic was actually, truly back.

24. There are many versions of the iconic Sonic the Hedgehog in the quarter century he has existed across various forms of media. Which one is your favorite version of Sonic and why?
Sonic as he was on the Genesis. He displayed his characteristics through his actions and expressions, not with words. Talking is alright n' all, but showing why he's cool leagues better than talking about why he's cool.

25. More than a quarter of a century and the Blue Blur is still running! What keeps you around at this point?
The community.

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4 hours ago, Spin Attaxx said:

I'll try and do five questions a day so as not to clog up this page with a long post and allow easier reading.

Yeah, I kind of regret doing it in one go for that reason. XP My plan was to go back and add to it now and then (as I've already found myself doing).

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Whoa, Failin talking about Sonic?

Now that's a shocker. But hey, I owe it the guy as a defining factor of my childhood. Happy 25th, Sonic! This is for you!

1.) How long have you been a Sonic fan

I'd like to say... around 2003 or 2004. Was introduced to the Blue Blur thanks to Sonic X which I watched RELIGIOUSLY.

2.) What was your first Sonic game?

Sonic Heroes on the original Xbox. After Sonic X kicked off my love for the guy, I asked my parents for a Sonic game, any Sonic game. They gave me Heroes and I had such a blast and it sealed my love for the series forever.

3.) What initially attracted you to the series?

As I said before, I saw Sonic X. Every Saturday or so, my parents would always show me 4Kids. Many shows I got bored of, but there were three I always kept watching. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Kirby Right Back At 'Cha and Sonic X.

Ninja Turtles was cool. Kirby was cute. Ninja Turtles was badass and awesome! Kirby was innocent and fun! I liked the two, but seeing Sonic, the bright, colorful yet badass blue hedgehog was the perfect mixing of the two that I needed.

4.) How many Sonic games do you have?

Counting digital downloads and mobile games... about 53 so far. (Counting games where his name is in the title.)

5.) Are you more of a Classic or Modern fan?

Modern. It's how I was introduced to it, so of course I might have a bias but frankly my second Sonic game was Mega Collection so I was exposed to the classics almost instantly after Heroes. So I have almost an equal connection to both. What wins me over to the side of Modern is the variety of gameplay. Some were hits, some were misses, but I really do love Sonic for the many different directions he takes which allows me to experience him in a whole new light all the time. However, it only wins by a very slight margin. Very slight.

6.) Who is your favorite Sonic character and why?

Dude's name is on the title. Sonic himself. His design is simple, yet appealing. I enjoy that carefree attitude of his and overall is just a fun loving, caring guy in the end of the day. As the face of the series that got me into so many things, I owe it to the star if the show to put him up top since he is the driving force behind it all.

7.) Favorite continuity?

SEGA. Frankly, I couldn't get the others as I mostly stick to the games as it's the universe I spend the most time in.

8.) Favorite Sonic quote?

Oooohhh... that's a toughie all right. But if I am to choose one, it's gotta be "Do I need a reason to help out a friend?" from Sonic Unleashed.

Seeing that line was probably the one and only quote I honestly kinda teared up in. Seeing that caring side of Sonic, especially in his more aggressive Werehog form goes to show there's so much more to him than the cocky "gotta go fast, you're too slow, dude with the 'tude" personality. It's that side that really seals Sonic as a favorite character all these years later.

9.) What is your favorite story?

Unleashed, hands down. Perfect tone, vibrant characters, how Sonic acts, it's all so good to me.

10.) Favorite Sonic cartoon?

"Failin, you're gonna pick X, right?"

No. Boom, actually. I could never really get into the other shows, and watching X now, it's got way too many problems for me to enjoy with nostalgia goggles off.

There's no deep reasoning behind my choice. I just find it a funny and pleasant watch.

11.) Favorite cutscene.

See 8. That whole scene with Chip and Sonic as a whole I just loved.

12.) What is your favorite Sonic game?

I honestly can't choose. I always have a hard time choosing favorite games for some reason. Some games, like 06 I would even consider up there. Not because it was good, but because it holds so many fun memories of me as a child that I can't help but love it.

I do see myself revisiting CD a lot, though. So let's say Sonic CD for now.

13.) Favorite Sonic track vocal and non-vocal?

Vocal? Vocal, vocal, vocal. It's another one of those "don't make me choose" moments. But if I gotta choose one...

Never Turn Back. I just find the song and the meaning very powerful and I find myself singing it now and again. Best track from Shadow, hands down.

Non-vocal? It's cheating, but...

His World: Instrumental. That melody. The beginning melody. It never left my head. Even when I went on my Sonic hiatus and claimed I wanted nothing to do with Sonic, I always say "I still like His World's melody", though. This song is practically the one thread I was sub-consiously hanging onto that eventually allowed me to come back to the franchise.

So yeah, thanks His World melody. Now can you please get out of my head?

14.) Favorite move?

No contest. The homing attack. Landing one is so satisfying and I remember as a kid performing this move over and over again. Not at anyone, but simply because doing it is so addicting to little ol' me. It's still addicting.

I wanna homing attack, myself right now... but I do not wish to break my house.

15.) Favorite Sonic soundtrack?

Gotta be Unleashed. The variety of beautiful compositions is just so good. Got some great voal themes, wonderful orchestral pieces and some great stage music that manages to convey a feeling of ambience yet still remain catchy as hell.

16.) Favorite image?


This. The flagship image of Sonic Heroes. Like I said, I discovered Sonic through X, but Sonic Heroes sealed the deal not only to make me a Sonic fan... but a gamer in general.

That one image. That one title screen changed my life forever.

17.) Favorite cast?

Gotta be the current one or 4Kids. I can't pick between the two. Both have their great performers and bad performers. But it's these voices I remember most. When I think of Sonic, I hear Jason Griffith or Roger Craig Smith. Either one of the two. Plus, both casts have the excellent Mike Pollack.

18.) What is your favorite Sonic headcanon?

I never really am one to think of headcanons, really. So none really pops into my mind. Sorry.


19.) Favorite Level Theme?

Casinos. I like the imagination behind having a whole stage based on slot machines, and it's just so darn colorful. I always look forward to a casino level in a Sonic game. Second place is beach levels thanks to...

20.) Favorite level?


...Seaside Hill! Sonic Heroes. First Sonic game, turning point of my life... only makes sense the stage I have the most fondness for is this one. This is the stage that forst gave me the chance to control my favorite character Sonic, to have him go fast on my own, but not only that... I could control Tails! And Knuckles too! All set to a wonderful and catchy theme with bright and colorful scenery.

Oh, Seaside Hill. I know many are tired of you, but I never will.

21.) Most memorable year?


Yeah, we all know about 06. Say what you will about it, you're not wrong. But as a small child, 2006 was probably the most exciting year of my life. It was my first time experiencing hype of this level. I watched trailer after trailer again and again, looking all over the internet for as much info on this "stunning next-gen Sonic game" as I could possibly find. I played that one Breakout clone on 06's official website for hours on end and going to the Japanese 06 website to listen to His World on loop.

It all lead up to Christmas Eve 2006, where my grandma surprised me with a Sonic hat, an Xbox 360 and a copy of Sonic 06. And to tell the truth, you may call me oblivious, you may call me foolish... but I had so much fun playing that game.

The hype I experienced in 2006 was a feeling only matched by my hype in 2012 with Skylanders Giants. It's a feeling I will never, ever forget.

22.) What is your one favorite thing in the franchise?

The memories. Those priceless moments this franchise has given me that shaped me forever. From the joy of getting up early in the morning to watch Sonic X, to the endless fun of Sonic Heroes, to the excitement that was the buildup to Sonic 06's release... it's these small little moments that really matter and why I will never, ever leave Sonic again.

23.) Favorite trailer?

Last talk about Sonic 06, I promise.

I went on and on about my hype for 06 and how fun that was, so I'll keep it brief. As a child, this blew my mind. As a now 18 year old young man, this gives me memories. Memories of a time where everything felt so simple, so fun. I wasn't picked on day after day, nor I had to worry about the responsibilities of life.

For me, one thing mattered back then: A new Sonic game was coming out, and it looks awesome!

Even with the reputation this game has, this trailer still outs a smile on my face over 10 years later.

24.) Favorite version of Sonic?

4Kids era Sonic, or more specifically, Sonic nearing the end of his run as Jason Griffith. Just how he was portrayed in Unleashed and Black Knight alone sealed the deal for me. This is how I always depicted Sonic as a child to be and no Sonic since has ever been able to emulate that.

25.) What keeps you around?

One thing is as stated before, the memories. Sonic meant so much to me, and I regret the childish hiatus I had where I left the series because I was afraid of werewolves. When I returned, I made the vow to not do the same thing ever again.

Lastly, what keeps me around is hope.

Yeah, yeah, you know what's coming.


"Don't lose hope now!"

No matter the shit Sonic goes through, I always have hope he'll get back up. I believed Sonic was never doomed. And I still don't. Through all the missteps and mistakes, I still smile and say "don't worry, buddy. Maybe next time."

Because I make mistakes too. I sympathize with the franchise, as funny as that sounds. But if there's one thing Sonic as a franchise is telling me: Is to not give up until it is all over.

And if it is over... well, grab some rings, start up a continue and keep on running.

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