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Sonic 2K6

Tamaki Kawazoe <3

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Well, the update has come and I was searching around and I found Sonic 2K6. It is $19.99 plus tax. It is 5.17 GB big file. I already have the game so I am not downloading it but people rate it as low as 2 stars with 801 ratings on it so far.

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I'm tempted to be the brave soldier who downloads it to see if anything's been fixed. But my Xbox isn't set up for internets at the moment and I don't know if I have the money to waste...

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How did it even fit on the disc originally, then? The 360 only uses normal DVDs, right?

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Yes, it did fit. Maybe they compressed it when they put it in the disc and made the loading times worse? I don't know if they fixed anything in this or if it will even have better loading times. I wish someone would get it and tell.

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Well, either that or the downloadable version features all the DLC as well, or something.

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I can't find any videos of this game On Demand at all. Someone here will have to download it and record game play.

Also, I doubt it will feature DLC, because they would want the money and all that. I am worried though if it is still the same. It probably still is though.

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I'm tempted to be the brave soldier who downloads it to see if anything's been fixed. But my Xbox isn't set up for internets at the moment and I don't know if I have the money to waste...

For whatever reason the On Demand launch lineup is a bit different for each region, Sonic 06 being a US exclusive, so I guess that makes you decision a bit easier. :P

To be honest though we should probably consider it a blessing. :P


How did it even fit on the disc originally, then? The 360 only uses normal DVDs, right?

The 360 uses both standard DVDs and Dual Layer DVDs, the later of which are capable of holding just over 8 and a half GB.

Edited by FeathersMcGraw
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Region exclusive? But why keep it an exclusive when it has been released world wide already?

Edited by Nights
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The 360 uses both standard DVDs and Dual Layer DVDs, the later of which are capable of holding just over 8 and a half GB.

Ahh, makes sense. Didn't think of that one.

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I took the plunge for the interest of science. Same crappy, crappy game, but here's an example on loadtimes. On disc, Sonic's Crisis City on normal takes 55.8 seconds to load all the parts, on an install it takes 57.3 seconds to load all the parts, but on the GoD version of the game, it only takes 54.9 seconds to load all the parts. Basically, if you don't own it and are willing to pay 20 USD for it, this is the least crappy version by far. Nothing else has been changed, nothing at all.

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Wait, you mean the game takes longer to load if you install it?

Does not compute.

Edited by Mahzes
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Wait, you mean the game takes longer to load if you install it?

Does not compute.

Yes, Sonic 06 is one of the few 360 games in which an install can lead to higher loadtimes. The GoD release is not plagued by this though.

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Yes, Sonic 06 is one of the few 360 games in which an install can lead to higher loadtimes. The GoD release is not plagued by this though.

Quite a few pre-NXE games were designed with no installation in mind and it caused problems for some games. Hence why they recommend that even their biggest title (Halo 3) be played via the disk since the install can cause it problems.

Bungie's explanation

I'm sure when games go on Games on Demand there is a little bit of editing to make sure it runs right - or just the fact that the disk doesn't have to be present in the drive probably fixes up most of the problems with the install. Not sure heh.

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Is it only me or the loading screens takes me maximum 10 second or 12 ? Seriously!I've never had a big problem with the loading screens!

P.S I've rated it with 5 even it doesn't deserve it!

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Can anyone whose played it tell me, does the main menu now have the standard downloaded 360 game "Achievements" "Help & Options" "Return To Arcade" menu options?

Really nerdy thing to be curious about, but yeah.

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Well, the update has come and I was searching around and I found Sonic 2K6. It is $19.99 plus tax. It is 5.17 GB big file. I already have the game so I am not downloading it but people rate it as low as 2 stars with 801 ratings on it so far.

2 STARS?!! That's absurd! It should be no higher than 1 :P

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Is it only me or the loading screens takes me maximum 10 second or 12 ? Seriously!I've never had a big problem with the loading screens!

10 or 12 huh? Well add that up, as most stages have 4 or 5 segments. About a minute total at times.

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It's beyond me why you would re-release this game in any form without fixing it. Money of course.

They want you to download it, so you can't break the game in half without smashing your Xbox to pieces.

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It's beyond me why you would re-release this game in any form. without fixing it.

Fix'd. Seriously, I don't know why SEGA couldn't just hold if off until they're ready to release Unleashed on there. Due to Unleashed still being a relatively new title, they probably worried how much money they'd be giving it away for (seeing as though all the Games on Demand titles are supposed to be budget price right now) and quickly went with Sonic 06 instead. I'm glad it's not featured on the PAL Marketplace, as even if it did appear you can purchase a boxed version for

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Offtopic: JezMM, I'm sure I've seen you on Audiosurf. Playing songs only a Sonic nerd would play, except on Elite unlike my feeble Casual scores. XD

Hellz yeah. 8D I play through entire soundtracks fairly often to kill time, which is why you might catch me having scores on odd songs such as cut-scene music and 10 second long jingles. XD

Though I'm not as good as this crazy person called "Sciz" with amazing Eraser (or pusher, can't remember) scores on loads of Sonic songs.

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Why get a game that's still in the E-102 stage of development?

If anything SEGA should work on this game a bit more for the on demand version and fix a majority of the bugs and glithces, save for the warp glitches.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So wait, is this just Sonic 06 but downloadable?

That's hardly fantastic, especially as you can get it pretty damn cheap if you shop around, probably because it's regarded so lowly.

I guess if it includes all the DLC then it's a pretty nice package but it hardly seems like a good deal to me.

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So wait, is this just Sonic 06 but downloadable?

That's hardly fantastic, especially as you can get it pretty damn cheap if you shop around, probably because it's regarded so lowly.

I guess if it includes all the DLC then it's a pretty nice package but it hardly seems like a good deal to me.

Humorously, the Game Crazy's in my area sell the game for $6.66

If you don't get it, just think about it for a second.

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Why the hell did they put this on Games on Demand? It's one of the worst Sonic games ever made.

Everyone, I command you to rate this game one star. I already did, so now you should all do the same.

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