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Soo... Why is the only tag for this topic "Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric"?

Anyways, see y'all at the SXSW stream!

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Remember that the official Sonic Twitch/Youtube will be streaming themselves playing Sonic Heroes at 9pm GMT/4pm CST. 

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18 minutes ago, Josh said:

Oh, shit. Good catch.

Fixed it now.

You sly bastard.

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Should we get some final reveal predictions going to pass the time? I haven't been giving it much thought but just for the sake of throwing something on the board:

Sonic Mania

  • Full release date
  • Official word on physical copies
  • Second returning zone reveal

Project 2017

  • Real title revealed
  • Look at new character
  • New trailer with gameplay and story snippets
  • Possibly a small live demo akin to the TGS 2005 demo for Sonic 06, if they've tried pushing the detail again.


Since the panel synopsis hints at other possible surprises, I'm assuming there'll be at least one other reveal/announcement tomorrow so these aren't predictions so much as possibilities.

  • Sonic 1, 2, CD remasters for console and PC
  • Teaser poster for the Sonic movie
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49 minutes ago, Josh said:

Oh, shit. Good catch.

Fixed it now.

You forgot one :V

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They clearly need someone to dress as an awkwardly dancing Sonic.

I really hope we don't have to put up with the Hyper Potions again.

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22 minutes ago, Zaysho said:

You forgot one :V

Don't encourage him >:c

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This is definitely going to be good, even if the entire event is just Big the Cat dancing while random sound clips play.

I'm expecting a few good things for each game, but doubt much will be shown for either.

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I'm really not expecting much in the way of 2017 stuff. I'm almost not expecting a huge pile of Mania stuff like new levels and that, given the GHZ stuff the other day, but I think that's definitely more likely than 2017 gameplay and stuff. 

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I'm mostly betting on them telling us the name of the game to be honest. Maybe a screenshot or a teaser trailer or something, but I'm not expecting gameplay.

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Mania: I think we'll see Green Hill act 2 again, but this time they'll show the Eggman boss fight and/or the Studipolis act1 Heavy Gunner boss.

Project 2017: Name reveal and another cutscene. Maybe an in-game screenshot of classic & modern Sonic but no actual gameplay footage.

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7 minutes ago, BlueParadox said:



Mention nothing of it, for your own safety.

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Expecting the bare minimum out of this in order to utilize the potential of being surprised or even excited. My only real prediction is memes. We cannot get through a Sonic PR event without them.

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1 hour ago, TailsBot said:


Those suitcases and big books of memes won't carry themselves from the airport. 

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18 minutes ago, Nepenthe said:

Expecting the bare minimum out of this in order to utilize the potential of being surprised or even excited. My only real prediction is memes. We cannot get through a Sonic PR event without them.

>Teases Project 17 details.

>Gives details of Big's Big Fishing Adventure 3.

Seriously though, I'm hoping of something about Project 17. It's been nearly a year without news and considering it's supposedly releasing this year still (Likely November, if we take into account Gens, LW, and RoL) so I'm really hoping they give us some gameplay, or at least confirm the gameplay style or something. As someone who tends to enjoy the 3D titles more than the Classic titles, I'm kind of hoping Modern Sonic can get some love, considering the past year has mostly been Mania and Classic. 

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Well I already posted my predictions in a status a few days ago so might as well post it here. I'm just being random with all these 

Brief history of the franchise 
Some more behind the scenes stuff
Sonic Boom brand is still a thing
Another Sonic party is announced
Lot’s of salt 
Sonic Mania
-New trailer 
-New stage revealed 
-A release date 
-A physical version announced 
Project Sonic 2017
-Name finally revealed 
-Some gameplay 
-Boom! Sonic playable 
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I want to tell everyone that the time I listed in Motobug for this is wrong on the EST side, since your daylight savings changed the time. 

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An hour seems to be a promising amount of time!  For Mania, what they could logically reveal and showcase other than/alongside possibly playing through the boss confrontations could be either previews or playthroughs of special stages, bonus stages, or, 2 player competition mode! 

I feel like a proper trailer for 2017 is almost guaranteed and that it may be really impressive!  It just seems like they are thinking really big this time; not only because of the huge mechs; it just seems like a cohesive, significant series of events are being referenced and are central to the game experience, which somehow does feel most similar to the original Genesis stories.   


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