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Why Sonic Underground Sucks (In my Opinion)


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Wait this show still aired in the UK after its cancellation? I thought it got cancelled everywhere...

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3 minutes ago, Skye said:

Wait this show still aired in the UK after its cancellation? I thought it got cancelled everywhere...

Nope, the UK got "blessed". We got it on Kix when Sonic SatAM and AoStH was airing on Pop! and while they were cancelled years ago, Underground managed to survive for at least seven extra years.

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I...am terribly sorry for you all. I have some of the episodes on DVD and I would be willing to rewatch the series for nostalgia, but looking back..it was awful. I think I only liked it because it was Sonic related lmao.

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Just now, Skye said:

I...am terribly sorry for you all. I have some of the episodes on DVD and I would be willing to rewatch the series for nostalgia, but looking back..it was awful. I think I only liked it because it was Sonic related lmao.

I think that was pretty much me lol. The thing is I still get enjoyment in Sonic X or SatAM.

With this, I just don't. I think everything is legitimately terrible.

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It's okay, I was the same way. Also! Sonic X is actually really good if you watch it with English Subs and not the crappy 4kids dub where they censor everything. It actually has a good story and everything and..they make Cosmo's death way more dramatic and not just like "haha ok bye cosmo lmao".

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20 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Nope, the UK got "blessed". We got it on Kix when Sonic SatAM and AoStH was airing on Pop! and while they were cancelled years ago, Underground managed to survive for at least seven extra years.

That's...now how I remember it happening at all. What I do remember is AoStH premiering on Pop and then SatAM premiering about a year later (with both shows being promoted as if they were two seasons of the same show or something). Then after a number of years Underground arrived on Pop and Kix and just gradually took over as the channels main Sonic-based show.

Also, "longest-running" makes it sound as if it's been getting rerun repeatedly in the UK in some form, which it hasn't.

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Just now, Ernest-Panda said:

That's...now how I remember it happening at all. What I do remember is AoStH premiering on Pop and then SatAM premiering about a year later (with both shows being promoted as if they were two seasons of the same show or something). Then after a number of years Underground arrived on Pop and Kix and just gradually took over as the channels main Sonic-based show.

Well, my memory isn't the greatest, but I meant to say was there was a point where AoStH, SatAM, Underground, and X were all present. However, SatAM and Underground moved to Kix and SatAM IIRC didn't last very long. Underground remained on Pop at last nights on rare occasions, but Underground for whatever reason survived on Kix up til 2014 or 2015.

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6 hours ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

You guys might remember a topic by @Sami@Drawloverlala from a while back where he basically went over Sonic Adventure, and explained all of the reasons he loved the game

I don't, can I get a link?

Overall I can agree on around 95% of things (I actually like Sonic Underground intro song),  I just don't get why make topic about it. It's like writing book "Why Hitler was wrong". Not much to discuss.

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5 hours ago, MetalSkulkBane said:

I don't, can I get a link?

Overall I can agree on around 95% of things (I actually like Sonic Underground intro song),  I just don't get why make topic about it. It's like writing book "Why Hitler was wrong". Not much to discuss.

Because I wanted to explain why I thought it was shit? Maybe I had something new to say that I hadn't seen before (such as comparsion to SatAM) and on top of that, to spice things up, I did go over my opinions of the other shows as well. That's like saying why make a review of something when someone else has already made a review of it. Considering how long a post I got out of it, yeah, kinda lot to discuss :U.

As for links, Sami's topic got removed during the SSMB board wipe IIRC, and Drawloverlala's designs should be on her art topic in Showcase.

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I remember being a kid at the time when all the Sonic shows were being shown on British TV. I watched Sonic X, and kinda enjoyed it (I watched a lot of better kids shows though). I really liked the Adventure arcs. I was obsessed with Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 as a kid (not so much anymore), Sonic x did a nice adaptation of them. 

Sonic Underground was so godawful and full of cringe that I couldn't watch it. I physically could not watch it. It was too bad, waaay too bad. I would actually feel mortified if anybody saw me watching it. I watched a bit of SatAM but I mistook it for underground, and never finished watching it. Aosth wasn't interesting. Watched it a few times for Tails but it was too silly. 

I loved Sonic OVA so much I watched it 10 times over. I love it less now, but it's still great. 

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I kinda liked Sonic Underground. I even find myself humming those cringeworthy songs on occasion. Say what you will, but some of those songs are really, really catchy, cheesy lyrics be darned.

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Hoo boy. As someone who watches Underground and goes mad with Ryan, I kinda have a history with the show. Being a young'un who mostly knew about Sonic via Ultimate Flash Sonic and Sonic X, I was intrigued when a show called "Sonic Underground" appeared on CITV one morning. Watching it (the episode was "Bug!", as an aside), I was confused. "Wait, who's this Manic guy? Where's he in X?" "Sonia? Where the hell is she in X?" "Who's this Robotnik they go on about? Do they mean Dr. Eggman? Wait, what the fuck happened to Eggman?!" "Oh my god, they use magic instruments? And there are songs?!" And so on.

Years ago, I thought it was pretty... novel, I guess in a "so bad it's good" way. Now though, it's just bad.

The overall plot, as Ryan pointed out, makes no sense. Why does Robotnik need the aristocracy if he supposedly controls the entire planet and turned everyone into slaves? Why are there communities and businesses around if he supposedly owns everything? As someone who's working on a game with a similar dystopian setting, this is a reminder of how not to go about portraying it. Individual plots range from meh to bleh, and almost all of them involve some form of idiocy, either on part of the heroes ("we could laser Robotnik here and end the war now, but nah, let's puff flour in his face!") or the villains (how is it that I associate this Robotnik more with incompetence than the AoStH incarnation who didn't even rule the planet?)

And I swear, there's no reason for Tiny Tiger's Reject Brother to shapeshift into whatever the Cookie Crisp wolf (I refuse to call those two by their real names) desires. That quirk's nowhere to be seen in the three part opener, there's no explanation for why he can do it or how it works, and it feels more like an excuse to have Grounder on the show, except... not really (didn't help that back when I somehow thought AoStH was a sequel to this, I thought Grounder's hammerspace do-whatever schtick meant he was TTRB after he was finally roboticised).

The songs... they're dreadful. I'll admit, there's one or two I might enjoy as the guiltiest of all pleasures, but the rest are awful. Not much more needs to be said.

The art direction is ill-suited for Sonic. Like SatAM, it feels like Sonic was awkwardly shoehorned into a cartoon that once had nothing to do with him, only now there's two DeviantArt recolours joining him. I have no idea why they decided to almost completely get rid of animals and instead have ugly, ill-fitting and bizarre bug aliens/mutant reject Goof Troop characters among the background cast. The design of roboticised people is inconsistent; why is it that most of them are cyborgs, and yet one of them becomes a full-on robot that looks nothing like what he once was? And I don't need to go into the animation issues, do I? (I wonder if this series has more errors than the first season of The Transformers.)

Overall, between the recycled backgrounds from SatAM and the weird tone of trying-to-be-SatAM-but-also-trying-to-be-AoStH makes me wonder if this show came around because of a clash of ideals and no-one deciding to pick one idea and stick with it. I mean, it's like they wanted to continue SatAM, but they also wanted to reboot it, but they also wanted to make it its own thing where it was Sonic fighting Robotnik in a rock band, but someone also wanted them to be part of royalty... And I never thought much of it at the time, but given the time period, it's weird this didn't have the Adventure style and didn't use, say, Tails and Amy instead of pallete swapped siblings. Wouldn't that be something? At least you wouldn't have one voice actor awkwardly voicing all three of them.

So yeah, Underground's pretty bad, easily the worst of the Sonic cartoons. But at least it actually ended unlike the Pokémon animé :U

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You pretty much summarize my thoughts on the show. 

Underground is the only sonic cartoon that I haven't watched in its entirety because it's so awful. It's the worst out of all the sonic cartoons in my opinion. 

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The best thing about Underground is this gif (and the intro theme)


God bless the trainwreck that is Sonic Underground.

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8 minutes ago, Soni said:

The best thing about Underground is this gif (and the intro theme)


God bless the trainwreck that is Sonic Underground.

Well keep in mind, according to Ren and Stimpy's creator, the people at DIC really didn't give a shit about animation as a whole. They literally thought animation was taking one frame, and placing it at a different angle or camera perspective. 

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I have no idea what that means but if it's the reason why that gif exists, I love that mentality (in the most non genuine way)!

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Just now, Soni said:

I have no idea what that means but if it's the reason why that gif exists, I love that mentality (in the most non genuine way)!

I'm not 100% sure on it myself, but it was in interviews apparently. RebelTaxi goes more into detail with it in this video:


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18 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

I'm not 100% sure on it myself, but it was in interviews apparently. RebelTaxi goes more into detail with it in this video:


I'd take that video with a pinch of salt, because some of the moments are pretty inaccurate, particularly those pertaining to Lauren Faust (who I feel they painted in a rather unflattering lght despite being a pretty beloved writer and animator).  I mean, the Bendy episode of Foster's is pretty terrible, but they went on to talk about the PPG episode "Equal Fights," and sort of abridged the plot to the point where the original message was misconstrued.  The episode is about the PPG acknowledging the faults of society, and in doing so get carried away, causing Ms. Keen, Ms. Bellum, and others have to show them that although those problems do exist, there are better ways to handle them than how they had been doing so.  Don't get me wrong, the episode does fail on pretty much every level to deliver the message it was tring to convey, just not in the way the video says.  As for the MLP episode, Feeling Pinkie Keen, while that episode did air during the one season on which Lauren Faust had worked, the episode was written by Dave Polsky, who I believe has also stated that the episode's message was sort of stripped down when exchanged back and forth between writers and executives.  But while it's unfortunate and has drawn its share of criticism, it's not anywhere near the woeful, regretful episode that the video says it is (largely because controversies within in the pony fandom tend to be about far more trivial subject matter than theological debates).

ANYWAY, that's getting off-topic.  The point I'm trying to make is that I'd take the video with a pinch of salt, and it doesn't really go into too much detail about DiC's working conditions, so I wouldn't really use it as a source.

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5 minutes ago, Tara said:

I'd take that video with a pinch of salt, because some of the moments are pretty inaccurate, particularly those pertaining to Lauren Faust (who I feel they painted in a rather unflattering lght despite being a pretty beloved writer and animator).  I mean, the Bendy episode of Foster's is pretty terrible, but they went on to talk about the PPG episode "Equal Fights," and sort of abridged the plot to the point where the original message was misconstrued.  The episode is about the PPG acknowledging the faults of society, and in doing so get carried away, causing Ms. Keen, Ms. Bellum, and others have to show them that although those problems do exist, there are better ways to handle them than how they had been doing so.  Don't get me wrong, the episode does fail on pretty much every level to deliver the message it was tring to convey, just not in the way the video says.  As for the MLP episode, Feeling Pinkie Keen, while that episode did air during the one season on which Lauren Faust had worked, the episode was written by Dave Polsky, who I believe has also stated that the episode's message was sort of stripped down when exchanged back and forth between writers and executives.  But while it's unfortunate and has drawn its share of criticism, it's not anywhere near the woeful, regretful episode that the video says it is (largely because controversies within in the pony fandom tend to be about far more trivial subject matter than theological debates).

Well, I don't know about MLP, but RebelTaxi IIRC shows a comment directly from Lauren Faust who says that Equal Fights was one of her biggest regrets alongside Bendy. But again, that's going off topic.

EDIT: Tara, he shows a screencap directly of the comment that was made about the creator's time at DIC :U

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1 minute ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Well, I don't know about MLP, but RebelTaxi IIRC shows a comment directly from Lauren Faust who says that Equal Fights was one of her biggest regrets alongside Bendy. But again, that's going off topic.

I mean, they were, but in the case of the latter, they misrepresented it a little bit. (And I think the comment was supposed to be semi-joking in tone, not that she actually had fears of being on her death bed and being questioned about Bendy and Equal Fights.)

Anyway, back on topic. XD

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3 minutes ago, Tara said:

I mean, they were, but in the case of the latter, they misrepresented it a little bit. (And I think the comment was supposed to be semi-joking in tone, not that she actually had fears of being on her death bed and being questioned about Bendy and Equal Fights.)

Anyway, back on topic. XD

Since you missed my edit, he does show a screencap of the exact comment from Ren and Stimpy's creator at 14:50 of the video. But regardless, let's get back on topic and agree that Sonic Underground's animation just sucks, even compared to DIC standards.

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