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SEGA answering the question regarding more Sonic PC ports "next week"


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Just saw this on my Twitter feed, looked like it was worth sharing.

Basically, someone asked about another Sonic PC port for this year, and in the SEGA Central Q&A stream that was going on, they said they can answer that question "next week". The YouTube video link in the tweet is timestamped to be just before the appropriate part.

Not sure if I should mark this as a rumour or whatever, but if I'm not mistaken, SEGA Europe handles the PC ports for a lot of SEGA games lately, so these guys probably would know if there is news regarding new Sonic PC ports.

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"You asked are we doing a PC port of Project 2017! ...... .... No! But here is Car Junkyard 2017 Woo!"

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*speculation ensues*

If they are porting another 3d Sonic game then I want it to be Sonic Colors. Would be more than happy to play it on Steam as I no longer have the Wii version.

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My personal hope is Unleashed PC. Even though I just rebought the game on PS3 and have been replaying it.

Colours would be great too.

Heroes would be nice but it has less value for me since I own the old PC release.

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A well-optimized port of Colors (with better control for keyboard) and HD remaster of Heroes for Steam would be nice.

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The only main games we're missing right now on PC are Heroes, Shadow, 06, Unleashed and Colours. I'd say Heroes and Riders are definitely possible/likely simply because they already have PC ports. Colours is probably the most likely candidate for its popularity. Unleashed might happen depending on how much of a task porting it would be and I reckon Shadow and 06 are just going to be quietly left behind.

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I would very much dig a port of Unleashed and Colours.  I feel Unleashed is kind of the priority to be honest because Wii is significantly more emulatable than 360/PS3, while Unleashed is a very beloved game among the fanbase and it's at risk of getting stuck in last gen.  Like one day the DLC won't be accessible anymore, Steam etc feels significantly more permanent.


Of course, my dream come true would be a proper remastered version that not only includes the DLC but fully integrates it into the main game.  Those stages were so full of hidden spots with 1ups that were clearly originally supposed to house Sun and Moon medals had the stages not been axed from the vanilla content, and it would be such an opportunity to rebalance the game so story progress is more straightforward and the Werehog levels up faster if nothing else.

1 hour ago, Stasis said:

Rise of Lyric port to coincide with the new 3DS release?

I don't think you could insult the intelligence of Sega of Europe more than by suggesting they'd actually think to do this.

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Realistically speaking, the easiest games to port to PC would be Unleashed and Colors.

Unleashed is first because it was mainly developed for 360 and Microsoft's consoles are always very similar in hardware to PCs.

Colors would be second easiest because they figured out how to port Lost World and I imagine porting a Wii game is similar to porting a Wii U game, since the consoles are so similar. Though I could honestly be wrong on this claim since it's really just an assumption.

As I stated before in a status, I wouldn't really mind either way, but I have no intentions of going out of my way to get either. Unless they're cheap haha.

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Well, Aaron Webber says he isn't aware of anything being announced next week.


Normally I would say that this should be enough to debunk this. However, since it was SEGA Europe's staff that said this, and SEGA Europe handle PC ports now (they did the Lost World port), I still will take a "wait and see" approach. Aaron Webber himself has said that the different regional headquarters of SEGA aren't exactly 100% synced up (it was in a video interview IIRC). While communication and discussions obviously have to happen between them, there are cases where one sector does their own thing. We can sort of observe an example of that with the fact it took so long for SEGA Europe to even confirm that the SEGA 3D Classics Collection would get a European release.

Of course, if someone else knows better on this or has information I don't, be sure to correct me on the matter.

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As much as it would make sense that SEGA wants to leave Sonic '06 in the dark, Steam would have a freaking field day with the game if it was rereleased as is. Imagine all the easily accessible mods! It'll be a best-seller and they're just sitting on it! People aiming to drive '06 to even weirder territory beyond Melpontro and Mefiresu's videos! Modders aiming to "fix" '06's coding themselves!




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The only thing about a PC release for '06 is that it would invalidate the fan project that's attempting the same thing, only with actual improvements to the game itself.

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3 minutes ago, ChikoLad said:

The only thing about a PC release for '06 is that it would invalidate the fan project that's attempting the same thing, only with actual improvements to the game itself.

...I had no idea that was a thing and I now want to know everything about it.

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25 minutes ago, VizardJeffhog said:

...I had no idea that was a thing and I now want to know everything about it.


Basically, a team is attempting to make a PC remake from the ground up using Unity 3D. It is a faithful recreation that simultaneously is attempting to improve on some things. Such as having the curved Jump Dash from the XBM demo.

Also the team leader just made a small update in the thread today. So it's still alive.

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*stands up out of no where* Did someone say Unleashed PC?!!! Oh god, please let this be th-

2 hours ago, ChikoLad said:

Well, Aaron Webber says he isn't aware of anything being announced next week.

...t-this pain...

Seriously though, I've been itching for a PC port since Generations really. When LW came out on Steam I thought it was a sure thing and just a matter of time. I'm really starting to get worried here. I mean, Generations was ported over pretty much with the release of the other versions and I can't imagine Unleashed being that different from it under the hood. Hell, modders even pretty much confirmed this when they were able to port stuff from Unleashed straight into the game. The back end support should be there... so why haven't they done it yet?

Anyways, here's hoping Sega EU has something up their sleeves and that it's also coming to the US (I swear to me mum if this ends up happening and it's Europe only...). I won't get my hopes up, but I will keep my fingers crossed. Unleashed is a game that, honestly, needs to be on PC.

Also... while you're at it Sega, the Bayonetta games would also benefit heavily from a PC release too. Or erm, at least the first one should still be doable. But, one game at a time XD

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I'd love for this to be confirmed as Colours/Unleashed getting PC ports.

so that'd make a collection of colours, gens, lost world, and unleashed on ps4/xbox one more likely

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I hope to announce ports for Bayonetta, Vanquish or Yakuza, regarding Sonic games I do not think Sega waste time with crap like 06 I think it's more likely to announce port for colors.

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