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What Sonic Game Would You Like To Be Remade?


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I got to thinking of this topic while waiting for Sonic Rebirth to come out. Tell people why it should be remade and what you might want to be included in the game. I love Sonic the Hedgehog 2 to death. First of all because of the level design. I just can't hate Hill Top and Emerald Hill Zone. I also enjoy how Sega introduced Tails with the buddy system. One reason I enjoyed him that he helped me in boss battles. The game style for this remake should be the Sonic Unleashed engine (aka the Hedgehog Engine) where it turns 3d to 2d in an instant. The 2d mode would be there too. The original game would be included as an unlockable. for beating the game. The emblem system and a chao garden would also be in the game to add more replay value. That is how I picture a great Sonic 2 remake.

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Honestly? None of them.

First off, the risk of screwing them up is too high. They're having trouble getting new games right, and they completely botched Sonic 1 GBA, so I don't have much confidence in them getting any other remakes right.

Second, this is not the time for Sonic to be leeching off his past successes. He's got to fix himself first, stabilize the series, and then maybe they can go back and toy with the idea of a remake.

Though, if I were forced to choose, I'd say SA. Most of the game's problems, I think, were due to being an early 3D game; it's not so much bad concepts as it is shaky execution. It'd be nice to see it all smoothed out, with updated graphics, redone voice acting, and something to replace the fishing.

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Sonic 2006.

For the sake of quality and plotholes. I can't imagine a remake would turn out any worse.

Sonic 2 and/or Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

I know how risky this would be, but it's not like it's ever going to happen, so why not: I think 3D versions of these games would be awesome, voice acting and all. We could see Sonic and Tails's first meeting in a cutscene, and watch their friendship develop throughout the course of the game... and, of course, the Death Egg. And as far as S3&K, it'd just be plain amazing to see Hyper forms in 3D. (Yes, I know how easily something like this could get screwed up. This is hypothetical, so shut up before you start, people.)

Chao Garden...

I loved the Chao Gardens. They were great as they were, what with so many options for colors, breeding, items, chao types, grades... Just imagine a cute little next-gen chao skipping up to ya, even more expressive and animated than in SA or SA2. New gardens would be cool, too.

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Sonic 2006.

For the sake of quality and plotholes. I can't imagine a remake would turn out any worse.

Sonic 2 and/or Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

I know how risky this would be, but it's not like it's ever going to happen, so why not: I think 3D versions of these games would be awesome, voice acting and all. We could see Sonic and Tails's first meeting in a cutscene, and watch their friendship develop throughout the course of the game... and, of course, the Death Egg. And as far as S3&K, it'd just be plain amazing to see Hyper forms in 3D. (Yes, I know how easily something like this could get screwed up. This is hypothetical, so shut up before you start, people.)

Chao Garden...

I loved the Chao Gardens. They were great as they were, what with so many options for colors, breeding, items, chao types, grades... Just imagine a cute little next-gen chao skipping up to ya, even more expressive and animated than in SA or SA2. New gardens would be cool, too.

Beat me to the punch. I agree with all of the above. Exspecially the second one! ^_^

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I'd like to see Sonic CD remade with Metal and Amy unlocked as playables upon beating the game.

It might also be interesting to see Sonic 2 remade with the whole Sonic and Tails co-op thing improved/expanded upon.

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Chao Garden...

I loved the Chao Gardens. They were great as they were, what with so many options for colors, breeding, items, chao types, grades... Just imagine a cute little next-gen chao skipping up to ya, even more expressive and animated than in SA or SA2. New gardens would be cool, too.

One thing I loved about the Chao Garden is that it had a whole entire level of depth to it that's compareble to competetive Pokemon. The grades, the breeding, the level gain, etc. has had research on how the mechanics work. It definitely has the opprotunity to be a lot bigger than it was before, even to the scale of Pokemon.

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Eh... probably Sonic Labyrinth.

I never got far in it since I have a thing against playing Sonic Game Gear games, but honestly, the concept is far more interesting than any I've seen for the system. It's better than the Sonic platformer titles with ass physics!

Not sure why people want the Genesis games to be remade, though. I mean, they still look and play beautifully even in today's standards. What could they benefit from other than asinine extra features such as a spin-dash? Extra characters? There are hacks for those. New levels? Might as well make a new game. 3D? There's no way they can keep the same level structures and layouts as before, 2D to 3D is about an impossible leap to make and I can't imagine S3&K being in 3D at all.

Edited by Jake
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Sonic 2.

I don't care if its 3D or on the DS, I want a GOOD Sonic 2 remake. DS version is something me want, Sonic 2 on the go, HELLS YEAH!

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Eh... probably Sonic Labyrinth.

I never got far in it since I have a thing against playing Sonic Game Gear games, but honestly, the concept is far more interesting than any I've seen for the system. It's better than the Sonic platformer titles with ass physics!

Not sure why people want the Genesis games to be remade, though. I mean, they still look and play beautifully even in today's standards. What could they benefit from other than asinine extra features such as a spin-dash? Extra characters? There are hacks for those. New levels? Might as well make a new game. 3D? There's no way they can keep the same level structures and layouts as before, 2D to 3D is about an impossible leap to make and I can't imagine S3&K being in 3D at all.

It would be cool if the Game Gear games get remade.

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Tails Adventure. So sue me, it was a good game :< Unlike Sky Craptrol. Tails ain't gonna get his own game again, ever. But if they remade this game, even as a downloadable game to buy with points, I would die happy.

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I really wouldn't want a game to be remade except maybe '06, since I feel that wasn't a whole game.

Each game is a finished product. A remake of an old game would just be a tribute, and why do that. With as many re-releases of the Genesis titles as there are, you could just add a new feature or two and call that the new old Sonic. Still, I'd rather they didn't.

Anyways, Sonic '06 was incomplete. A finished version director's cut is what I'd want.

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I have a daydream in which Sonic 2 8-bit is remade with full 3D (as in 2.5D) graphics, a fully re-arranged soundtrack, and storyline which sets in during the time period of the modern games like so:

Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy revisiting South Island for a holiday.

Eggy appears and steals Tails to extract his knowledge in an attempt to weaken Sonic, claims he will only free him in exchange for the seven chaos emeralds (Sonic already has one). Sonic gives chase, while meanwhile Amy is left at the green hills zone with a strange growing mechanical device.


Sonic runs into Knuckles in a comedic scene and steals a hang glider he was using.

-Sky High-

Sonic hurtles back down, after losing track of Eggman and searching for emeralds, into the Aqua Lake's ruins.

-Aqua Lake-

Sonic exits the lake and arrives at the Green Hills Zone to see that small mechanical device Eggman left has become a huge mechanical mountain.

-Green Hills-

Sonic arrives at the mountain to find Amy captured inside.

-Gimmick Mt.-

Sonic saves Amy and finds a zoom tube that leads to an asteroid belt out in space.

-Scrambled Egg-

Sonic confronts Silver Sonic and either gets the last emerald or does not (resulting in the bad ending). If he gets all the emeralds, he proceeds to the Crystal Egg Zone and enters. If not he dissapointedly leaves without saving his friend.

-Crystal Egg-

Sonic travels across the surreal interior of the Crystal Egg, confronts Eggman and saves Tails. The End! Of course the ending would be a full 3D remake of Sonic and Tails running along at sunset and such.

Also the opening movie when the game starts up would have the same music as originally, and contained with the little "Sonic star circle" thing, though would be a medley of cool FMV clips from the game (as the real intro would be an ordinary cut-scene).

Unlockables could include a full 3D (SA2 Green Hill style) remake of the game, the original game, and customisation options for these (new soundtrack? old soundtrack? game gear boss theme? master system boss theme? modern Sonic, retro Sonic? etc).

Yeah. X3 Though ideally it would be a compilation featuring remakes of the whole 8-bit quadrilogy.

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Tails ain't gonna get his own game again, ever.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. He was the first character shown in the All Stars Racing Trailer. And if Princess Peach can get her own game, I'd say just about anyone can. ;)

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I wouldn't be so sure about that. He was the first character shown in the All Stars Racing Trailer. And if Princess Peach can get her own game, I'd say just about anyone can. ;)

Yeah, but that was misleading ;_; His plane-car-thing can't actually fly in the game. It totally gave the impression of a Diddy Kong Racing style game and it was LIES. I shall never trust them again [/melodrama]

But yeah, I just don't think he's marketable enough to the overall Sonic fanbase for a solo game. It'd end up being aimed at really young kids anyway x.x

Pah, I'd still be happy enough with a Tails Adventure remake :)

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Yeah, but that was misleading ;_; His plane-car-thing can't actually fly in the game. It totally gave the impression of a Diddy Kong Racing style game and it was LIES. I shall never trust them again [/melodrama]

Yeah, it would have been nice to have actual flying vehicles in the game. More variety can't hurt.

But yeah, I just don't think he's marketable enough to the overall Sonic fanbase for a solo game. It'd end up being aimed at really young kids anyway x.x

Pah, I'd still be happy enough with a Tails Adventure remake :)

A Tails Adventure remake would be nice. Throwing bombs at birds is fun.:3

But I think Nintendo's games show that you can market super cutesy stuff at a wide audience. And Tails isn't quite as cutesy as he used to be. I mean, in Rush Adventure he made a giant drill tank! ;)

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Since I don't care for the genesis games much, I guess I'd choose Sonic 2 to be remade. With todays technololgy, there could be a lot of things they can make better, with thoughful planning and time. Level designs in certain areas (Metropolis, Casino, etc.) can be remade. Levels should also feature grinding and trick systems (not annoying like the one in Rush where he screams YEAH YEHH ALRIGHT). Environments bigger. Better music & SFX. A damn save feature. Mission mode to enhance replayability, and new lighting effects on the environments. For the DS.

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Sonic 2 desperately needed a save feature. It's a lot longer than Sonic 1 (which I don't think needs it), and although playing the Sonic games in a single sitting isn't something I have much qualms about, there are times when I just want to take a break, or maintain my progress such as Chaos Emeralds (which I don't collect when I play Sonic 2).

However, that's the kind of thing I would expect out of a hack, not a remake. So I'd still rather not have it remade... and as for adding new-age Sonic gimmicks to the game, I'd rather they just spent the effort making a new game altogether; I don't think grinding and tricks would feel right in the old games at all.

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Since I don't care for the genesis games much, I guess I'd choose Sonic 2 to be remade. With todays technololgy, there could be a lot of things they can make better, with thoughful planning and time. Level designs in certain areas (Metropolis, Casino, etc.) can be remade. Levels should also feature grinding and trick systems (not annoying like the one in Rush where he screams YEAH YEHH ALRIGHT). Environments bigger. Better music & SFX. A damn save feature. Mission mode to enhance replayability, and new lighting effects on the environments. For the DS.

If you want Sonic Advance 2 HD, you could just say so.

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If you want Sonic Advance 2 HD, you could just say so.

I really like how you bring up a completely irrelevant game every time anyone so much as hints on features vaugely similar to the shittier games. It's particularly amusing here because the poster here specifically mentioned Sonic 2. :rolleyes:

Flyboy beat me to my personal preference on this topic. Tails Adventure was a pretty kickass, if fairly obscure, entry in the series, and it's about the only time in the series his love for gadgets and things ever really gets explored beyond the Tornado series. Okay yeah, he went a little over the top with bomb-based arsenals (something I always imagined was Bean's department - can't blame him for not existing that far back though) but there's a lot of exploration to be had and no end to the potential rewards for doing so. Only real thing it doesn't have on the main entries is the speed factor, but even then you can pick up the Speed Shoes and

"Sonic" Spindash

if that's more your style.

Of course, I'd still rather nothing was remade until the franchise is back at a high point again. It doesn't do them much good if nobody cares anymore, simple as that.

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Conceivably, any of the classic Sonic games could very well adjust to a remake with spectacular results. But I for one certainly have a favorite in mind: Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Out of all the Genesis titles, that one could get the biggest boost from having its story elaborated in dialogue (with Sonic 2 as a fair second). I would call it Sonic Adventure Zero, a title which I think is both catchy and story-appropriate. I would not have a problem with Sonic 2 integrated, either, creating a complete remake of the Death Egg Saga, but the break between Sonic 2 and 3 would probably make it seem too much like two separate games.

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I'd love to see Sonics 1-3 and Sonic & Knuckles remade with better graphics but still as side scrollers. It would be cool if they did add some nice 3D cut scenes to them. Granted Sonic 1 didn't have much of a story and Sonic 2 kind of did. But Sonic 3 & Sonic & Knuckles had quite a good story. And it would be really cool if they gave us a level creator like Capcom did with Mega Man: Powered Up. That would make me jizz my pants.

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Not so much "remake" as it is upgrade, but I'd love to see the Game Gear Sonic games upgraded to a 16 bit format just like the Genesis games. One thing that really put me off about those games was the small screen and the controls not being as much up to par with the Genesis games, and in the GG versions, Sonic's sprite is noticeably bigger than the Master System versions, no less the Genesis games.

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^ You know, I'd actually buy that one.

I think the MS-GG Sonic 2 is an 8-bit masterpiece. The levels, and sprites, and Sonic's acceleration is perfect for an 8-bit game.

But the other ones seem kind of slow or awkward looking. The Sonic and Tails series is very choppy. And I think Sonic 1's 8-bit sprites are ugly as hell, even though it shares the same great gameplay from Sonic 2.

The problem is that they've been released in compilations so many times, would people want to buy them?

Maybe if they were portable.

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