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Does Sonic lives in Emerald Town?


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I know that Sonic travels most of the time, so maybe he doesn't own a house, but there must be some location he calls home. Green Hills? Station Square?

However Emerald Town from Sonic Battles struck me as most possible location for two reasons. One: Sonic stays in there for days, maybe weeks. That's way longer then any other game, and usually there is clear goal to his visit (stop Eggman, find Gaia Temples, protect princess, etc.), while in Battle he's just chilling for most of the game.

Two: Most of his friends live there. Again, usually Sonic meets his friends due to big events, alien invasions, extreme gear races, birthdays. Here we have Tails (this being his second house, so maybe he has more), Amy (again, second house, BUT, wouldn't that make sense for her to move to the town that Sonic lives?), Rouge owing her own club and Cream living close enough to visit alone. Even Knuckles was around, which is hard to explain, but perhaps he visits surface from time to time, now that he knows that Master Emerald can be moved and world won't end. So even if it isn't Sonic's home, it seems to be for few of his friends.

So what you think? From what I can tell only Chronicles might contradict this theory (maybe, I didn't played it) and that game is kinda not canon.

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I always reckon he crashes at Tails's place whenever he's bored, getting sick, or just felt like paying his little bro a visit.

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Well SatSR depicted Sonic living in what appears to be a house though personally, I like to think it's the upper level of Tails' Workshop in the Mystic Ruins;


See? There's a chimney for presumably the fireplace shown in SatSR's first cutscene and a platform on top of the domed roof where I presume they use the telescope that is also shown in SatSR's intro.


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I imagine Sonic is like his Boom counterpart when it comes to residence: He does have a house, but he isn't very attached to it. He prefers traveling the world and exploring.

Same with Tails: His official house is in Emerald Town, but he spends much more time in his workshop in the Mystic Ruins.

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I like to believe that Sonic doesn't even have a home (Likes to sleep outside? Trees maybe?) but if he needs a roof to sleep under it's usually Tails's

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He probably doesn't have a proper residence now, and anything implied by Battle/Adventure/Secret Rings in regards to that is just ignored by Sonic Team. 

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7 hours ago, Detective Reptiles said:

He probably doesn't have a proper residence now, and anything implied by Battle/Adventure/Secret Rings in regards to that is just ignored by Sonic Team. 

Actually, funny you mention Secret Rings. In the first cut-scene, he's fallen asleep on this couch next to a fire place which looks pretty homey. I head-canon Sonic living in a burrow but I'm not entirely sure what to make of it.

EDIT: Wrote this before knowing what the fuck Vertkins meant when she typed "SatSR." Well, you brought it up and I got the video. THAT'S THE REAL SUPER POWER OF TEAM WORK, HIGH FIVE!

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It seems like to me Sonic and his friends always move to that location where the game/story takes place. But, in the Archie Sonic Universe, there's an issue in Babylon Rising (I don't remember the number of the issue), when the Battle Bird Armada attacks New Mobotropolis, and Sonic is right there with all his friends. So they didn't go there just because the city is under attack, they were there before it, too. But I guess he had to move out from New Mobotropolis, if he always lives in different places.

So I think they just quickly build some houses or any places where they can stay when they arrive in the location of the current adventure. I can imagine this like they are some traveling heroes (maybe like a traveling circus), and they always settle down where they just have to. Also, Tails' workshop is always located in a different place, so maybe he has a basic kit which he brings with himself, and builds a workshop when they arrive. :)

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1 hour ago, SonicDX said:

It seems like to me Sonic and his friends always move to that location where the game/story takes place. For example, in the Archie Sonic Universe, there's an issue in Babylon Rising (I don't remember the number of the issue), when the Battle Bird Armada attacks New Mobotropolis, and Sonic is right there with all his friends. So they didn't go there just because the city is under attack, they were there before it, too.

Umm, that's not a good example. In Archie Comics Sonic has established house. Sonic didn't 'just happened' to be in this New Mobotropolis, he lives in that town.... I mean lived during that period. Through whole comic Sonic had like 4-5 houses, depending how you count Reboot.

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42 minutes ago, MetalSkulkBane said:

Umm, that's not a good example. In Archie Comics Sonic has established house. Sonic didn't 'just happened' to be in this New Mobotropolis, he lives in that town.... I mean lived during that period. Through whole comic Sonic had like 4-5 houses, depending how you count Reboot.

I actually said the same. 'So they didn't go there just because the city is under attack, they were there before it, too.'

With this example, I meant that he doesn't have a steady place where he lives, because that's true he lived in New Mobotropolis in that comic issue, but he always appears in different places in the games and even in the comics. So that means he always travels, and he stays at a place for a short time, I guess.

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I always think of Sonic as the worlds fastest hobo, tbh. It doesn't exactly help that the 'world' of Sonic changes from game to game which means that you end up thinking things like...

Are Soleanna and Spagonia in the same country, as both are Fake-Italian cities? If Soleanna is in fake Italy, where is Dusty Desert in relation to it? Fake Morocco?Is the White Acropolis in the Fake Alps? Did Robotnik build Eggmanland on the ruins of Station Square as he always wanted to? If Empire City is Fake NYC, does that mean that City Escape (Fake San Francisco) takes place on the west coast of that continent, and by extension, is Prison Island Alcatraz? But that's too small, is it Hawaii? Did Robotnik blow up Hawaii? How much junk is floating around in space anyway, between space colonies, warring comets, the remains of two Death Eggs, Bablyonian space stations, and Egg Fleets? Does the Lost Hex ever bump into the Angel Island? Did the Tsunamis from the Angel Island crashing into the ocean cause any casualties? Does the huge Lost Hex orbiting just above the surface, and a gigantic interstellar amusement park  (with six different atmospheres chained to it) moored to the surface of the planet (to say nothing of blowing up the moon and the planet with Chaos Emeralds) have an effect on the tides and other gravitational, lunar cycle type effects? Does the resulting fluctuation in atmospheric pressure from these phenomena explain why the Orca whales in Sonic's world are of monstrous size? 


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6 hours ago, Hyp3hat said:

 explain why the Orca whales in Sonic's world are of monstrous size? 


I'm more worried about the mega sized gators in the jungles, the supersized mushrooms in the forest and the king sized tractor trailers that roam the sloped streets of City Escape.... but that is a story for another time.



Plain and simple, home is wherever Sonic decided to put his hat for a day. He's always been the kind of guy who makes the most of wherever he is and rolls with it. Sonic adventure shows him right at home vacationing poolside in a beachfront hotel, and later chilling in the wilds of the Mystic Ruins doing the same thing.

Across the years he's been shown having a residence or two, or a place to crash, but the one constant is that he never sticks around too long. Give him a few days, and he'll blow out of town as fast as he moved into it. I imagine Sonic has a legit physical address, but that isn't so much a home as it is a catch-all for fanmail to pile up and grass to go untended. Sonic's home is wherever he stops running for the night. Be it a tree limb, Tails' spare room, or some random roof overlooking the stars. He's a vagrant by choice.

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21 minutes ago, Sega DogTagz said:

I'm more worried about the mega sized gators in the jungles, the supersized mushrooms in the forest and the king sized tractor trailers that roam the sloped streets of City Escape.... but that is a story for another time.

Anthropomorphic cats and photorealistic dogs too... I'm inclined to blame all this on Eggman destroying the earths atmospheric pressure whilst simultaneously pumping the environment full of waste from making robots. 

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19 hours ago, SonicDX said:

I actually said the same. 'So they didn't go there just because the city is under attack, they were there before it, too.'

With this example, I meant that he doesn't have a steady place where he lives, because that's true he lived in New Mobotropolis in that comic issue, but he always appears in different places in the games and even in the comics. So that means he always travels, and he stays at a place for a short time, I guess.

Well, I'm a bad reader ^^;.

7 hours ago, Hyp3hat said:

Anthropomorphic cats and photorealistic dogs too... I'm inclined to blame all this on Eggman destroying the earths atmospheric pressure whilst simultaneously pumping the environment full of waste from making robots. 

The way I understand it there are four types of animals on Mobius: Mobians, Realistic Animals, Animal Friends/Mobini (original games/Lost Hex) and Giant Animals (alligators, frogs, etc)

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9 minutes ago, MetalSkulkBane said:

Well, I'm a bad reader ^^;.

No problem, I often get to embarassig situations, too (for example when trying to convince others, and then I realize that they are right)! :P It can happen to anyone.

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3 hours ago, DaddlerTheDalek said:

Sonic lives in hotels. ;)

Considering the pre-Emerald Coast cut-scene in Sonic Adventure, it wouldn't actually be that outlandish a headcanon to suggest he is allowed to chill overnight at most hotels considering he's a world reknowned hero, if one of his friends doesn't have a couch to crash on.  And Sonic's a humble enough guy that he's not gonna put them out by asking for a million chilli dogs to be sent to his room etc.

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That, and he collects golden rings like no one else, he's probably loaded anyway.

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I thought Sonic lived where ever he wanted.. He's always moving so having a house isn't really his style.

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3 hours ago, Indigo Rush said:

That, and he collects golden rings like no one else, he's probably loaded anyway.

Then there is that.

If his Hero card wasn't enough to open any door, than a fist full of gold rings will do the trick. Shoot, he could have my bed if he came by in the middle of the night and threw some of his spare change on the floor.

Sonic has the resources to commandeer a place to stay if need be. I can't see him as the type of guy to flaunt his wealth like that, but the simple fact that he can would make him able to live off the freebee's. I didn't see him pay for that chocolate chip sundae supreme lol

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He probably meant Tails's home specifically in that scene. Which some have noted (including myself) might be the closest thing he gets to a home. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/27/2016 at 10:48 AM, JezMM said:

And Sonic's a humble enough guy that he's not gonna put them out by asking for a million chilli dogs to be sent to his room etc.

Now, the Western canon on the other hand....



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