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Where's the free camera in Sonic Adventure DX?

Miles Wolf

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Hi there. 

On the Dreamcast version of Sonic Adventure I remember that you were able to use a free camera mode when you pressed the d-pad, but now on the PC version the game does nothing when I press it (using any controller). Is there a way to enable that option?

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From my rusty knowledge of the game on PC (and hardly ever using Free Camera anyway), I think it has to be enabled by menu. I think.

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This is how you can set the camera mode to Free: When playing (so not in the Main Menu), press Enter to access the Pause Menu. Then choose Free Camera (or if there is only Auto Camera, choose that, and then you can select between Free and Auto camera).

I hope I could help! :)

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If you have Auto Camera set up you can use the second analog stick to move the camera in its first person orientation. I use an Xinput mod made by SF94 due to me having a XBOX 360 controller, but it works in the same exact way. You can also access it by how the others have described.

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