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Sonic toy collection adventure game idea.


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First bit I’d like to say is excuse me if multiple topics very similar to this one have been done in the past. I personally haven’t ever seen anybody seriously suggest the overall concept that I will do here on this topic.


So to start, if the title didn’t give it away already… What I am about to discuss is a idea I personally think is a extremely appealing idea… but it is also a idea that many others may not care for… The idea I have is for a Skylanders/Disney Infinity/Lego dimensions inspired high-quality console/PC Sonic game and how I think it would be awesome if SEGA ever decided to do such a similar concept for a game.


The basic idea would be a 3D adventure genre game where you can play as any character which official toy figure made for the game you can collect in real life and then can put it into the game.  


I know that some people dislike the concepts of games that focus around what is basically just DLC. However I will try to explain why I personally feel it would work great for a Sonic game and make Sega a LOT of money… while at the same time making a good handful of fans actually surprisingly happy to play it.


Note: The game idea is just for a single Sonic game, not something for them to replace the whole future series with. So just relax little there bud.


1st reason, and a big one for me is the fact you could play as not just Sonic for once in a blue moon… but also not even just Tails/Knuckles or Amy. We would finally have a hopefully fun high-quality console/PC Sonic game where you could play a lot of even remotely beloved characters from across the whole game series.


Many of us have different favorite characters… some characters even who are lucky to ever get any form of spotlight, with little hope they ever will again… I’m not saying we need tons of characters every Sonic game or any such nonsense, however I feel a game like this gives SEGA a perfectly good excuse to actually include many other playable characters for once. It just be a real treat to many fans to finally being able to play as their favorites again in a new game while also not being forced to play as anybody they don't want to. Sonic Runners already shows us the appeal of collecting characters and the rarity also joy of being able to get to play as them all… even if Sonic Runners is just a overly simple durpy phone game, it still shows people like that kinda stuff… and that it makes good money.


Just to say as a example… I can easily think of at least 20 fan favorite characters that they could choose for the game and make as collectible figures… and there is also always alternate outfit special versions of characters they could do too… And maybe even a few random badniks for fun? I’d enjoy playing as a silly Motobug I gotta admit. Yohohoo. So thinking about it… they could easily make even 30 or more characters if they did all of that… I’m not saying all of that is needed, just that it’s a interesting idea as a “what if” concept…


And to scream crazy monster hamster riding a unicycle batman! that’s not even everything they could do! They could also do Power-Ups. Buddies. Extra level packs and other DLC as collectible toys to slowly expend the game over the years…


Oh I almost forgot to say… They obviously shouldn’t release all extra content at once, including the characters… which I don’t think would be even possible for most companies anyways. This stuff should be released bit by bit over couple years. a thing I enjoy about games that have lots of DLC is it gives you something to keep on looking forward to… it makes the game seem a tiny more alive, instead of most normal single player games which after you beat the story mode and main extras… there rarely is little or nothing to really keep you playing afterwards.


Now how would each character work in the game and or story-mode? A bit tricky, but I have a few ideas. Far as gameplay they could make each character somewhat unique… or they could go the Sonic Runners road of making a few basic base different gameplay character types and making all other characters mostly reskins of those bases with just a little something extra as special skills added for just those characters…


Another idea I have too is perhaps you could optionally also pick a partner character who follows you around and assists you during gameplay like the old classic games. Except you can choose anyone else from your collection... Crazy stuff yo.


far as story telling goes, there is 2 ways I could see it being done reasonably. 1 way would be to have a very basic general story that most characters could star in no trouble without the story needing to change much between them. Some small alternate text and scenes could change based on who you are playing as… but not by tons. A 2nd way could be is to just make it a story starring Sonic which ignores the fact who you are actually playing as during gameplay, that is if they would prefer the story to be that way… Yeah these options are not the most favorable as each character doesn’t truly get their own story-mode… but it’s the most realistic and I can’t see any other way working well without extreme effort/time and money on their part.


Each character figure would be about 10$. Far as what would come with the game itself… The Sonic figure would could automatically with the game. A deluxe edition for 20$ more also could come with Tails/Knuckles and Amy… Other characters would have to be obtained separately still.


Now onto another big reason why a game like this I think would be sweet… Just imagine for a moment if the game had a “toy box mode” where you could build your own levels like you can I hear on Disney Infinity? A long shot I know… but would be epic if it could happen… fans could build and play each others levels for years! Something that somewhat already happens with this fan-base and it’s fan-games… regardless doing so in a official 3D adventure game would be way past awesome!.


Now onto the last reason I think this game concept could work great. It would be popular with kids and adults alike I would imagine. A lot of us already like to collect Sonic series products such as toys and whatnot. And as Sonic is mainly targeted towards kids especially nowadays… I’m surprised SEGA hasn’t tried to copycat Skylanders, ETC already as that stuff sells amazing with kids and even good handful of adults. A lot of people just like collecting in general, and feeling rewarded for doing so… in this case being able to use them in a game… just feels good… and goodness gravy I have almost no doubts this would make a boatload of money for SEGA… Even I myself could easily see me spending over 500$ on a game like that over the timespan of a few years, with no real regrets to be honest...


Now I know SEGA may never do something like this game idea… but I enjoy the thought of it all… and you never know err?


Have a good day folks~

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Seriously, nice concept... but I've never liked the idea of using 'dolls' as part of games as it really is just DLC. I don't like going out and having to spend, in the end, more money on 'dolls' (that I'm probably only going to use once and then never again) than on the game itself.

Plus, on PC, you can just mod characters into games and I find that heaps more fun than buying 'dolls'. But, it would be a good way of making cash... but I'd probably stay as far away from it like I already do with Disney Infinity and Skylanders... actually the whole idea of the 'doll thing' was the main reason why I never took interest in those games. In my opinion... I find it stupid.

Edited by Haalyle
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I'd probably love it, but I am also a collector, so it would just come naturally to me, provided we're not forced to use Sonic, I'd enjoy it quite a lot.

None of the other games that use this gimmick have appealed me to me though...simply as I am not a fan of those franchises.

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This is actually a pretty good idea, I usually don't play games like Skylanders and Disney Infinity but since it's Sonic I would definitely buy it and it might actually give me a reason to buy amiibos or action figures for once.

Yeah I'm not really the collector type.

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I think this is actually a really good idea! Like Bolt, I'm also a collector, so I'd have a ball collecting all the characters (can't say the same for my wallet though!)

One part that especially stands out is the Toy Box Mode idea you mentioned, I believe that could have some crazy potential behind it. I would be completely on board with this idea! And even though the chances are slim for this actually happening, Nintendo let Skylanders use DK and Bowser, so who's to say it's impossible?

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Being honest, I honestly wouldn't like this, mainly because Toys to Life is just such an overused, and overexpensive concept at this part. I don't agree with the fact that apart from three characters, I'd need to end up paying more than the base game itself just to get few more characters.

There's literally no difference between the "Toys-to-Life" concept and the on-disc DLC bullshit that Capcom was trying to pull on everyone. Don't begin to tell me that "It's alright because you can finish the game with the base characters!" I could also finish Street FighterXTekken with the base characters but everyone hated them for that, and for fair reason, it's not fair for developers to just lock off content on the disc. The entire fucking point of DLC is additional downloadable content that is developed after the game is launched, not just on disc content that's locked off until the game decides I have the correct item to unlock the paywall.

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I don't see why some people are getting their pants in a twist over the idea. Yes, the in-game characters generated by the figures are basically DLC and certainly not worth the price for just adding a single character. Except...no ones forcing you to buy them. I mean yeah, they were made alongside the game, why not add them in then? 

Sure, let's just give you 5 or 6 characters in a starter pack, which with Sonic is pretty much the half the roster of interesting characters. If SEGA were to do this, they'd need to think bigger!!!


And they just happen to have a series called "SEGA All-Stars"....

How about "Sega All-Stars Adventure" or something like that. Unlock characters from both SEGA's past and present, from humble beginnings to today's era?

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Being honest, I honestly wouldn't like this, mainly because Toys to Life is just such an overused, and overexpensive concept at this part. I don't agree with the fact that apart from three characters, I'd need to end up paying more than the base game itself just to get few more characters.

There's literally no difference between the "Toys-to-Life" concept and the on-disc DLC bullshit that Capcom was trying to pull on everyone. Don't begin to tell me that "It's alright because you can finish the game with the base characters!" I could also finish Street FighterXTekken with the base characters but everyone hated them for that, and for fair reason, it's not fair for developers to just lock off content on the disc. The entire fucking point of DLC is additional downloadable content that is developed after the game is launched, not just on disc content that's locked off until the game decides I have the correct item to unlock the paywall.

Yeah, as much as I like Amiibos, not being able to get certain content because I can't find a particular one or they're sold out is frustrating.

I think a better option would be to have different methods of unlocking characters ingame, while having the option to buy new campaigns/chapters where new events happen that add characters and enemies to the game.

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At least 20? If you take in all of the alternate media incarnations of the series, you'd have about 100 fan-favorites to choose from. With the roster that big, maybe selling characters in randomized "booster packs" would be a good idea? And someone else suggested this be a SEGA All-Stars deal. In addition to the 100+ Sonic characters, there'd also be all those SEGA stars, with about 50 or so from the big franchises, and possibly hundreds more if we gave each the Sonic treatment. If we went into minor IP (not even Panzer Dragoon or Rhythm Thief minor, I mean like Flashgal or Burning Rival) we could get about a thousand or two. But wait! Maybe SEGA could incorporate 3rd party characters from series associated with them, like Earthworm Jim, Rocket Knight, Shadow of the Beast, Freedom Planet, Darkstalkers, Battletoads, Splatterhouse, Chakan, and more?


One thing I hate about Skylanders and Disney Infinity is their annual releases, something I'm glad Lego Dimensions will avert.  Hence, I believe there should be no annual releases for this, just a stream of fresh content. Also, make sure to try and make it play well.

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Without making any kind of value judgement on the toys-to-life genre itself... I really cannot understand why Sega hasn't tried to go down this route as they would make bank.  To be fair, they aren't very competent or very talented or very profitable, so I can see that there are stumbling-blocks, but they have such a strong foundation of well-known characters on which to build, something which they are exploiting now in Runners.  If they really gave it their all and combined it with an actually good game, they could be laughing all the way to the bank.

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 Ok. Will address some stuff.

Being honest, I honestly wouldn't like this, mainly because Toys to Life is just such an overused, and overexpensive concept at this part. I don't agree with the fact that apart from three characters, I'd need to end up paying more than the base game itself just to get few more characters.

There's literally no difference between the "Toys-to-Life" concept and the on-disc DLC bullshit that Capcom was trying to pull on everyone. Don't begin to tell me that "It's alright because you can finish the game with the base characters!" I could also finish Street FighterXTekken with the base characters but everyone hated them for that, and for fair reason, it's not fair for developers to just lock off content on the disc. The entire fucking point of DLC is additional downloadable content that is developed after the game is launched, not just on disc content that's locked off until the game decides I have the correct item to unlock the paywall.

While they may be similar on a technical level… But otherwise no, they really are not the same thing. Games like this are mainly for people who actually “Enjoy” toy collection games. The collecting part and combining it with a game on top of that is addicting to the type of people who enjoy that kinda stuff. Obviously these kinds of games are not for everyone… but what game ever is?

Games that just hand you all the content for free at once may be fun at first… but most gamers outside of hard-core fans will grow bored of it after a month or 2. However if you release everything slowly… it gives folks something to look forward to, and will keep the players coming back.

And the idea of making all the characters & stuff “free” is also absurd, and more so for a company that is trying to… ya know… make money? It’d be 1 thing if the game only had up to 10 or so characters… but a game that’s whole point is to release tons of characters bit by bit over a few years which can end up being 30 or even much more? Even I wouldn’t give all that away for free if I was working at the company. All this extra content costs crazy money to make… and the base game more then likely won’t cover enough of the costs… and even if it did, that isn’t good enough… especially if a company is trying to make as much money as possible.

And lets be real here. If they didn’t do the toy collecting idea and just made a adventure themed Sonic game with tons of free characters… That would just be a Sonic Adventure 3... Which is completely missing the point of this topic. And I would prefer something over nothing personally… because I can’t see SEGA as they are right now putting the money and effort into a true SA3... and doing a good job with it even if they did… They need something more to push them to make a bigger high-quality game… and they would need  MUCH more motivation if they were to make a epic adventure game with 30+ characters… And a toy collection game is 1 idea that would give it, as it’s a much bigger money maker.

What’s more is people playing such games are not just paying for DLC for a game… They are just as much paying for the toys themselves… and clearly toys are not free… So when you look at it that way… it’s not over-expensive really… it only is if you don’t care about the toys and only care about the game itself.

Sure, let's just give you 5 or 6 characters in a starter pack, which with Sonic is pretty much the half the roster of interesting characters. If SEGA were to do this, they'd need to think bigger!!!


And they just happen to have a series called "SEGA All-Stars"....

How about "Sega All-Stars Adventure" or something like that. Unlock characters from both SEGA's past and present, from humble beginnings to today's era?

I thought of Sega All-Stars too as a alternate concept. It’s not a bad idea. However after thinking about it all… to me it was less appealing by a small bit. Sure it would be cool, because we would get characters like Nights… but I’m not sure how characters like Ecco would work… plus how many characters are there that SEGA has that is not only marketable outside their Sonic stuff… but also would be enticing as both a character you can play as, and as toys that people would want? In the end I feel just a Sonic themed game of the idea would be little more marketable & appealing. It also keeps the game a stronger theme in it’s levels & story. Regardless a Sega All-Stars version could still work… I’m not really against the concept.

And I’d argue there is more then just 10 characters people would care about. Even less popular characters I could see selling fine, many people would buy them just because of the addicting collecting factor alone too.

At least 20? If you take in all of the alternate media incarnations of the series, you'd have about 100 fan-favorites to choose from. With the roster that big, maybe selling characters in randomized "booster packs" would be a good idea? And someone else suggested this be a SEGA All-Stars deal. In addition to the 100+ Sonic characters, there'd also be all those SEGA stars, with about 50 or so from the big franchises, and possibly hundreds more if we gave each the Sonic treatment. If we went into minor IP (not even Panzer Dragoon or Rhythm Thief minor, I mean like Flashgal or Burning Rival) we could get about a thousand or two. But wait! Maybe SEGA could incorporate 3rd party characters from series associated with them, like Earthworm Jim, Rocket Knight, Shadow of the Beast, Freedom Planet, Darkstalkers, Battletoads, Splatterhouse, Chakan, and more?


One thing I hate about Skylanders and Disney Infinity is their annual releases, something I'm glad Lego Dimensions will avert.  Hence, I believe there should be no annual releases for this, just a stream of fresh content. Also, make sure to try and make it play well.

Wow, 100 fan favorite Sonic characters? Where did you pull that number from? If you are counting any form of Sonic-comics I could see where you got that idea… But as we all should know by now, SEGA will likely never use any Sonic-comic characters in the official games as they are often against any characters the game development teams didn’t make themselves. And moving on to the game only part of this series. I doubt SEGA would make characters like the deadly 6 playable… Many other characters like Chip/Mephiles or Chaos-0, ETC… I think would only be buddies at most. I can’t see them doing anything much different then they have done for Sonic Runners… except I could see them adding Dr.Eggman unlike Runners… Overall if I extend it a bit, I see around 30 different characters they would care to do as playable… anything else I imagine would just be alternate versions of characters after that… Then again... if we are counting the idea of buddies + power-ups as toys too... then yeah... we would be talking like 100+ figures all together... In that case I think stuff like buddies would be sold in sets, like a box set of all the Wisps for 10$... However this is all just theories anyways… you never know what they might decide to do… if they would ever do any of it even to start with.

Also booster packs? You mean for toys or playing-cards? Unless it was a card game… I can’t see cards being nearly as popular with people. And for toys I’m not sure randomizing them would be a good idea… as that would annoy people even more as they would be lucky to get what they want. And I see some other problems with that too.

Yeah I agree. Just a single toy themed Sonic game that they update with patches so that the new content works will be more ideal.


PS: I can see them doing some 3rd party titles, Not to sure about them over doing that tho...

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Eh, kinda iffy on it.

For one, the Sonic series doesn't really have enough recurring central characters to make it viable. Even if we took the figure at 20, that's far lower than any other Toys to Life format game. For another, I don't think SEGA can foot the bill for it, nor would it recouperate the cost of production. 

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I'm not sure I would be the intended audience for this kind of game anyway, but I don't really think it would work.

For one thing, I think it vastly overestimates the popularity of Sonic side characters among anybody but dedicated Sonic fans, and considering the state Sonic is in, I don't think Sega can depend on those to be enough. I mean, take Silver, for example. He's appeared in one atrociously received console game, a couple of PSP games people don't particularly care about, a comic series that doesn't have a big audience outside of Sonic fans, and aside from that has made a few cameos. He literally hasn't been in the public's eye enough for people to care. Few other characters would fare much better. In the grand scheme of things, how many people really care about Cream, Blaze, Big, Rouge, or the Chaotix? The only characters I can actually imagine substantial amounts of people might care about are like...maybe Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow. That's about it. If Sonic in general was more popular right now, this would be a much more workable idea, but right now, I just don't think enough people care about all the peripheral side characters...and considering the entire idea hinges on people's willingness to shell out money to play them, that's a pretty serious failing.

The other problem is, it's very hard to believe that, at this point, Sega has enough confidence in themselves to make such a huge "bet" on a game being good. I mean, obviously in order to have all those figures, they're going to have to sink a lot of money into this thing. But if the game itself isn't particularly good, few people are going to be willing to put tons of money into it...meaning that Sega loses tons of money. I mean, gimmicks like toy collecting can be major money makers, but nothing can replace the game itself being good - in fact, this could end up a really major loss instead. And seeing as Sega has so little confidence in their gameplay that they can't keep themselves from impulsively changing it every five seconds, it's very hard for me to believe they'd have enough confidence in their gameplay for them to spend that much money on a single game. (Heck, they probably don't deserve to, anyway.)

If the Sonic franchise was in a better place right now, this would probably be an awesome idea. But as it is, it's incredibly risky at best.

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I'm not sure I would be the intended audience for this kind of game anyway, but I don't really think it would work.

For one thing, I think it vastly overestimates the popularity of Sonic side characters among anybody but dedicated Sonic fans, and considering the state Sonic is in, I don't think Sega can depend on those to be enough. I mean, take Silver, for example. He's appeared in one atrociously received console game, a couple of PSP games people don't particularly care about, a comic series that doesn't have a big audience outside of Sonic fans, and aside from that has made a few cameos. He literally hasn't been in the public's eye enough for people to care. Few other characters would fare much better. In the grand scheme of things, how many people really care about Cream, Blaze, Big, Rouge, or the Chaotix? The only characters I can actually imagine substantial amounts of people might care about are like...maybe Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow. That's about it. If Sonic in general was more popular right now, this would be a much more workable idea, but right now, I just don't think enough people care about all the peripheral side characters...and considering the entire idea hinges on people's willingness to shell out money to play them, that's a pretty serious failing.

Well, Skylanders used completely original characters for the most part, and it worked well. So knowledge isn't really a risk.


And about the SEGA unwillingness to use TV and Comic characters, I believed that this would come from a less xenophobic developer. SEGA is to use Sticks for some minor games, so anything could go at this point. Comic/TV characters are a great way to bloat up the ranks unless you delve into the generics from spinoff games.

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I'm not sure I would be the intended audience for this kind of game anyway, but I don't really think it would work.

For one thing, I think it vastly overestimates the popularity of Sonic side characters among anybody but dedicated Sonic fans, and considering the state Sonic is in, I don't think Sega can depend on those to be enough. I mean, take Silver, for example. He's appeared in one atrociously received console game, a couple of PSP games people don't particularly care about, a comic series that doesn't have a big audience outside of Sonic fans, and aside from that has made a few cameos. He literally hasn't been in the public's eye enough for people to care. Few other characters would fare much better. In the grand scheme of things, how many people really care about Cream, Blaze, Big, Rouge, or the Chaotix? The only characters I can actually imagine substantial amounts of people might care about are like...maybe Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow. That's about it. If Sonic in general was more popular right now, this would be a much more workable idea, but right now, I just don't think enough people care about all the peripheral side characters...and considering the entire idea hinges on people's willingness to shell out money to play them, that's a pretty serious failing.

The other problem is, it's very hard to believe that, at this point, Sega has enough confidence in themselves to make such a huge "bet" on a game being good. I mean, obviously in order to have all those figures, they're going to have to sink a lot of money into this thing. But if the game itself isn't particularly good, few people are going to be willing to put tons of money into it...meaning that Sega loses tons of money. I mean, gimmicks like toy collecting can be major money makers, but nothing can replace the game itself being good - in fact, this could end up a really major loss instead. And seeing as Sega has so little confidence in their gameplay that they can't keep themselves from impulsively changing it every five seconds, it's very hard for me to believe they'd have enough confidence in their gameplay for them to spend that much money on a single game. (Heck, they probably don't deserve to, anyway.)

If the Sonic franchise was in a better place right now, this would probably be an awesome idea. But as it is, it's incredibly risky at best.


Characters don't all have to be super known and popular for it to work. Like The Haunted Miru said, Skylanders has mainly original characters and it does fine, if not even better then other games like it. So I don’t see that as a real problem, You don’t need to know a character far ahead of time to be interested in them. Personally as soon as I see a character which has a design I like... that's all i need to be interested in a whole game. Heh

Also how many people care about Blaze, Rouge, Chaotix and others? Quite a lot of fans honestly. Example is how Blaze is 1 of the most popular girls in the game series… and me personally she definitely rivals for my #1  fave character spot with a few others which I can‘t decide which I like more…. Sometimes I almost feel like I like her better then Sonic himself lately by a little… but it’s still about the same I think. Anyways I’m starting to ramble.

Also by using other characters more often is how you get said characters more popular to start with... If they never take risks… how can the company get anywhere? Plus in my opinion It’s just not nearly as risky to use other characters as some people think it is.

PS: You forgot to include Amy in your list. Regardless of what some people think of her, she is still quite popular and among the most well known characters.

And on the subject if SEGA be willing to do such a game or not. It’s hard to say if SEGA is willing to do much of anything these days, but that doesn’t matter. Of course if they didn’t do a great job it won’t do good… the same goes for any Sonic game. If it was done very good, then it should do more then fine. So yeah, I think the game would work fine as long the effort/time and money was correctly put into it.

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 Ok. Will address some stuff.

While they may be similar on a technical level… But otherwise no, they really are not the same thing. Games like this are mainly for people who actually “Enjoy” toy collection games. The collecting part and combining it with a game on top of that is addicting to the type of people who enjoy that kinda stuff. Obviously these kinds of games are not for everyone… but what game ever is?

Games that just hand you all the content for free at once may be fun at first… but most gamers outside of hard-core fans will grow bored of it after a month or 2. However if you release everything slowly… it gives folks something to look forward to, and will keep the players coming back.

And the idea of making all the characters & stuff “free” is also absurd, and more so for a company that is trying to… ya know… make money? It’d be 1 thing if the game only had up to 10 or so characters… but a game that’s whole point is to release tons of characters bit by bit over a few years which can end up being 30 or even much more? Even I wouldn’t give all that away for free if I was working at the company. All this extra content costs crazy money to make… and the base game more then likely won’t cover enough of the costs… and even if it did, that isn’t good enough… especially if a company is trying to make as much money as possible.

How is it different exactly? What is the difference here? They both literally lock down content that are on the disc to begin with, and should be free and instead want me to pay to unlock a paywall before I can use the one character I want. There's no difference, other than having to pay for a more expensive physical figure, or having to pay for a overpriced DLC pack digitally. That's it. There's no more difference. Saying these games are for people who "enjoy" toy collecting doesn't excuse a business practice which locks down a wide majority of the game behind a paywall, and then wants even more than the base game just to get a few extra characters. I can think of another option they could go for toy collectors. It's called a toyline. 

And are you actually serious? If you get all the content for free, it's gets boring? No, it actually doesn't. It actually adds replayability to a game because those characters should be unlockable by doing different things in game to unlock them. Where exactly is supposed to be the fun and the challenge to going to your local store, buying a figure, placing it on a pad, and learning "Oh, this character plays a little different than the others, but with a different skin". How is it supposed to be fun to pay money for a character who doesn't end up even being much different from the others? Now that's absurd.

And it's absurd to make characters free in a game, especially with 30 characters? Here's the thing, this content is not extra content. It's not post-release content. It's content that is developed, and created right there, and placed right on the core disc. It is not DLC. It is On Disc Locked content. How would the base game not cover enough? How so? Because I can begin listing a ton of examples of games that simply had a base game at a normal price, and made so much more than any of these toy to life games ever had. 

And your idea that giving away characters for free is absurd? Not only is that idea absurd, it's one the gaming industry has disagreed with for years, because literally Toy to Life games are the only games that's been doing this, and nothing more, and if you really need examples of that.


Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS has a total of 50 different playable characters, and 45 of those characters all have completely unique playstyles and control schemes, and they were all on the disc for free and were unlockable, and it's still being played despite being a year old, and is certainly being played much more than Toy to Life games. 

There's also the multiple Lego games, the exception being Dimensions where they had massive lineups of characters for free on the base game, and that series is still unbelievably popular, 

And for the record, making all these characters free wouldn't make the game Sonic Adventure 3. That's completely silly. That's like saying if I added Tails and Knuckles to Sonic Generations, it'd be Sonic Adventure 3. They're completely different gameplay styles. Free characters doesn't effect that.

Edited by Ryannumber1gamer
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I doubt SEGA would make characters like the deadly 6 playable…

Why not?

This would be the perfect opportunity to play as villains in the series.

What if there was a mode where you play as Eggman, Metal Sonic, or the Deadly Six, where you have to cause as much mayhem as possible…..or fight against Sonic and his friends?

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