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thoughts on sonic adventure vs sonic 06


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Hi guys just wanted to know all your personal opinions on sonic adventure (dreamcast) compared to sonic 06 (Xbox 360) whats the real difference, both of them are the same storyline, what makes sonic adventure better, is it the classic part? or the glitches part?

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Storyline may be the same premise (monster, yadda yadda) but the execution is different. Sonic Adventure also offered up 6 different characters with full story modes, each with different gameplay styles (some were minor differences however). Sonic Adventure was also faster moving, and everything about the way Sonic moved was different from 06. Spindash on the fly etc.

Sonic 06 had a slower moving engine, the homing attack was tweaked (though the ability to homing attack vertically was a nice improvement). Really the engine was built around the same gameplay style, but executed differently. It wasn't done with as much fluidity.

Just my observations. Both games had their fair share of glitches though. One just happened to be a first crack, and is like...10 years old. The other is only 2.

Not that I hate 06, I kind of get some enjoyment out of it. I used to love it when it first came out, then Unleashed (360) changed that. I don't know why I loved 06 as much as I did to be honest haha. Maybe it was because it was new and I was tired of playing Sonic Adventure 1/2 so many times.

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2006's story is much more enjoyable to me simply for the quality of the cut-scenes, which in Sonic Adventure were... well, they were new to 3D. "You're gonna crash! AAAH."

To play, Adventure is more fun simply because it's less glitchy, but it does still remind me of 2006 because both games have glitches that halt the flow of the game for a second (notable one in Sonic Adventure, the winding path leading down to the second loop on Emerald Coast).

They're also comparable with story structure... Although in 2006 the stories all compliment each other to the point you NEED to see them all, the short storylines of Adventure are much more "bonus stories", with the exception of possibly Knuckles, which explains a lot of Tikal's story. Obviously you do need to play them all, but when it comes down to it Tails, Amy, Big and E-102's stories don't matter quite as much as Sonic and Knuckles'.

Whereas in 2006 every story is almost as long as each other. If anything Shadow's is the most important for plot developments. A lot of people of course didn't like this, because as usual you were only playing as Sonic for a third of the game, whereas at least in Adventure he had the most stages.

Edited by JezMM
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I enjoy both games a great deal, but Sonic Adventure is the hands down better game. Sure, the original 3D title may have a few bugs of it's own, but nowhere near as many as 2006 has.

Considering plot, it's a close one. Sonic Adventure has some laughable cutscenes, while the in-game movies in 2006 are very polished and look quite professional. But Chaos is an much cooler Monster of The Week, so I give the nod to adventure.

For level design, the games are almost even. Both feature levels that are large and able to be adequatly explored. But SA gets the nod just because the environments are more varied and interesting.

As for gameplay... that's hard. Sonic Adventure is the faster game, but Sonic in 2006 has a wealth of combat moves that really add to the experience. I'd say the Sonic gameplay itself is a tie, then.

But when it comes to alt. character, Sonic Adventure defiantly wins. With the exception of Big, all the alt. characters are just as much fun to play as as Sonic (imo). In 2006, Silver is really cool, but Shadow has to deal with shitty vehicles and a gimped Chaos Blast; Blaze, Omega, and Tails are fun to play as, but you only get to control them for about ten minutes of the normal game.

tl;dr - Sonic Adventure > Sonic 2006

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Sonic Adventures glitches could be forgiven as it was Sonic Team's first go at a 3D Sonic. Controls were actually very fluid and the speed was impressive. Hitting a boost pad ACTUALLY gave you a boost!

Sonic '06's glitches were unforgivable. Having made three (pretty) solid 3D Sonic games prior, there was no excuse for how '06 handled. Movement was slow and special attacks were lazy (Sonic's sliding kick animation that lasts twice as long as it should, looking more like an anti-gravity lean). Thankfully Unleashed handles much more like the Adventure games.

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I don't know if I should answer a guy with the name drunken ass of Shadow.

Ah you , its darkness of shadow , smart ass

Sonic Adventures glitches could be forgiven as it was Sonic Team's first go at a 3D Sonic. Controls were actually very fluid and the speed was impressive. Hitting a boost pad ACTUALLY gave you a boost!

Sonic '06's glitches were unforgivable. Having made three (pretty) solid 3D Sonic games prior, there was no excuse for how '06 handled. Movement was slow and special attacks were lazy (Sonic's sliding kick animation that lasts twice as long as it should, looking more like an anti-gravity lean). Thankfully Unleashed handles much more like the Adventure games.

Yeah that's really good to know , because iam getting sonic unleashed today ;)

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One game is the greatest Sonic game ever made, the other sucks ass.

And how in the flying faulknerwitz are people getting it in their heads that 2006's storyline was in any way even remotely similar to SA1's? What? What are you guys even-

SA1's story was cool, 2006's was not. SA1 didn't take itself so seriously, despite having a serious tone (as in all of the angst was shoehorned onto the past without having to let any of the central characters carry it). And the characterizations were great.

You guys are totally staining SA1's image by comparing it to this game. Stop it. ):

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(Sonic's sliding kick animation that lasts twice as long as it should, looking more like an anti-gravity lean)

It is an anti-gravity lean. The powerup that allows you to do it is called "Antigravity". :P

In any case, Adventure and 2006 are very similar in quite a few aspects. I like 2006 almost as much as Adventure; if the story and technicalities had a just bit more time and thought put into them, I would probably like it better. Adventure wins out just slightly in my opinion, and it's also most likely my favorite Sonic game, mainly for its level design (not that I think 2006's level design is bad). For the moment, anyway, since I don't pick favorites when it comes to video games. CD, 3 & Knuckles, Adventure, and 2006 are my "top four".

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I like 2006 alone just because of the deeper storyline that's closer to more of an RPG than a platformer. I love Adventure because of the different gameplay methods SEGA offered. In-game music wise I'm going with Adventure because 2006 just had tons upon tons of remixes for one song. Vocal music wise I'm going with 2006 because the songs are a little better than the themes on Adventure (with the exception of Elise's theme).

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People comparing SA1 to Nextgen

What is this I don't even--

SA1 still remains to have the most enjoyable gameplay in any 3D Sonic for me (being closest to the Genesis classics), with concepts that were new at the time (mainly triggered by mass-market appeal, so people would be interested in a Dreamcast), a great soundtrack, a story about Eggman being toppled over by a God of Destruction (which was, shockingly, new at the time), and for the Dreamcast, some awesome graphics.

Nextgen was an abysmal attempt to make SA1 again, but taking the worst little things about SA1's storyline and slamming it together, plus a human princess (with a one-sided thing going on for Sonic) and a paradoxial story conclusion. Glitches galore (and not SA1's "fun glitches", the terrible ones that led you to insta-death), bad loading times, water killed you, jumping doesn't hurt enemies (in fact, it hurts you, meaning you MUST use the Homing Attack or Bound Attack), overly loose controls, not-to-mention that said Homing Attack brings you to an utter HALT, completely scripted loop scenes (you could walk on the ceiling!), which shows there's no physics, extreme lag in certain areas (I played as Silver in Castle Town... the game started moving at 1 FPS!!!!), sorta bland graphics with realistic humans and non-realistic animals, I could go on and on....

However, the only things redeeming IMO about Nextgen was the brilliant music, the stunningly good (in-game, not cutscene) animations for the characters, and a pretty nice redesign for Eggman (which is highly arguable anyways).

So, the score:

Sonic Adventure >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sonic Nextgen

Sega, next time you attempt another game with SA1-styled gameplay, do it right.

Edited by Azukara
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