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Sonic games are so ... structured


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Some things are ever the same

that is boring!

What would you change (if you could?)

My changes:

Super Sonic (super shadow what ever)

does not appear at the end (boss battle ._.), he is also playable in the storyline.

BIG THE CAT APPEARS *heart* as an playable charakter

NO new charakters!!!!

extensive missions (not the same mission for each charakter!)

More 2D passages (like the ones in unleashed)

Hedgehog engine <3 in every game

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But what if I like new "charakters"? Actually, I don't. But I love poking fun at your posts, Creamy. :)

The only somewhat fun parts in Sonic Unleashed daylight stages were the 2D sections, but I'd rather that a new Sonic game would focus on getting 3D right first and foremost.

While I support Big cameos, if I have to play as him in his crappy Heroes moveset, I'd give up on Sonic games altogether.

I'd like the hedgehog engine, but ONLY because it is a graphics engine and not a game engine. Of course I support better graphics; I don't see how anyone but the staunchest of retro fans wouldn't agree with me.

Also, Super Sonic in levels would be ace; I could accept losing Super Sonic in the final boss fight if that was my reward.

Because I know it'll be brought up, I like the "Last Story" setup. I can't think of any better way to end a modern Sonic series title, though I understand people's complaints about it.

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I would like it if the games had a better selection of playable characters (Instead of just Sonic all the time), special stages (Which seem to have disappeared :( ) and had some bonus unlockable games which you didn't have to complete if you didn't want to (Instead of obvious tips and pictures).

:lol: Super Lombax :lol:

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There is nothing wrong with having characters other than Sonic. The key is to make playing as them optional, rather than forcing you to play as them to get the true ending.

To its credit, Black Knight recently did the "optional character" thing.

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Y'know at this point I don't even know anymore.

This fanbase has spent years playing Armchair Game Designer and I can't think of anything good that's come out of it. No brilliant ideas, no great insight, nothing that makes me stand up and say "yes, this is what Sonic should be!" And even the few ideas that might work never get a chance to be tested; hacks and fangames take a lot of time, effort, and knowledge, and not everyone has the skill, drive, or time to do them. Even those that try with good intentions rarely manage to stick with it long enough to produce a finished and polished game.

This whole attitude of "anyone can save Sonic!" just seems like a complete dead end; just a bunch of guys standing around waving their junk so they feel like they're accomplishing something. You could spew any half-baked idea that pops into your head, and as long as you can justify it (to yourself if not anyone else) and never back down, it's accomplishing about as much as anyone else here.

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I've come up with my share of ideas for Sonic games, only difference is that I really wouldn't want Sega to ever try something the vein I describe because they'd just fuck it up.

In either case... I'd make at least one game in which Super Big appears at the very last minute and sideswipes Super Sonic's killing blow on the big bad, with Big becoming the true hero of the day.

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I would change the towns to be optional, but you could do the missions to get more characters (i.e. you would have to find a lost ring to find out it was Rouge who stole it, she then becomes playable).

I would remove the one-shot story characters and base the story around existing ones.

I would mix up when you could play as Super Sonic. Perhaps start as him, lose the emeralds, gain them back, have bonus stages with him (ala Spyro mini-games), and end the second half of the final boss with him (first half would be a challenging fight as normal Sonic).

I would let Tails follow Sonic again (no reason, I just liked that).

This fanbase has spent years playing Armchair Game Designer and I can't think of anything good that's come out of it. No brilliant ideas, no great insight, nothing that makes me stand up and say "yes, this is what Sonic should be!" And even the few ideas that might work never get a chance to be tested; hacks and fangames take a lot of time, effort, and knowledge, and not everyone has the skill, drive, or time to do them. Even those that try with good intentions rarely manage to stick with it long enough to produce a finished and polished game.

This whole attitude of "anyone can save Sonic!" just seems like a complete dead end; just a bunch of guys standing around waving their junk so they feel like they're accomplishing something. You could spew any half-baked idea that pops into your head, and as long as you can justify it (to yourself if not anyone else) and never back down, it's accomplishing about as much as anyone else here.

Very well put my friend. But that doesn't stop me from sharing what I perfer. Of course none of our ideas would come true, but we just like playing the 'what if...' game. Where we can make our OWN perfect game.

I think that's fine as long as we don't take it too far to the point where if Sonic isn't like our perfect game then we hate it. Unfortunately we have...

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I'd like to see a game where Sonic and Tails utilize a Banjo-Kazooie style team mechanic where you can switch between the characters at will. Like, at any given time, one character would be in the "playable" spot, and the other would be in the "helper/tool" spot.

Come to think of it, the Mega Drive/Genesis "Ren and Stimpy" game used that mechanic.

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As far as "formulaicness" goes, I would do a number of things. Listed in descending order of priority:

•Change up the storyline. When Eggman is the major villain, stop using the typical Last Story structure having whatever he's trying to activate go crazy and try to destroy the world forcing Eggman to team up with the heroes and Sonic and whoever else turn Super. Use some villains besides Eggman, too.

•Minimize the role of the Chaos Emeralds, at least for some games. We've had them way too much.

•Use a single story rather than different character episodes or whatnot, at least sometimes. This was actually one of the few things I thought Unleashed's plot did right.

Note this this is all strictly my opinion.

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