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Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice

Radiant Hero Ike

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Interesting promo art.


Also just when you thought there will be no Sonic game this year.

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Oh, they're still gonna keep making these huh..?






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Welp, looks like the Boom series is here to stay.


I just hope RoL and SC taught SoA a lesson - don't do what they did then.

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Yeah, just heard about this now on Twitter.  The promo art looks really nice, so good job on that, I guess.  I can only hope that it's better than the last pair of games.  Do we know who is developing this game?

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Sanzaru is developing it again much like the previous 3DS Sonic Boom. Maybe they've learned from the last game?

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Looks identical to the first 3DS Boom game, aside from adding Amy and the 2 element gimmick.

So it's probably shit.

Is Sonic dead yet?

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How can Sega be so stupid?

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bring through the children, so i can show them what the depths of hell look like

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The Sonic game drought is over! just not with the games anyone wanted... then again Sonic Boom is a 'hit' show, and 3DS is a wildly popular handheld that did need more games in this years lineup

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I was about to say I'll wait and see what the gameplay looks like.


More Shattered Crystal it seems. Eh?


I mean that game played fine. It was nothing amazing but it wasn't broken either.


So, next year then?

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Okay both Sonic Boom games were bad. SEGA normally drops Sonic ideas like a rock when they do bad. So what the fuck is going on here?!?!

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Whoops.  Didn't see that gameplay trailer posted.


Not excited.  It looks literally no better than Shattered Crystal.  I will say that the graphics look like they've improved a bit, but the gameplay looks as bland, repetitive, and clunky as ever.

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How can Sega be so stupid?


I'm no fan of the Boom games, but if you were to cash in on the success of the cartoon wouldn't this be the smartest cheapest move available? Take an already established game engine and put it on the best selling handheld?


Edit: For the record I don't know how well Shattered Crystal sold.

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Well, it's Sanzuru making this so...I mean Shattered Crystal wasn't horrible or anything from what I heard so I don't know what to say. Doesn't look like it'll grab my attention anyway. 


This screams cartoon license game. 

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I don't think I've ever asked myself "why" so much in such a short amount of time. Did the maximum bomba of the previous games mean nothing.

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