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New Nintendo console, Does that mean that Sonic, might come back to console?


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Nintendo recently announced it's newest system..the "NX, Nintendo's NX" Which true to older Nintendo history, which has been known to,..drop the old system and come in with the new one...


Dstylez2 posted...
"Why does Nintendo have to keep changing their controllers with every gen? The Xbox and PS update their controllers a bit every gen, but they still maintain the overall feel."[Dstylez2, GameFaqs board]
As this user said above, the apparent "out with the old and in with the new" Nintedo, has taken that to heart, and is notorious for doing so,...but  Nintendo President Satoru Iwata has confirmed that Nintendo has begun prepping its next generation machine.
“We are preparing for our next hardware system,” he said in a Q&A statement to investors. “In fact, we already have a clear idea to some extent about the direction our next hardware is going to take.”
According to the Nintendo President Iwata isn't gonna, kill off the wii u, but he[Nintendo President Satoru Iwata] has confirmed that Nintendo has begun prepping its next generation machine.
“We are preparing for our next hardware system,” he said in a Q&A statement to investors. “In fact, we already have a clear idea to some extent about the direction our next hardware is going to take.”[iwata]
“I can certainly assure you that we are not at a dead end of any kind in which we are out of ideas for developing new hardware. I of course believe that launching new hardware will not produce good results unless we first make sure that those who have already purchased our platforms are satisfied.
"The idea I mentioned about redefining the definition of video game platforms will also require approximately two years. This is how we would like to talk more about our mid-term measures and lead them to actual results. However, we will not be able to create a good environment for the company unless projects are undertaken simultaneously, so this is the kind of timeframe that we have in mind.”[iwata]
So with the "NX" rumored to come out next year[2016],And with Nintendo, paired up with DeNA,to bring Nintendo games to mobile... are you, ready for the next generation? And could it mean...Another possible Sonic game[sonic runners, possibly a console version, Sonic adventure 3?]
Maybe the upcoming 2015 E3 will shed some light on the subject...


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*Faceplam* Why does no one realize that the NX was simply referenced to help insure consumers that Nintendo is in fact staying in the standard game market, and that they haven't clarified whether its a handheld or Console or even an OS. People are overreacting, work on the next game system starts when the last one is released, its all standard protocol. And even if it is 'revealed' next year, no way will it be ready for release till at least 2017, if not 2018 if its an actual console.

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And what do you mean a return to consoles for Sonic? It's not like Sonic hasn't been on a console for 5-10 years. So his latest game was a mobile game. It's already confirmed Sonic will be staying on consoles and Boom didn't change that. Trying to make it sound like the next Sonic game coming to consoles is going to be a big thing is really silly.


On top of that, considering the whole Nintendo deal gave us three of the weakest Sonic games to date doesn't exactly help much and I'm sure many here just want Sega to move on and take advantage of the PS4 and Xbox One's specs instead of holding it back on Wii U.

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...he left consoles?


A'ight, I might as well dissect this.


Nintendo recently announced it's newest system..the "NX, Nintendo's NX" Which true to older Nintendo history, which has been known to,..drop the old system and come in with the new one...


Dstylez2 posted...

"Why does Nintendo have to keep changing their controllers with every gen? The Xbox and PS update their controllers a bit every gen, but they still maintain the overall feel." [Dstylez2, GameFaqs board]

As this user said above, the apparent "out with the old and in with the new" Nintedo, has taken that to heart, and is notorious for doing so,...but  Nintendo President Satoru Iwata has confirmed that Nintendo has begun prepping its next generation machine.

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Sonic left consoles? Anyway, Nintendo will only be releasing more details about NX next year, not actually releasing the console.

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They shouldn't release it until 2020 or later. We've only just gotten the ball rolling with Smash and the shitloads of virtual console stuff going on, I don't want to have to start all over again.

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Wait, how long has the wii u been out? It seems a bit too soon to release a new console.

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Wait, how long has the wii u been out? It seems a bit too soon to release a new console.

Its been out for 3 years now. They're only going to start talking about the new console next year. At the earliest it'll release in late 2017, maybe 2018. That's a good 5-6 years, which is the usual console life cycle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We heard of Sonic's "console leave" like a couple of months ago, stop treating it like Sonic has never been on a console for years. Sega's still giving the hedgehog the console treatment as far as I know.

Now if it were Megaman, this might hold more water.

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