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...... Apparently Sonic Prime had a pet dog named Muttski... O_O

In an anthropomorphic world.... this doesn't really make any sence.... o.0

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...... Apparently Sonic Prime had a pet dog named Muttski... O_O

In an anthropomorphic world.... this doesn't really make any sence.... o.0

and in the Satam animated serie's Muttski is robotocized...so it's more a homage to the series

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In an anthropomorphic world.... this doesn't really make any sence.... o.0

Apparently you've never seen Disney Cartoons.

Stuff Happens there all the Time.

See also Furry Confusion

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As far as I can tell; Muttski still exists, he just hasn't been seen much...maybe Sonics dad put him down. In any case, wouldn't this thread be better off in the Archie thread?

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The dog is one of the "normal", non-humanized animals, much like the kind Eggman plops into robots in the game series. Of course, in SatAM/Archie, Robotnik freely roboticizes whatever organic things he can attain, sentient or otherwise.

Still, yes. Even in the games, there are two kinds of animals- The humanized, bipedal, talking kinds, and the normal ones who cannot speak, and act like traditional animals. This dog, in the related cartoon and comic, is basically the same in concept.

The fact that Sonic in the cartoons/comics (and recently even the games) freely eats chilidogs (Which are logically made of meat) is another point of this distinction, since it's Sonic- an animal- eating another animal. But since said animals are non-humanized and, thusly, non-sentient, it would be silly to say that Sonic's been engaging in cannibalism all this time.

The humanized animals are effectively humans in terms of their place in society. The normal animals are, well, just animals.

Edited by El Gran Gordo
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Is it really that different from the real world?

We humans are animals, and we keep other animals as pets, force them to work, and slaughter them for food (well, most of us). Our justification for this, or at least the best one that I know of, is sentience. We are, they aren't. There's the same sort of divide in Sonic's world (and I'd assume in many fictional universes with sentient creatures besides humans); some creatures, like Sonic, the humans, and some robots, are sentient, while others, like the "small animals" and generic robots, are not.

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Speaking of robots in the Sonic universe, i prefer to think that the average Eggman drone really doesn't have much sentience, or at least not emotions. Because if they do, Sonic on his gang basically KILL people whenever they bash Eggy's baddies. Well, maybe not "kill" in the most literal sense since the robot's aren't strictly alive to begin with but... bah, you know what i mean.

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I always saw it as different levels of evolution when this came up in fiction involving animals. I.e. If Sonic is a human, Flicky is a monkey.

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Speaking of robots in the Sonic universe, i prefer to think that the average Eggman drone really doesn't have much sentience, or at least not emotions. Because if they do, Sonic on his gang basically KILL people whenever they bash Eggy's baddies. Well, maybe not "kill" in the most literal sense since the robot's aren't strictly alive to begin with but... bah, you know what i mean.

Yet Heroes, and even moreso Unleashed, present exactly that idea. I mean, in Unleashed, the common grunts can talk to you- One even thinks you're a cool guy, and offers to hang out with you once he defeats Sonic. So charmingly naive.

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Speaking of robots in the Sonic universe, i prefer to think that the average Eggman drone really doesn't have much sentience, or at least not emotions. Because if they do, Sonic on his gang basically KILL people whenever they bash Eggy's baddies. Well, maybe not "kill" in the most literal sense since the robot's aren't strictly alive to begin with but... bah, you know what i mean.
It does get a bit grim if you think about it, but remember, this isn't strictly a Sonic universe problem. Even Mario, king of the family friendly platformer, slaughters sentient creatures by the hundreds.
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