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Would you want a game like this?


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Post has been and may continue to be edited, so more information is provided.


A mainstream Sonic game taking place in Cyberspace (like in Tron, the Cyber Track stage from Sonic Advance 3, the Digital Circuit and Mad Matrix stages in Shadow the Hedgehog, the Digital Dimension course from Sonic Riders, etc). The story would be about Eggman creating a dangerous computer virus that hacks and gives him control of every machine on the planet. In order to stop Eggman, Sonic would enter a computer mainframe and into the Cyberspace. 


The gameplay would be like a combination of the gameplay of Modern Sonic in Sonic Generations and Sonic Colors. There would be the emphasis on speed and boosting from Generations and the power-ups from Colors. However, instead of using the Wisps, Sonic uses special suits that give him the power-ups. These suits would give Sonic access to returning power-ups as well as new ones. The player would also be able to customize Sonic's abilities like in Generations.


Sonic would primarily be the only playable character. However, Tails could also be an unlockable bonus character, like how he was in the 2011 port of Sonic CD. After completing the main story or game entirely as Sonic, the player could play as Tails. Tails could also have his own unique abilities.


There would also be a 2.5D hub world where you access the game's stages, missions, bosses, skill shop and collection room (where you can view the game's cutscenes, look at artwork and listen to music) like in Generations. The hub world would also take place in Cyberspace.


The Sonic Simulator would return as the multiplayer.


The artstyle would really reflect on taking place in Cyberspace. Here are some ideas as to how it'd look like:









It would definitely be on the Xbox One and Playstation 4. It could also be on the PC, Wii U and a handheld like the 3DS as long as the Xbox One and Playstation 4 versions wouldn't be degraded. Given all the technology the developers would have available, the graphics could really look great.


The soundtrack were be of a very electronic, house and techno style. If possible, Daft Punk should produce and compose music for it.


I think a lot of fan ideas can really go over the top, but I feel this idea isn't far at all from what Sega might actually do. Does anyone have ideas on what the title would be? It should be something simple.

Edited by Kenny_Glover
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This sounds like a fun idea, but the issue with game concepts is the concepts come first, aesthetics second.  It's easy to think up the "fun part" like a cyberspace adventure, yeah I could get behind that idea too, but real game ideas have to come from the gameplay first and foremost.  While such a thing is fine by me, the real "idea" here is "more Unleashed gameplay with reskinned Colours style power-ups" which isn't that much of an idea, especially if one isn't going into detail with these powerups and what new things they bring to the gameplay.  Otherwise there's not all that much to discuss.

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This sounds like a fun idea, but the issue with game concepts is the concepts come first, aesthetics second.  It's easy to think up the "fun part" like a cyberspace adventure, yeah I could get behind that idea too, but real game ideas have to come from the gameplay first and foremost.  While such a thing is fine by me, the real "idea" here is "more Unleashed gameplay with reskinned Colours style power-ups" which isn't that much of an idea, especially if one isn't going into detail with these powerups and what new things they bring to the gameplay.  Otherwise there's not all that much to discuss.


 The information in the OP is just what the game would basically be. Perhaps I will post more information on this later.


 There really isn't much of a need to think of anything very complex with the gameplay. There's no need to really change it up. Giving more of Modern Sonic's gameplay with Generations with similar power-ups to the ones in Colors is enough. The Boost gameplay was well received in both Unleashed and Generations, so it should return. The power-ups were well-received in Colors. It wasn't as appreciated in Lost World, but I really think a lot of that had to do with complaints regarding the rest of the game.

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To answer the thread title: yes, I would play it because it is Sonic and I enjoy playing Sonic games.


But to be honest, it seems like this is nothing more than an idea (just an cool art style, really) and the problem with ideas is that everyone has them. Everyone always says "Ya'know, I have a great idea for a Sonic game" or even just games in general, but ideas are cheap and meaningless if no one puts the work into actually making them, which is much harder than most people seem to understand. It's useless saying "oh, but it'll have X from Generations, mixed with Y from Colours" because it means nothing.


Saying that, it is a nice idea. Sonic games have always been, arguably, about Nature vs. Machinery, so having a game where Sonic is detached from the scenery and natural world he's used to would be super interesting.

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Kind of reminds me of a mixture between Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon and Tron. Sounds like an awesome idea I would definitely look into playing. 

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To answer the thread title: yes, I would play it because it is Sonic and I enjoy playing Sonic games.


But to be honest, it seems like this is nothing more than an idea (just an cool art style, really) and the problem with ideas is that everyone has them. Everyone always says "Ya'know, I have a great idea for a Sonic game" or even just games in general, but ideas are cheap and meaningless if no one puts the work into actually making them, which is much harder than most people seem to understand. It's useless saying "oh, but it'll have X from Generations, mixed with Y from Colours" because it means nothing.


Saying that, it is a nice idea. Sonic games have always been, arguably, about Nature vs. Machinery, so having a game where Sonic is detached from the scenery and natural world he's used to would be super interesting.


At the moment, yes, this is only an idea. But it's an idea of something that Sonic Team is clearly capable of doing. If this was something that was actually about changing up Sonic's gameplay and giving us something we haven't seen at all, then this would be one of those things that you'd actually have to see in action to get the whole picture as it would be something that has never been seen before. But this idea is just basically more of what Sonic Team has already done. Unleashed's daytime stages were virtually the same as Modern Sonic's gameplay in Generations. They pulled off that kind of gameplay twice already. The Wisps were well received in Sonic Colors. Sonic Team could easily release a game that combined both of these things.


And as a matter of fact, Colors' gameplay featured both the Wisps and gameplay similar to Unleashed and Generations. It only focused more on platforming than speed. And the Wisps were combined with gameplay more similar to Unleashed in Modern Sonic's Planet Wisp in Generations. They've actually already combined Generations' gameplay with the Wisps from Colors. They could easily do a game that revolved entirely on that.

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I'd give it a shot, but it's not exactly a game I'd relish in. It just sounds like another Colors and Generations to me. Which are games I played once and never picked up again.

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I'd give it a shot, but it's not exactly a game I'd relish in. It just sounds like another Colors and Generations to me. Which are games I played once and never picked up again.


Indeed, people who did not enjoy those games likely wouldn't enjoy this. It's fortunate most people did enjoy those games, so they'd probably enjoy this. 

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Your idea is nice, but it seems awfully conservative and placid for a fan idea. Is this really your dream Sonic game or have you compromised with realistic expectations? It'd be cool to hear if you've got some more radical ideas, even if you believe they're unrealistic and would never happen in a modern Sonic game.

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Well then, at least this means my dream of Daft Punk composing a Sonic game could come to fruition.


But in all seriousness, sure, sounds interesting. It sounds fresh and new, and yeah, a cyberspace setting would look breathtaking on next gen consoles. My only issue with it would be that there wouldn't be much visual diversity in the levels, if it primarily takes place inside of a computer.




But hey, Sonic in a world similar to Tron would be pretty fecking cool, I have to admit.

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Your idea is nice, but it seems awfully conservative and placid for a fan idea. Is this really your dream Sonic game or have you compromised with realistic expectations? It'd be cool to hear if you've got some more radical ideas, even if you believe they're unrealistic and would never happen in a modern Sonic game.


 I've thought of ideas for Sonic games for years, and while they were more complex in the past, I really changed them to make them more realistic and traditional as I grew older. I don't really have any radical ideas at the moment. It'd be for the best to not really change the gameplay up in the mainstream games.




Well then, at least this means my dream of Daft Punk composing a Sonic game could come to fruition.


But in all seriousness, sure, sounds interesting. It sounds fresh and new, and yeah, a cyberspace setting would look breathtaking on next gen consoles. My only issue with it would be that there wouldn't be much visual diversity in the levels, if it primarily takes place inside of a computer.


But hey, Sonic in a world similar to Tron would be pretty fecking cool, I have to admit.


 Ah, I had thought of having Daft Punk do the music for the game. They would be perfect for it, but I feel that may be less likely now given the surge of popularity Daft Punk has had in the past few years. But then again, if Sega managed to get Akon to do music for Sonic 2006 when he was at the peak of his career, they may be able to get Daft Punk for this game if it ever comes out.


 The levels in the game could still have visual diversity while taking place in cyberspace. There could be both the wireframe-style stages and computer simulations of more traditional environments, like tropical islands and snowy mountains (of course, they would still look like they're in Cyberspace). Here are some ideas as to how the stages could look in the game:


 The city stages could look like this:








 The lava/volcano-style stages could look similar to this (yellow lava instead of orange/red):




There could also be also be stages looking similar to Music Plant from Sonic Advance 2 and Cyber Track and Toy Kingdom from Sonic Advance 3.

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Huh, you do have a way with words Kenny, making me come around to this concept fully so soon.

Maybe it's just my inner Tron fanboy inside of me, but yeah, the more I think of it, the more it sounds insanely hella cool.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

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In regards to the graphics, I really hope Sega would make them as groundbreaking as possible while making sure the framerate wouldn't be a nightmare. Unleashed and Generations did have their share of framerate problems, and while Lost World's framerate is very consistent, the graphics were kept relatively simple for that to happen. I wouldn't want Sega to hold themselves back like they did with Lost World, but I would want a very stable framerate at 60 frames per second. Some drops here and there would be acceptable, but overall it should be stable.

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