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Favorite Sonic Cutscenes


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Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the Sonic series has had many epic cutscenes that define the stories of the games, so here are my TOP 7 Sonic cutscenes :D


Note: These are only from games I've PLAYED, so sadly this list will contain NO content from the adventure games, sorry


7. Erazor Djinn defeated




I LOVE this cutscene for 3 vital reasons


A. Darkspine Sonic looks EPIC!

B. Sonic COMPLETELY humiliates Erazor Djinn, forcing him to grant wishes while sitting on HIS throne

C. erazor Djinn's reaction and pleading are priceless XD

It only comes in at number 10 because of it's slightly douchy ending and not showing Sonic go back to his world


6. Team dark opening




Admit it, if it wasn't for all the spoilers in the trailers this would have shocked the HELL out of people who had played SA2, I like this because Shadow returns in a blaze of glory (literally), the music fits the events PERFECTLY and Shadow and Omega meet in an EPIC but brief fight scene XD


5. Sonic appears




Say what you want about Sonic 06, the cgi cutscenes were AMAZING! I really love this opening because it nicely foreshadows Iblis without giving to much away and Sonic's entrance OH MY GOD! This cutscene would of had all the more impact though if you had to play a bit of Silver's story first, it would make Silver revealing Sonic to be the Iblis trigger have MUCH grater impact, but hey...what ya gonna do...


4. Sonic Riders ending




The ending to Sonic Riders was one of the most satisfying endings to a game I've ever played (mostly due to how difficult I found it at the time) It has Sonic and Jet conversing as more like friendly Rivals than enemies as shown earlier in the game, and it ends the rogues quite literally riding off into the sunset with Jet making a rather memorable monologue as he speeds through the desert


3. Powering up to fight Solaris





Just hear me out guys! Just...skip PAST the "you know what" and look at it from there, in this scene Sonic walks up to Shadow and Silver with AMAZING orchestral music playing, he nods at them and the music ramps up as both Shadow and Silver turn into super forms before all 3 heroes of the story fly up to the final battle with Solaris, like I said, I REALLY love the music in this cutscene when Shadow and Silver go super, also I don't know if it's just me but I really like the way the Super forms look in the cutscenes


2. Zero Gravity ending 




I LOVE THIS CUTSCENE!!! Zero Gravity is one of my favourite Sonic games storywise, I LOVE the first person perspective of Jet near the end, I LOVE the EPIC race that concludes it and BY GOD I LOVE THE MUSIC!!!! This was without a doubt an AMAZING conclusion to the riders series! Because we NEVER got a third one...never! Heh heh...HA HA HA...Ugh...(begins to cry)


1. Chip's final farewell




Just watch it...I don't NEED to tell you why I picked it...:D



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Usually, a topic like this wouldn't stay open as it doesn't encourage discussion as it is focused primarily on one person and their opinion, but if we tweak it a bit for a general favorite Sonic cutscene discussion, then I believe that will suffice as long as there are no lists and explanations are given for each one of your choices that are mentioned. Feel free to mention as many cutscenes as you like with an explanation of course as to why that cutscene is your favorite.


So this thread will be a general Favorite Sonic Cutscene topic. smile.png

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OK, I'm surprised that the first post neglected this bit of awesome:


This looks like something out of a Pixar movie. It's pretty, badass, and gets you psyched up for a (mostly) sublime game.


Though it makes me sad at the fact that we didn't get a level where we took on the Egg Fleet IN SPACE! again...

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Hey, Sonic! Enjoy your future it's gonna be great.


Very nice little sendoff for classic Sonic, I thought. His attempt at boosting is also super adorbs. 


Also a fan of  this one, Shadow doing something cool for once:



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"Merlina, every world has its end. I know that's kinda sad, but that's why we gotta live life to the fullest in the time we have. At least, that's what I figure."


I will never stop loving Sonic and the Black Knight's absolutely wonderful and most likeable portrayal of Sonic, and that really shows here. Not only is this the most heartfelt ending scene to any Sonic game, it really motivates me to get by and try living life to its potential. It's a beautiful closing scene, and The Storybook writers did an excellent job conveying it.

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OK, I'm surprised that the first post neglected this bit of awesome:


This looks like something out of a Pixar movie. It's pretty, badass, and gets you psyched up for a (mostly) sublime game.


Though it makes me sad at the fact that we didn't get a level where we took on the Egg Fleet IN SPACE! again...

DAMMIT! D: I KNEW I'd forgotten something! This would probably be number 3

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OK, I'm surprised that the first post neglected this bit of awesome:


I can't stop looking at the luster of Sonic's shoes...



Okay, one of my favourite cutscenes is...



Because Sonic & Tails' brothership is perfectly condensed in less then a minute.


They throws armless sarcasm at each other (unless with "couldn't have done it without you buddy" Sonic was referring to the instructions Tails tells you during gameplay if the Navigator is on)


They laugh together for a silly joke



and I believe that laughing Tails is the most precious thing in the universe


And because of this little detail of Sonic looking for Tails' eye contact to reassure him about Yacker





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OK, I'm surprised that the first post neglected this bit of awesome:


This looks like something out of a Pixar movie. It's pretty, badass, and gets you psyched up for a (mostly) sublime game.


Though it makes me sad at the fact that we didn't get a level where we took on the Egg Fleet IN SPACE! again...

agreed :D

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The prison scene in Sonic Adventure, especially the version in Amy's story which has great buildup (and due to the longer pace actually seems to have Gamma's theme sync with the actions of the cutscene). Even with the corny dialogue and bad animation, it's a pretty powerful scene, with Amy's sympathy for this seemingly lifeless intimidating droid. This was actually the point I was introduced to Gamma, and it did a great job endearing him to me (though I had spoiled it a little for myself by looking up his story, I already knew he was going to 'die' so the scene already came off as rather tragic).


I also give credit to Sonic X (Japanese version anyway) for doing a pretty effective retake on it.

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I'd like to talk about my favorite cutscene from Sonic Lost World.



In about one minute, we get:


- Vindication for Eggman being repeatedly upstaged and betrayed by so many other villains over the course of the franchise. Seeing Eggman take absolutely no guff from the Zeti as he tells them off, threatening to destroy them and all they love... it's a very satisfying moment, and one that's been a long time coming.


- Some canon confirmation of Eggman's monster strength. The same hands that could punch out streetcars in Sonic Riders, destroy  GUN robots in Sonic X, and take down a professional wrestler in the comics are shown to also be strong enough to knock down a solid wall. Even with no robots, you do not want to get on Eggman's bad side.


- As per usual, truly incredible voice work from Mike Pollock. He gives Eggman such range; He can go from silly and goofy to chillingly threatening here in an instant, and it's all totally believable.


Eggman's great throughout the entire game, but this scene, this scene, man. This is something I as an Eggman fan thoroughly appreciated.

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Sonic Unleashed's opening, yes.

Sonic showing off some mad skills and looking cocky while doing it, a joy to see.


Japanese version here because Junichi's acting, he actually comes off as rather...condescending?  Towards Eggman here(3:00),while Jason's delivery is a bit more chirpy and lighthearted ,I actually find it quite fitting/badass,though yes rather unnecessary from an in-universe perspective and in fact rather accentuates the fact he gets owned shortly afterwards.


Oh and the screaming when Sonic get's shocked, eesh D8, sounds a lot more convincing.

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Hi! I'm New Here. My Full Nickname Is Tails_Sonic_Meg_Amy_Knux98, But I'll Sign TS-Meg-AK98. And About Me, My Favourite Sonic Cutscenes Are In Sonic Lost World:

1 Of 3:

When Tails Said: In Your Face, Eggman!

2 Of 3:

When Knuckles Said: I Would Wrapped This Up Sooner, But Whuddayagonnado?

3 Of 3:



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