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Sonic 1 & 2 : Taxman & Stealth Edition; coming to iOS/Android, most likely consoles too ("BUY THESE" - Retro)


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Huh if I have read that before I had forgotten all about it. Thanks for that Bender :)

Its awesome that he was still interested all those years later. Pity it took some Retro guys to finally push Sega into releasing a more complete version of Sonic 2, tho I'm thankful it has happened at all. I just hope we end up with a complete remastered set on console at some point. Seems odd Sega doesn't want to push the remastered versions of these two games like they did with Sonic CD.

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Were in a weird time, old consoles are still relevant but dying and new consoles are still working out their launch bugs. SEGA most likely are just biding their time until the new consoles have enough footing and are mostly bug-free before they re-start the digital releases again. that and I'm sure they want to get the last and best classic title out their and are still negotiating things with Jackson's estate on how to work out the music rights.

I have a good feeling that the Adventures, Sonic CD, Sonic 4, and Sonic 1 and 2 mobile will see a digital console release on current gen. consoles its not just going to be right away like we all want.

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I'm one of the ones who would rather have Stealth/Tax do a proper Sonic 4 instead of rereleasing the one we got. New console generation is a good enough reason to give it another go. If Chaotix can be 'forgotton' I don't see why Sonic 4 can't haha

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I had actually thought about that. De-canonize the Dimps games and start over again. If name copyrights are an issue, remember, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I and Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II were copyrighted and released... but not just Sonic the Hedgehog 4...!


Eh....?  Eh....?

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I'm one of the ones who would rather have Stealth/Tax do a proper Sonic 4 instead of rereleasing the one we got. New console generation is a good enough reason to give it another go. If Chaotix can be 'forgotton' I don't see why Sonic 4 can't haha


The problem is that the mainstream gaming audience aren't going to just forget that there already was a Sonic 4. If Sega want to forget about it by not releasing it again then fine but it'd be best to just start at Sonic 5. Trying to get Sonic 4 disconnected from the classics by now is going to be really messy after all the PR they did for it.

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Yeah sadly your right, it still baffles me to this day that they didn't see Megaman 9 and 10 and think, maybe we should just do a new sprite based, Mega Drive looking game, even some crisp HD sprites to show its "new". I mean the things you can do with sprites these days is even greater than what they could do back then as evidenced by all the really nifty indie stuff.

Episode I looked horrid and it was obvious it was done on a budget. Episode II looked nice, but it was still missing something, even when I first played it, it kinda felt empty. Like it was lacking a soul or something.

Then they went and tried to tie it in with Sonic CD and it was like..what?! Last but not least I felt it had no proper ending, and even with "To be continued" removed at what we can assume was the last minute, you could tell even with what little story it had, that it wasn't finished.

I just feel that it didn't do the classics any justice at all. I imagine it really wasn't what most people that enjoyed the classics thought of when they imagined a Sonic 4. While it may not be able to be forgotten quite so easily, they really need to go back and let someone have a crack at a follow up or a 'remake' or something to get rid of that horrid end that Sonic 4 left on the classics, and who better than Tax and Stealth really?

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I still want a proper sequel to the Genesis games, and I'm totally down on Taxman and Stealth being involved in such a project from day 1 (/brokenrecord). But I still think calling it Sonic 5 would be a mistake. (/brokenrecordskipsabeat)


Calling it Sonic 5 would bring us back to where we started with Sonic 4. A game that, based on the title alone, will have an excessively high bar of set expectations and standards for people who expect a classic Genesis game based on the title alone. Though by this point I'm sure people now know names don't mean anything in this series anymore (Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 didn't seem to hammer in that message as well as Sonic 4 did).


But you also have the case of people having lowered expectations and standards because the game, being titled Sonic 5, would be perceived as a (direct) sequel to Sonic 4. That would be a hard sell to anyone who was disappointed with Sonic 4 or heard that game was a disappointment; and if it was a genuine attempt to return to the classic games, the people who enjoyed Sonic 4 would avoid it, resulting in a game few if anybody would care about. The game would have to essentially be near-perfect in order for people who disliked or didn't care for Sonic 4 to actually have faith in it (though putting Taxman and Stealth and/or a proven developer would instill some interest at the very least).


Call it Sonic the Hedgehog Returns, Sonic & Knuckles 2, Sonic Glue, whatever. Almost anything but Sonic 5. I'm pretty sure that most people would rather prefer a sequel to Sonic & Knuckles instead of a sequel to Sonic 4.

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  • 7 months later...

big smile a member on Retro started a Sonic3Remastered campaign to encourage SEGA to allow StealthTax to release a remastered version of Sonic 3&K for mobile devices and consoles.


The campaign was launched after StealthTax released a 3&K mobile proof of concept which was turned down by SEGA:




It would be awesome if you showed your support by signing the petition which has now reached over 4250 signatures.


On March 15th at 3pm Eastern (Sonic 3 at 3 one could say) a bunch of YouTubers will be getting together for a race of Sonic 3 & Knuckles to help spread the word on the campaign and to encourage signatures. The following people will also be there to lend a helping hand:


SSF1991 (TSSZ/Sonic Paradox)
NTom64 (Hellfire Commentaries)
FTA (Find The Computer Room)
MyKonosFan (Find The Computer Room)
MBM (Hellfire Commentaries & SGDQ 2013/14 speed runner)







Stealth took part in a SEGAbits podcast, talking about the development of CD, 1, and 2 as well as the Sonic 3 proof of concept and other Sonic-related stuff: Youtube link.
There were two very interesting points Stealth spoke about:

1) SEGA were not able to consider releasing the Sonic 1&2 remasters on any other platforms - other than mobile - because of SEGA's three-game exclusivity contract with Nintendo at that time. 

Well, surely if the Nintendo contract - assuming it has definitely now finished - hasn't been renewed, this will finally open the door for the remastered versions to be released on consoles.

2) As we know the vocals in the Jp soundtrack of Sonic CD's opening and ending songs (You Can Do Anything and Cosmic Eternity) were not included in the 2011 remastered version because SEGA didn't have a license for the vocals. SEGA then decided to get a license for the vocals - which they did - and thus the vocals were included in the Sonic CD 20th anniversary soundtrack. Sonic CD 2011 had already been released at this time and SEGA chose not to add - patch - the vocals into the game.

It's a shame SEGA didn't patch the vocals. Not that it matters much now, I mean it has been over three years since the remastered version of Sonic CD was released (has it really been that long). I did purchase the 20th anniversary album when it was released, which is excellent. 

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Yo dudes I've been organizing dat stream and it's either gonna be hella tight or a cluster. Either way it's gonna be loads of fun, we'll have a multi-twitch setup the day of 

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Hope everyone's enjoyed the stream. :) we're probably going to be wrapping up, but coming up next, OssiferousGex has volunteered to play through S3&K with his feet, so I'll edit this post with that link when he's going. 


And here he goes! http://www.twitch.tv/ossiferousrex

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So yeah, the streams were pretty good. Somecallmejohnny won the race.


I watched the end of Stealth's stream. He said there's pretty much no chance SEGA will want to bring the StealthTax remasters of Sonic 1&2 to consoles due to the time which has lapsed since they were released in 2013, and because there are already emulations of S1&2 on most other systems (apart from current-gen). However, he also said if SEGA approve a remastered version of Sonic 3&K for mobile devices then that would complete the mobile set, and then SEGA would far more likely want to port a complete collection of remasters - CD, 1,  2 and 3&K - to current-gen consoles.

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That sucks. I'm still holding out hope for a Sonic Retro Collection with all the remastered Sonic games for consoles next year, to coincide with Sonic's 25th. It would be totally awesome and sell millions for sure! 8(

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That sucks. I'm still holding out hope for a Sonic Retro Collection with all the remastered Sonic games for consoles next year, to coincide with Sonic's 25th. It would be totally awesome and sell millions for sure! 8(


If a Retro collection does come, I think the most it should be released for is £15. The games are less than £3 each on IOS and Android. Although mind you, if they remastered the Adventure games for PS4 and Xbox One and then included them all into a bundle, I could see it selling at around £25, with a retail release, sort of like how MGS Ground Zeroes, and inFamous First Light got retail releases despite being smaller, cheaper games.

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Better late than never!




I've been meaning to get around to this for ages now. Here's hoping that all of this will push SEGA further towards getting my favourite game in the world remastered.

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Quoting from Retro:

On Wednesday Radio Sega posted a podcast interview with Stealth, Taxman and myself (I thought I'd mention it as quite a few people haven't heard it yet). There's a few neat facts revealed. At one point the SOA producer discussed the possibility of doing a Sonic Spinball remaster (although it didn't get past the initial talking phase).

Taxman and Stealth are introduced about 13 minutes into the podcast. Taxman mentions Spinball at about 56 minutes.
Nice to get an insight as to how Stealth and Taxman started developing games.

So there was a brief discussion about making a sequel to Spinball/new Sonic Spinball type game. That would be really cool. I've always felt a pinball type game is something SEGA would want to bring to mobile because it would seem like a natural fit for mobile gaming. I'd like to think SEGA would want to release a remastered version of Spinball to replace the original iOS version (released in 2010), which I've never played but hear is pretty bad.
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That's interesting, I wouldn't think it would be as popular or as downloaded as a Sonic 3 remaster, but if it keeps the ball rolling (no pun intended) and allows them to keep working on the remasters and possibly renew interest in a collection of said games then I would be all for it.

Plus if it means a higher quality rendition of the Toxic Caves music track then its a positive in any light. Probably the best thing in the entire game.

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Sonic fan, Leila "Woofle" Wilson - who has composed music for indie games - has been working on an alternative soundtrack for Sonic 3 in the 16-bit style of the original soundtrack.


She's done tracks for both acts in Hydrocity, Carnival Night, Ice Cap, Launch Base, Mini Boss theme and Competition mode.


You can check out her youtube channel to see how the alternative music feels on Sonic 3 gameplay.




What do you think of it?

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Her tracks generally feel a lot slower than the officially ones. I can say they don't quite sound like something I'd expect to hear some much of in Sonic games. That said, I've listened to them all part way through at least once and don't hate them for being developed different, so she's doing something right. It's hard to appreciate new tracks that replace some of your favourites.

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Maybe, but we got to swallow that bitter pill if we want a S3 remastered because it doesn't look like SEGA can ever use those tracks outside of the ROM format for a good long time.

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Maybe, but we got to swallow that bitter pill if we want a S3 remastered because it doesn't look like SEGA can ever use those tracks outside of the ROM format for a good long time.

Notably the S3, Spinball and Advance series tracks in Generations were MIDI recreations, while tracks from other games were left unchanged. Also the PC tracks, even though there's every chance they'd elect against using those as well.

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