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Opinion of Superstars Tennis


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All this talk of superstars racing has rekindled my interest in getting superstars tennis.

I never got the game, which is rare because I usually instantly obtain a game with sonic whenever it is released.

I hear mostly good reviews about it though. What do you guys think? Worth a try?

Edited by DarkDefeater
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It's pretty good. I have two main complaints though.

There are a lot of recycled voice clips that have no place in the game.

Unlocking the other characters and stages takes forever because you have to play stupid minigames that often have nothing to with tennis.

Outside of those gripes, it's pretty good. The entire roster is mostly balanced (I think Shadow's special move is weak while Eggman's is overpowered though) and the controls are pretty good.

I'm talking about the 360 version, for the record.

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I played the 360 demo but it was unfortunately very limited. Didn't grab my attention much.

I keep seeing the DS version in Gamestation second hand... can anyone recommend it to me? I've heard the DS one is actually a pretty faithful and fun port of the console versions, and I can imagine it'd be a fun distraction when oot and aboot.

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I played the 360 demo but it was unfortunately very limited. Didn't grab my attention much.

I keep seeing the DS version in Gamestation second hand... can anyone recommend it to me? I've heard the DS one is actually a pretty faithful and fun port of the console versions, and I can imagine it'd be a fun distraction when oot and aboot.

I've heard its worse. You should be able to find really cheap copies of the 360 version of Superstars Tennis in GameStop since they sell it for ridiculous bargain prices, atleast here. I didn't lose much, only cost like £15 or so.

I used to own Superstars Tennis, but I exchanged it along with 3 other games in favor for other games. It didn't occupy much of my time but it was a fun timewaster, and the Sega nostalgia is awesome. It felt a bit too simple though, I was expecting a bit more out of it.

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I quite enjoyed it personally. I have the PS2 version given to me by Verte after she had no use for it after winning it at last years SoS -I found it quite addicting I found and I can say that I'm glad I've got it. Haven't played it in a while but then again I haven't actually played -any- games in weeks now.

I've also played the 360 version which was alright too, don't remember anything particuarly different. It's such a simple game yet addicting, kinda like the tennis game on my old mobile phone. XD

Oh and I agree that some of the recycled voice clips came across as odd some of the time.

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average . not good not bad. I played it just for once and that was for 2 hours long

havent put it in my xbox since

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It looked like fun, but I couldn't get used to the controls on the demo, I never was able to hit the ball. :(

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It's nice because Sonic's in the game, but if you want to judge it as a tennis title rather than a Sonic title... well, there are many better tennis games out there. Especially Virtua Tennis, which is also by SEGA.

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Eh... It was allright, quite a few characters and allright gameplay, but thats about it. Pretty average.

Edited by Sileus
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I have the DS version and i only play it when i´m bored. And meh, it´s...okay. But meh.

But if it´s called "SEGA SUPERSTARS tennis" they could have put more characters from the other games, a lot of characters from the Sonic series were useless there.

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I loved the 360 version. Very fun, although a little short and easy (I can beat the CPU in Hard with my eyes closed). Its like VT3 but with special moves, a little more fast-paced and simple gameplay. Theres not World Tour like VT3 but minigame stages (I would like to have that mode from VT3 to SST, and level up my character and play tournaments, but oh well). I had a blast with online matches, there was no lag at all.

Edited by Ferr
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If you're going to get it, get it on 360. The game is fun, achievements are very easy (I've had it since summer 2008 and I've already got 800G on it), and it's awesome to see a lot of the classic Sega characters again. Just wish they'd actually make a new JSR or SC5 though. But be warned, when playing it online, you might not find much people to play against.

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love the game

got it on ds 360 and wii

one of my faves

Um..do put a bit more effort in your posts, please. ^ ^;

Anyway I thought it was average, and I was pretty dissapointed too. I played the 360 version in GAME and I expected so much more. It just didn't grab my attention, at all. =/ I found it boring too. The graphics were nice but other than that...I was dissapointed.

But, why do some people think the recycled voice clips are weird? Pray tell why, as I didn't really notice many. O.o

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Got it and played on the Wii. I thought it was pretty fun actually. It made me think of Mario Tennis, but more arcadey. Which is just fine by me. Loved the minigames, and once you get the hand of it, great fun (though I use Wii remote on side, not with motion controls). I'd give it a solid 8/10.

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Got it and played on the Wii. I thought it was pretty fun actually. It made me think of Mario Tennis, but more arcadey. Which is just fine by me. Loved the minigames, and once you get the hand of it, great fun (though I use Wii remote on side, not with motion controls). I'd give it a solid 8/10.

I have the game Wii and DS and I would give it..... 4/10 because of how the challenges being stupid my friend has it for DS and he can't get past Puyo Pop Fever.



Edited by ShadicNCS
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Dude shadic, what the hell is up witht the random shadow/silver pics?

On topic: Its a decent game and after an hour of playing it you should be use to the controls. The computer on hard isnt even hard, its like putting Mario tennis on a level between medium and hard. I've beat most everything and is only missing the 2nd JSR character (damn spray painting stage). The graphics are really good, and the controls after getting use to them are good except with a few ??? here and there.


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I liked it. Not a lot, but still put it in the like category. There just wasn't enough variety throughout the game. Some of the minigames were fun, some just downright boring/annoying.

I'd give it between a high 6 (between 6.5-6.9) to a low 7 out of 10. Fun for what it is, but not much else.

P.S. Based on the 360 version.

Edited by Snatcher2047
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I have the 360 game a lot. The minigames were lovely, even though they had nothing to do with Tenis sometimes.

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I tried getting into SST, but I just couldn't get used to the controls. It's a shame, because it looked lovely.

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Dude shadic, what the hell is up witht the random shadow/silver pics?

On topic: Its a decent game and after an hour of playing it you should be use to the controls. The computer on hard isnt even hard, its like putting Mario tennis on a level between medium and hard. I've beat most everything and is only missing the 2nd JSR character (damn spray painting stage). The graphics are really good, and the controls after getting use to them are good except with a few ??? here and there.


I just made something because I was bored... heh heh sorry

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I actually found the Wii version to be better than the PS360 version due to the motion controls. I've tried playing the HD version on numerous occassions and the controls just don't do it for me. For anyone who didn't like the HD version and then decided the game was no good I'd seriously recommend playing the Wii version before passing final judgement.

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If your a fan of Wii sports I think you'll like it a lot. :)


I quite like Wii Sports myself, but strangely didn't really enjoy Superstars Tennis. D:

Hmm, I do believe it was because of the controls too that it dissapointed me. -3-

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