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Blaze: A response to Shadow?

Blazey Firekitty

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Random Thought: Is this turning into another 06 plothole topic?

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Heh, guess I'll try to get it back on track...

The way I see it, Blaze does take things too seriously because she doesn't want to mess up, but Shadow is just angry in general and doesn't stop to consider that there may be a lighter side of everything.

I figure the difference is that while Shadow thinks "Everything sucks," Blaze thinks "Everything will suck if I screw up, and it'll be all my fault."

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I figure the difference is that while Shadow thinks "Everything sucks," Blaze thinks "Everything will suck if I screw up, and it'll be all my fault."

A fair assessment. Blaze is just as ruthless as Shadow, though; in '06, in the cutscene when Silver starts to question their methods and asks "Is it really right to kill one person, even to save the future?" and Blaze just ridicules his naivete until he stops being a sissy and gets right back on the road to murder.

She says herself that she dosn't even know if it'll do any good, but they should STILL kill Sonic just on the chance that it might.

Blaze <3 Murder ??

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A fair assessment. Blaze is just as ruthless as Shadow, though; in '06, in the cutscene when Silver starts to question their methods and asks "Is it really right to kill one person, even to save the future?" and Blaze just ridicules his naivete until he stops being a sissy and gets right back on the road to murder.

She says herself that she dosn't even know if it'll do any good, but they should STILL kill Sonic just on the chance that it might.

Blaze <3 Murder ??

I think this fits pretty well with Blaze's story from Rush. Blaze finally gets fed up with both Eggmen and wants to kill them. Sonic tells her that doing that seems kind of harsh. I took that as Sonic saying "Shouldn't you stop trying to use murder to solve all your problems?"

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I think this fits pretty well with Blaze's story from Rush. Blaze finally gets fed up with both Eggmen and wants to kill them. Sonic tells her that doing that seems kind of harsh. I took that as Sonic saying "Shouldn't you stop trying to use murder to solve all your problems?"

Haha; I didn't even remember that! It's settled, then. Blaze really DOES <3 murder!

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Haha; I didn't even remember that! It's settled, then. Blaze really DOES <3 murder!

She's the best there is at what she does and what she does ain't pretty. :lol:



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Shadow was never depressing or sad

Oh please, he was an emotional train wreck with no resistance to distress from his first appearance all the way up to his title game. He tried to murder everyone on the planet just because he was so upset over the death of one single person. He cried at the end of SA2 (and is thus one of the very few characters in the series that have actually done that) and in the various storyline paths in his title game he was seen as everything from depressed to filled with basically unfounded violent rage

Seriously, the idea that Shadow is a "strong" "cool", "collected" person who coldly does what he belives in without letting his feelings get in the way of his actions is one of the biggest misunderstandings in the Sonic fanbase. Judging from what we have actually seen him doing in the games, he comes of much more as a neurotic, overtly emotional, easily depressed psycho. In fact, id say almost every other Sonic character comes of as stronger, more resistant to distress and more in control of their emotions and actions than him. I mean, i cant imagine Sonic would ever try to blow up the world if he lost Tails... <_<

Edited by batson
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She's the best there is at what she does and what she does ain't pretty. :lol:

I just like the way your sig picture at the end of that cavalcade of violence de-fangs the cat entirely. :D

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Oh please, he was an emotional train wreck with no resistance to distress from his first appearance all the way up to his title game. He tried to murder everyone on the planet just because he was so upset over the death of one single person. He cried at the end of SA2 (and is thus one of the very few characters in the series that have actually done that) and in the various storyline paths in his title game he was seen as everything from depressed to filled with basically unfounded violent rage
First off, Shadow was programmed to murder the planent in Geralds name. Secondly, Shadow from all the way up to the end of SA2 had a reserved and caculating persona despite his lust for revenge, he planed everything for Eggman, he was one step ahead with the plans, and he had more composure than Eggman did when Sonic and his friends came on to the ark.

Seriously, the idea that Shadow is a "strong" "cool", "collected" person who coldly does what he belives in without letting his feelings get in the way of his actions is one of the biggest misunderstandings in the Sonic fanbase. Judging from what we have actually seen him doing in the games, he comes of much more as a neurotic, overtly emotional, easily depressed psycho. In fact, id say almost every other Sonic character comes of as stronger, more resistant to distress and more in control of their emotions and actions than him. I mean, i cant imagine Sonic would ever try to blow up the world if he lost Tails... <_<

Overly emotional is a misunderstanding from you, Shadow is one of the most composed and strict characters in the games. Even in Shadow when he had amnesia, he had a lust for blood but he remained silent most of the time. Shadow has never let his emotions get the best of him, he's always made himself focus on the goal. Only time he's emotional is when he flashbacks.

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Overly emotional is a misunderstanding from you, Shadow is one of the most composed and strict characters in the games. Even in Shadow when he had amnesia, he had a lust for blood but he remained silent most of the time. Shadow has never let his emotions get the best of him, he's always made himself focus on the goal. Only time he's emotional is when he flashbacks.

Uh, the reason he has a lust for blood is BECAUSE he lost Maria. If that's not emotional, then what is?

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I agree with chippu. Shadow was well written with great care. It's cool how he planned everything for eggman. How he was one step ahead. I like that intelligent trait. And how would you feel if you had amnesia, and the only memory you had is of the murdering of a girl you don't even remember? At the same time, you have two opposing forces waging war. Shadow's caught in the middle. Which is why he became extremely focused on his mission of getting those emeralds. He had no time for sympathy if the situation didn't call for it. He was very confused the whole game. And most of the time, eggman tricked him into thinking he was an android, and he tried to force shadow to hand him the emeralds to build his empire. Which of couse was never shadow's goal.

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Besides, haven´t you seen him in `06? The guy´s waaaay less emotional and more reserved, that about shows you that he has been losing SOME of his angst from game to game, I don´t see a depressing Shadow in rivals.

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When I said "emotional", I didn't mean "Boo-hoo-hoo" emotional. If Shadow were as cool and collected as everyone says, he wouldn't be out to kill humans because of one death. No, his emotions cause him to turn psychopathic.

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When I said "emotional", I didn't mean "Boo-hoo-hoo" emotional. If Shadow were as cool and collected as everyone says, he wouldn't be out to kill humans because of one death. No, his emotions cause him to turn psychopathic.

Exactly. Letting his sorrow and anger get the best of him was always Shadows main flaw. It's true that he didn't show his negative emotions in the sense that he wrote pretentious suicide threats on Face Book or anything, but his actions speak for themselves.

But as pointed out, since Sonic06, he seems to have calmed down and actually become a very cool-headed person. Of course, in real life, if someone once tried to kill millions of people because of being screwed up in the head thanks to tragic past events, i dont think it would be enough for that person to just decide not to think about that sad stuff anymore in order to go from out-of-control psycho to a perfectly mentally stable person...

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Blaze can never take Shadow's place. If Shadow's game didn't stop the legion of fans, nothing will.

Shadow is an emotional wreck, no one can deny that, but he's one smart and rutheless bastard, to be able to trick Eggman as he did and wanting to destroy the world just because he thought they didn't deserve to live. It's quite scary when you think of it, Shadow is a ticking time bomb who is angry and unsatisfied with things. I wish he had stayed like this, with less angst and depression of course but with the same angryness and loathing for humans. Softening up for GUN and their nilly-willy missions was a mistake. He'd be more interesting and more of a rival and more of a threat otherwise. Now he's only just another stamp on Sonic's useless character collection.

Blaze is completely different. She's shy, and Shadow is anything but shy. Blaze wants to protect when Shadow wants to destroy (or wanted and even now he doesn't care about anyone's protection but Omega). They're both rutheless and determined, but I'd say Shadow is a lot more than Blaze could ever be to mantaign her hero/neutral status. Shadow was an enemy once, one that wanted to destroy everything on a whim.

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I just like the way your sig picture at the end of that cavalcade of violence de-fangs the cat entirely. :D

Heh heh, angry kitty has a soft side. :lol:

I think there's been some misunderstanding in this thread of what I was trying to say. I did not mean to say that Blaze is exactly like Shadow, or that she should take his place. Rather I meant to say that while Shadow seemed to send a message that "Dark and gritty is good," Blaze, at least in the Rush games, seemed to send the message that "Dark and gritty is bad."

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But dark and gritty is good. Look at Batman and Rorschach. They alone are the peoples fan favorite.

Erm...Batman and Rorschach are similar, but certainly not the same. Batman acknowledges that there is only so far he can go in his crusade against crime before he becomes what he hates.

Rorschach is so traumatized, scarred, and insane that, for the most part, he just doesn't care if he becomes as cruel and heartless as the people he kills.

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Erm...Batman and Rorschach are similar, but certainly not the same. Batman acknowledges that there is only so far he can go in his crusade against crime before he becomes what he hates.

Rorschach is so traumatized, scarred, and insane that, for the most part, he just doesn't care if he becomes as cruel and heartless as the people he kills.

The arugment you made was that dark an gritty is bad which is a compasrison to Shadow while I compared Batman and Rorshach to your arguement stating that their concept is just like Shadow.

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Well, I'm not entirely sure Alan Moore wanted the audience to like Rorshach. He may have intended him to make people uncomfortable. Then again, I'm not Alan Moore, so I wouldn't know.

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Well, I'm not entirely sure Alan Moore wanted the audience to like Rorshach. He may have intended him to make people uncomfortable. Then again, I'm not Alan Moore, so I wouldn't know.

Say why did Iiuzuka create Shadow in your opinion.

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Say why did Iiuzuka create Shadow in your opinion.

It was clear, to me at least, that Shadow in his original appearance was sending the message that killing everyone around you is not a healthy way to deal with your problems. In the end, he chose to protect rather than destroy.

That's the exact opposite of Rorshach's "Never compromise, never surrender" obsession with killing.

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It was clear, to me at least, that Shadow in his original appearance was sending the message that killing everyone around you is not a healthy way to deal with your problems. In the end, he chose to protect rather than destroy.

That's the exact opposite of Rorshach's "Never compromise, never surrender" obsession with killing.

I thought he wanted a mirror of Sonic's greatest fears and choices as a pure and noble hero. Someone who took Sonic to the brim of his own morality as a imatation of darkness. Or something like that.

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I thought he wanted a mirror of Sonic's greatest fears and choices as a pure and noble hero. Someone who took Sonic to the brim of his own morality as a imatation of darkness. Or something like that.

That still doesn't have to mean "psychopath who wants to murder everyone just because it looks cool."

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