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Sonic R's music...


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It seems to be a common thing to jab at the music in this game...but what do you think of it?

I liked it myself. Even now, I still like listening to Radical City's theme.

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Sonic R's soundtrack is easily one of my guiltiest pleasures.

In fact, I think it's one of the main reasons I enjoy the game. It gives it a light hearted feel and, call me strange if you will, but it spurs me on to race. I couldn't imagine the experience without it. Or even without the lyrics. The lyrics are what make it.

In fact, seeing as it's such a nice day, I might stick some of the tunes on now. I sure can feel the sunshine!

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As a man who mostly listens to metal and rock, i sometimes listen to sonic game music to lighten me up and motivate me. One being "living in the city" and "Can you feel the sunshine". Sometimes overly happy music and singing it in a jokingly way actually makes you feel good.

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I really liked it

it had a real racing sense to it

it was fast paced enough for the game

And it stopped me from swearing every time metal sonic over took me on a turn because i could never handle them (i always jump around a turn on that game now)

but all in all i really liked it and still do.

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Guilty as Charged!

I love Sonic R's music. So weird and unique from the other games.

"Back in Time" and "Living in the City" are my faves.

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I really like it, actually. The only thing I can really criticize are the cheesy lyrics, but the singing itself is pretty good, and I love the instrumentals. Listening to "Can You Feel the Sunshine?" is hilarious in a group of friends.

I can see why some don't like the vocals, but the music itself I find to be fantastic. Especially "Work It Out" for Reactive Factory. Seriously, music like that makes me wish it was used in a classic 2D Sonic game on the Saturn.

If ya like the music, cool. If not, take a look at the instrumental versions, ya might change your mind!

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It was a bloody random choice for soundtrack for sure. I wonder who even okay'd it in the first place. It's practically made the game infamous over the year. And that said, I really love it. They're just catchy, fun tunes. Nothing offensive about it apart from the lyrics if cheesy really bothers you that much.

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I absolutely love Super Sonic Racing. I listen to that song quite often, especially in my car while I'm driving.

Otherwise though, I have to admit that for the most part I prefer the instrumental versions of the songs. My favorite track, other than Super Sonic Racing, would probably be the instrumental version of Work it Out. It's repetitive as hell, but it's so damn catchy!

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I think R's music has a unique kind of cheesy charm to it with the lyrics. The songs without the lyrics....are just awesome.

Weirdest Sonic songs of all time but heck, they're just all the more oddly endearing for it. "Diamond in the Sky" is a pretty sweet song though.

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The music for Sonic R is amazing biggrin.png , Yes the lyrics are cheesy but I still love it very funky, fun and soothing to listen to happy.png and quite soulful at times....my favourite tracks are Super Sonic Racing, Can you Feel The Sunshine, Work It Out, Back in Time (They remixed this in Unleashed) and Living In The City I think the tracks are very unique, bold and catchy. I was instantly hooked to it when playing SR sometimes the only reason to play was to listen to it so I was more relaxed, happy and calm when playing GOD it was so fustrating to play without the music biggrin.png It was ncie to have a different music style in a sonic game for a change it actually worked well IMO. It fitted when playing because most levels standed out and looked vibrant and clear. smile.png

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> "It seems to be a common thing to jab at the music in this game"

> Makes a post about it

> Everyone loves it

But yeah. I actually legitimately enjoy Sonic R as a game. but the music is still far and away the most outstanding thing about it. For example, put it in another game. Play Wipeout HD to Living in the City. Gran Turismo 5 to Back in Time. Super IV to SUPER SAAWNIK RACING. It's fantastic. It meshes so poorly that it loops right back around to fitting in again.

Edited by Tornado
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Yeah I really like it, though I do hate that the races are about half as long as the music tracks.

Generally I prefer it without the lyrics, just because they're kind of cheesy. Can You Feel The Sunshine and Super Sonic Racing are best with lyrics, though Livin' In The City is a lot better without lyrics. I find the "melody" of the chorus to be a bit too... I dunno, "harsh" sounding? The instrumental is a lot more relaxing and atmospheric. Goes really nicely with the dawn time of day in particular.

The rest of the tracks I don't mind either way. Back In Time, Work It Out and Diamond In The Sky never stuck with me as favourites.

The ending theme is nice but ugh cheesiness up to eleven. Don't sing about races being won in a racing game. It's just... too on the nose.

Edited by JezMM
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Man, Sonic R's music is fucking tops, I don't care what anyone says.

Diamond in the Sky and Work it Out are my absolute favorites, all of the other songs are good to. I have no idea why I love it so much, I just do. It's so endearing and optimistic that it just lift your spirits right off the ground.

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It's so endearing and optimistic that it just lift your spirits right off the ground.

Is it so endearing and optimistic that there is no time to look around?

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I prefer the instrumental tracks most of the time, the only exception being when I want to annoy the hell out of my brother. The lyrics, along with the actual singing style, are cheesy to the point of pain, but I get some mileage out of the tunes. I like it well enough. It is quite the turnaround though to see that plenty of people openly love the soundtrack. I was either on the wrong places on the web or a complete shift in opinion happened somewhere. xP

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Has anyone heard/played Metropolis Street Racer? The game's soundtrack is basically a sequel to Sonic R's. Richard Jacques is at the helm, with TJ Davis providing vocals on plenty of the songs. It's really great for anyone who enjoyed Sonic R's music and wanted to hear more of that kind of style.

This should sound familiar, too.

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Its not so much a remix, more like it used familiar instruments (one). And it was jungle Joyride Day, with its flute.

Edited by Groosenator032
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I love the Sonic R soundtrack, I think Screwattack was wrong to say that the game was the worst Sonic game ever made because of the music.

It is on the list of things to do before I die that I can memorize all of the songs and sing them properly.

Just thought you might like to know

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Love it, although I'll admit it's aged a little in that going back to it these days I realise how painfully cheesy it is. I just love how cheerful and upbeat they are though, and the fact I got Sonic R as a kid just cements their place further.

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I absolutely love the music for Sonic R.

I'm surprised so many people think its cheesy though. I don't consider it to be, I think the vocals are great.

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The music in Sonic R makes me very happy that SEGA made the audio on the Saturn disc red-book audio. I used to pop in that game to my CD player all the time. Absolutely love Richard Jaques and TJ Davis' work in just about every track. And I can never get enough of "EVERYBODY'S SUPER SONIC RACING!!!" It's just a fun little ride listening to the music.

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  • 1 month later...

Oh joy! I absolutely love Sonic R's music in particular Super Sonic Racing and Back In Time.

Just love the cheery,happy upbeatness and love putting Super Sonic Racing on in the doppelganger challenges in Sonic Generations.Just love the delivery of Come on now race!smile.png

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I agree that the music has aged... Like good wine, that is.

As cheesy as it was, it still gives you a good feeling. At one point, people thought "Let me see that Tootsie Roll" was hip and with it.

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