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Sonic The Comic - Online!

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#249 is up! Keeps slipping my mind to update these topics.


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No offense, but... this thing is still going on? I though it'd died years ago. But meh.

I've read better fancomics in the past (Other M, Chaos Diamonds 3), so STC-O doesn't really interest me. Maybe if there was a place I could read the old issues, then I'd be able to understand the story and get into it. But until then, it's just a bunch of pretty drawings.

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Read it, really cool, can't wait for the #250. I've already gave a detailed opinion in the other forums however.

No offense, but... this thing is still going on? I though it'd died years ago. But meh.

I've read better fancomics in the past (Other M, Chaos Diamonds 3), so STC-O doesn't really interest me. Maybe if there was a place I could read the old issues, then I'd be able to understand the story and get into it. But until then, it's just a bunch of pretty drawings.

The site has them just look for it if you're interested.

Edited by redmenace
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Are these fan-made or are they the Sonic comic book series from Europe? I'd like to try the European comics soon.

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I've read better fancomics in the past (Other M, Chaos Diamonds 3), so STC-O doesn't really interest me. Maybe if there was a place I could read the old issues, then I'd be able to understand the story and get into it. But until then, it's just a bunch of pretty drawings.

I bet you £50 theres now an influx of STCO members after that one!

It's a shame that STCA isn't still up and running... STCA was an archieve for every single STC issue ever made, including the poster mags and some of the promotional/spinoffs and special one off books that they did. Unfortunately, it died years ago, you can still view a very poor mans version of it via internet archieve.

There are tons of cover issues online in various areas, most of them are issues that I now own in fact lol, for the actual strips... not sure, theres some scattered around all over the place, tails kick ass net would be one place that has a ton, not sure how many they have up now though. Some fansites to have some trivial 'the story of STC' backstory so it's not impossible to catch up.

Are these fan-made or are they the Sonic comic book series from Europe? I'd like to try the European comics soon.

Fan made. Based off the official fleetway issues, but fan made all the same.

Edited by Casanova
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No offense, but... this thing is still going on? I though it'd died years ago. But meh.

I've read better fancomics in the past (Other M, Chaos Diamonds 3), so STC-O doesn't really interest me. Maybe if there was a place I could read the old issues, then I'd be able to understand the story and get into it. But until then, it's just a bunch of pretty drawings.

Of course if you don't know anything about StC, you won't appreciate StCO. Try Tails Kick Ass.

About StCO, I really enjoy working on it as one of the artists and some stories are a surprise to me.

And yes, #250 will be awesome.

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I can't help but be surprised at how amateurish the site and the online comic itself still look, even after all this time. I was kinda expecting to see something of at least a semi-professional quality by now, as I know there are artists out there capable of it. I'm sure it's fun as far as fancomics go, but it really does look a lot less professional than many other fan comics out there, which is too bad as there are some amazing artists and brilliant web designers in the Sonic fandom.

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I can't help but be surprised at how amateurish the site and the online comic itself still look, even after all this time. I was kinda expecting to see something of at least a semi-professional quality by now, as I know there are artists out there capable of it. I'm sure it's fun as far as fancomics go, but it really does look a lot less professional than many other fan comics out there, which is too bad as there are some amazing artists and brilliant web designers in the Sonic fandom.

*LE GASP* Adamis works on the comics sometimes, and he was one of the winners of the Black Knight contest! D:>

Woah, I haven't read StCO for...almost a whole year now I think. I didn't know it was still going strong. O.O That's pretty good, hmm.

Btw, I prefer StC over Archie ANY day. ;D StCO is good but I can't remember much of it 'cos like I said, I haven't really kept up with the storyline recently and stuff. ^^;

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I can't help but be surprised at how amateurish the site and the online comic itself still look, even after all this time. I was kinda expecting to see something of at least a semi-professional quality by now, as I know there are artists out there capable of it. I'm sure it's fun as far as fancomics go, but it really does look a lot less professional than many other fan comics out there, which is too bad as there are some amazing artists and brilliant web designers in the Sonic fandom.

The art isn't professional, since they're not professionals nor are they trying to be but the stories are pretty good, that's why I keepreeding it. And the art in this issue was pretty good, maybe you should look at the strips first.

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I have looked at them. I still think the artwork is pretty amateurish for something trying to take on the mantle of being an at least semi-official (or at least partially authorized) continuation of the comics. The stories and dialogue seem pretty poor too. But that's just my personal opinion and I know there are plenty of people who love and enjoy it, so don't take it personally ^^;

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Amy really doesn't suit Gothic Lolita dress. No matter what attitude she's in >_>

I dunno, the guy who did the main Sonic script last issue did a brill job D: Every now and then it has a gem in it. I think that's why I keep reading it.

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How on earth did they manage to make a comic about Sonic so depressing?


Though STC itself had it's moments. Like Johnny dieing D=

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I don't know much about Fleetway- I still need to look into more. I do know that Robotnik likes sappy romance novels and hot cocoa though, so that's already a very promising sign, despite his infamously ruthless characterization.


Yeah, moments like these are probably rare in this comic, but they make fans like me happy.

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Yesterday I thought it would be a good idea to read through all the StCs so I could get into this, When your sitting at a computer screen and you realise you've watched the Sun set, then rise, without moving, you know you've got a problem. (literally, from about 8 PM till about 5:30 AM I was reading) But it was worth every second. I'm just now trying to get into StCO, I've read a little bit and it'll probably all be read by the end of tomorrow.

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No offense, but... this thing is still going on? I though it'd died years ago. But meh.

I've read better fancomics in the past (Other M, Chaos Diamonds 3), so STC-O doesn't really interest me. Maybe if there was a place I could read the old issues, then I'd be able to understand the story and get into it. But until then, it's just a bunch of pretty drawings.

Look closer: http://www.stconline.co.uk/back/

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I don't know much about Fleetway- I still need to look into more. I do know that Robotnik likes sappy romance novels and hot cocoa though, so that's already a very promising sign, despite his infamously ruthless characterization.


Yeah, moments like these are probably rare in this comic, but they make fans like me happy.

Anyone see the colouring error <3

I do love those moments in STC. I think that's just British though. Example. Evil Manical Super Powered Hedgehog with amnesia....becomes a bartender :D

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Fan made. Based off the official fleetway issues, but fan made all the same.

Thanks. I still wish there was a way for me to see the actual European Sonic comic series, since I live in the USA.

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If you're still looking for the Sonic The Comic, check this site out http://www.knuckleschaotix.info/other.htm. It's not the issue the way it was intended i.e. with 3 stories, but it is in order, based on the character. It has most of the Sonic stories, plus all of the Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Chaotix stories. This was a lucky find for me, and I've been a fan since I started reading about 12-13 years ago, so I was there for most of it's beginning. Back to topic, I've tried to read StC-O, and I can't get into it. I know it's a fan-made effort, but it just doesn't feel like the old StC. But that's just personal opinion.

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I like what most of what I've read from the original Sonic the Comic, but I haven't gotten a good first impression of Sonic the Comic Online. Even if the original STC had a lot of dark elements from time to time, the fan continuation seems to exaggerate those elements to the point where the heroes can barely catch a break.

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Not entirely sure about STC; for I have never read it Orz

the only thing I know is that a Chinese Sonic artist I know does the STC comic =w=

And she is fantastic.

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I don't know much about Fleetway- I still need to look into more. I do know that Robotnik likes sappy romance novels and hot cocoa though, so that's already a very promising sign, despite his infamously ruthless characterization.


Yeah, moments like these are probably rare in this comic, but they make fans like me happy.

Although moments like that one does occur in the comic, i still think Fleetway Robotnik is the most mentally unstable version of the character ever. He is kinda reminiscent of how Eggman was at the very end of Tails story in Sonic Adventure, when he snapped and tried to kill the population of an entire city along with himself rather than admit defeat. But whereas the games Eggman snapped like that once and never again, Fleetway Robotnik is stuck in that kind of "batshit-insane-mode" all the time.

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To be honest, StC Robotnik was on a sliding slope of madness. At the beginning, especially after the time-warp, he was fully in emotional control, and extremely dangerous. (Especially since, with Grimer around, you got two geniuses for the price of one.) But near the end of his reign he was becoming emotionally brittle (Especially because of the verbal beat-down that Father Christmas gave him) and it wasn't long after his downfall before the cracks began to show.

If anyone here remembers the old topic then you might be able to remember that originally I wasn't too pleased with the online continuation. Well, I've calmed down now; I've accepted Robotnik's madness, especially since there's always scope to bring him back. The last sonic comic was one of my favorites just because of the reveal of the guy behind everything.

Hooray for Grimer! They couldn't have picked anyone more qualified for a plot like that, and it certainly wasn't obvious.

I do wish they'd hurry up with the next issue though, I'm intrigued to see what's going to happen to Mobius next. I'd also like the conclusion to the fecking Knuckles VS that echidna death thing; we already know that he's been brought back to life but it'd be nice to know how and why.

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