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Game Over


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Simple topic really, what would you do if SEGA gave up on Sonic and let him die? Obviously its not going to happen since this is a cashcow with udders of gold we're talking about but still, for the sake of argument :). I'd probably stick around with the Sonic art community since thats mainly why I'm into Sonic these days anyway, I imagine the community would still survive since Ristar Cluster is a pretty popular site and there hasn't been a Ristar game in 14 years now.

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....................................... Cowards."

and then walk away. xD

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SEGA gave up on SEGA? :P

Naww, but there'd have to be a very good reason for Sonic to kick the bucket - either he's not selling anymore (in which case few would care if he disappears) or SEGA run into a financial roadblock and die off (in which case, I imagine they'd trade off Sonic to some other team who would probably make better games for him).

Not for a good 10 years or so. Despite the crap games, despite no console to call home, Sonic still has the raw marketing value to pull in adequate sales regardless of game quality.

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SEGA gave up on SEGA? :P

FFFFFFUCK PARADOX TYPO. Fixed it now, jesus I proof read that as well <_<.

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If that does happen, I will be sad, but I wont stop being a Sonic fan. No matter what Sega does to the poor blue fella, he will remain a part of my life. Hell, Sonic 2 was the very first game that I played, and I give it credit to making me a video game fan period.

I'd also be doing what Rosseforp would do and just chill with the art community.

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SEGA run into a financial roadblock and die off (in which case, I imagine they'd trade off Sonic to some other team who would probably make better games for him).

IF that ever happens, I'm gonna hope & pray that SEGA trade off Sonic to Nintendo.

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My brain cannot properly process this, sorry.

IF that ever happens, I'm gonna hope & pray that SEGA trade off Sonic to Nintendo.

I don't hate Nintendo anymore, but I'd prefer SOnic to die than to be given to someone else. Quite frankly, I can't see his spirit anywhere else in the gaming industry.

Edited by redmenace
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If SEGA gave up on Sonic the Hedgehog, I would think it would be in everyone's best interest. I'd probably just keep playing Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, and some of the classics. I haven't been too big of a Sonic fan for a while and I just don't think I would care if he goes or not.

Now if they get rid of him hopefully it would give the rights to some other company who could make the games better than what they are (because let's face it Unleashed is overrated amongst fans, and Black Knight is just... bleh). But if it didn't have a new publisher then tough luck, I'd probably have moved on to something different by then anyways.

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I'd rather they end the series then make "DLC ONLY GAMES BRO" like so many are suggesting. But still, it'd be upsetting.

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It was game over for Sega back in 2002.. I'd still play my Dreamcast thou if the sucker worked.

There's still money to be had with Sonic, so he isn't going anywhere.

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Sonic will become a Cult Classic and 50% of my life would be removed.

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I think I'd try my very hardest to stay involved with the community, in art and fanfiction or something similar, but I don't think I'd take it very well and my interest would falter, and it'd just die away for me. I was thinking about this recently and realised that even if something happened to Sonic in the market, he'd be immortalised forever not only due to his influence in pop culture but the fact that he has a gene named after him. I bet in the future everybody will remember Sonic because of the SHH gene - that'd make me happy!

But yeah, it's most likely I'd jump ship to a new fandom as much as I hate to think about it. It'd break my heart too much to stay with Sonic...but who knows.

I wouldn't mind him getting passed on to another publisher as long as they do him justice. Not Nintendo, there's something within me that still cries blasphemy over that. I guess a Sony-exclusive developer would be worse considering they put SEGA out of the hardware business more than Nintendo did...but anyway. Yeah. That's about all I have to say.

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Not that my entire life revolves around Sonic, but if Sega decided to quit making Sonic game that would take a big chunk out of my interests as I lost a major outlet I appreciate more than any other.

...or I'd probably find some conniving way to revive it. :D

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I'd probably have to go back to the Mario & Pokemon fandoms 100% like I used too.

Me: Hey man, 'Sup? Heh...heh-heh-heh....

Mario: Well, a-well, a-well-a, look-a who-a came crawling-a back!

Though, I'd never leave this fandom completely, no matter what happened.

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I think the forum would be still alive because Sonic is not the only character in the Sonic franquise, i mean, look at how many threads there are about Eggman: at how much he has improved through the years, if he´s really the friend or the enemy of Sonic...etc...and even today there is too much to talk about the games (even the megadrive ones), like glitches, plotholes (xD)...

Also you have the other forums.

I imagine the community would still survive since Ristar Cluster is a pretty popular site and there hasn't been a Ristar game in 14 years now.

It´s innactive now :(.


PD2: Shoot me for that.

Edited by Blue Kirby
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I'd probably be inspired to create a hack, but I don't know if I'd ever learn all the specific skills and that. But yeah, would be a major chunk of my life gone I suppose :S Sonic's been a part of my life as long as I can remember.

Edited by Semi-colon e
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I'm not sure but it's possible I would cry.

Back in the day I would often flitter through franchises... for a fortnight I'd be in a Mario mood, then Sonic... then Zelda, maybe Timesplitters for a bit etc...

But now, while I still flitter my secondary current interest, I realise that I have been totally into Sonic for months now. If this continues for the rest of my life... yeah I'd be devasted, since Sonic games take up 50% of my gaming time these days, and the thought of someone saying "Yep, it's over, you'll never get anything new again", would devastate me.

So thank you, legions of little kids and positive fans like myself, for buying the games and keeping Sonic alive, no matter what people say. <3

Edited by JezMM
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What would I do if SEGA gave up? Probably clap, for then they can longer drag Sonic's carcass any further through the shitpile.

I doubt it'll ever happen anytime soon, but if SEGA were to go bust they'd more than likely sell off Sonic....and that can only be good right? I'm sure some developer out there can do a better job than they are.

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If they did stop making new Sonic games, of course people would never forget him! He was at one time more popular than Mickey mouse for gods sake! People will do away with the bad games and remember the good times the blue hedgehog gave us. For example, (and I know this is a sitcom), "Friends" ended five years ago but people still talk like its still on tv! Sonic has sold millions of games and has had comics, tv shows, shirts, dvds, books, toys ect. He's a household name pretty much................................................and I doubt SEGA will go out of buisiness soon... :P

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I would go looking for blood. Whose to spill, though: mine, or someone at SEGA's?

Seriously, I'd just go back to playing Pokemon or something. That was my favorite video game series before I found Sonic.

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I hope SEGA doesn't give up on Sonic. Yes, it's true that he's not been "as good as he was in the nineties" lately, but his games are steadily showing improvement.

Sonic Unleashed had amazing Sonic gameplay, it received nothing but praise - but the game was overall let down by the Werehog.

Sonic and the Black Knight was also improved in some areas, I feel - even if only in the aesthetic side of things - but again was let down by the sword combat.

SEGA have the right idea, they just need to apply it properly.

If SEGA were to go bust or sell Sonic though, I'd say give him to Nintendo - who did a great job with him in Brawl - or perhaps even Prope. I'm sure Yuji Naka wouldn't mind having his old baby back, and I'm sure a lot of Sonic fans wouldn't either...

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I'd remain the mild Sonic fan that I am. Reading fanfictions, looking at art, buying old games even though I know what happens, etc.

I'm not as excited about new Sonic-y things as I used to be, so it wouldn't affect me much.

Wow, I feel really awful for saying that.

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Sonic Unleashed had amazing Sonic gameplay, it received nothing but praise - but the game was overall let down by the Werehog.

Actually, some critics felt that even the daytime stages in the 360 version were also a letdown because there's "nothing to do but spam the boost".

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It would be a sad, cold day.

But as a MOTHER Fan, I know how to deal with game related tragedy.

I would probably turn to fan games.

Of course I think somebody would by Sonic as soon as Sega was ready to give up on him. Cash. Cow.

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I would probably be okay, seeing as I live in the past anyway :P Most of the stuff I really adore would fall into the nostalgia catagory than the present-forward-facing catagory.

Also, I usually amuse myself in the fandom with what's in my head, without really needing anything new outside of that. Role Playing, writing, drawing, imagining etc.

I would be sad if the franchise died, especially if the Archie comic stopped, but as long as the fandom remained in some form, I would survive.

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