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Sonical is Back! Happy Birthday to The Sonic Stadium!


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Awesome new skin, I think my only problem is that it's all blue, it feels like it needs another colour with me to combat all the sonic blue but thats just me *armchair critic*

All the same great to see the forums dressed up again and less "nude"

...Don't suppose people could still make submissions for banner in future? Kinda like FurAffinity does and stuff?

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Awesome new skin, I think my only problem is that it's all blue, it feels like it needs another colour with me to combat all the sonic blue but thats just me *armchair critic*

All the same great to see the forums dressed up again and less "nude"

...Don't suppose people could still make submissions for banner in future? Kinda like FurAffinity does and stuff?

Well it's not 100% confirmed or anything but I think it's safe to say we're going to continue rotating banners made by members for a while at least, because it's kewl. So yeah, if you really want to make banners just go to the topic in the Sonic Showcase forum XP.

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It's so old-skool~

Nostalgia overload... unable to critique... too awesome. I'll just be over here recovering.


I use it all the time in Powerpoint presentations to make text readable regardless of the colour you're using, it works wonders. There's already a very noticeable difference in the readability of post text and the rest of the forum's text fields. Hopefully it's not too big a pain to set up because I'd really like to see it.

Screw Caps Lock, shadowed text is cruise control for cool. Just don't bring back text glow.

Edited by Velotix Lexovetikan
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Horray for Sonical!

now all we need is nu sonical which is a bit lighter on the eyes as well as two foxy

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Loving the new skin but there's one small problem

On everyone's profile their rep bar is screwed up

The number is hiding behind the comment

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Is it wrong that just seeing the blue checkered background load up on the page made me lurch back in my chair and shout "What? Whaaaaaat?!" like I couldn't believe what I was seeing?

I'm so glad Sonical is finally back. You have no idea. It just doesn't feel like Sonic Stadium without it.

Now we just need Knucklehead back. :3

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This is so much better than that boring white IPS skin. not a nitpick or anything, but why Sonic and Sharah? seems so random.

EDIT: Nevermind. Just found out it randomizes. Awesome as fuck.

Edited by Gartocer
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I have a feeling that I should work on sorting out the New Content link and Rep links.

I love how my orange pops out :3c

That a euphemism?

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Awesome skin is awesome, though I'll have to get re-used to it after being used to Bland Community IPS Community for so long tongue.png

EDIT: Curses. The annoying pixels on the edge of my sig actually show now, since pink and blue contrast. >:V

BTW, I like how you can access all the TSS buttons from the top of SSMB now. Gives the two sites (one site with two different sections?) an overall more integrated feel.

Edited by Raxz
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I have to admit my eyes nearly bled when I refreshed and was suddenly assaulted by all the blue, but I'm already fast getting used to it again and there IS a wonderful nostalgic feeling attached to it. So, yeah, thumbs up, great stuff! I really love how the rotating banner has worked out, and the subtle shadow effect on forum posts really does add something. Great work! ♥

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Ah, Sonical was always my favourite. It feels like its never been gone!

And if Dread sticks to form, it'll probably be a Big or Cream skin before Knucklehead. He loves to keep us on our toes :P

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