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Nintendo Power Giving out Posters(?)


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I don't know if I posted in the right section....

Nintendo Power has the 2009 poster booklet out~www

And there are Sonic ones, no doubt~


First stack:


Second stack:


These are the SONIC ones:(excluding Klonoa...XD)


So go out and buy them?XD

PS: Holy shiz you can see my PJs!!O_O

EDIT: Link fixed

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Yeah, I'm getting grey space in FireFox.

EDIT: And Red X's in IE.

Edited by Blue Blood
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Testing to see if my trick works...


Edit: Ok, if you can't see the photos... copy the link and paste it into a new window... press enter. You will then be taken to a page in Japanease with a new link... click on it... the picture should show up.

Edited by Casanova
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I just looked at the Sonic posters, and I noticed there's a Sonic Chronicles poster there (floating islands?), but with from what I see, new Sonic art! I've never seen that pose before. O.o Hope someone gets to scan it, I'm curious!

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Thanks, Cas. Re-uploaded them to my Photobucket account, guys.





EDIT: Gabz, we did see that picture from Chronicles, only it was obscured by a review/preview.

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I literally got up, went out, and drove to the nearest store to pick this up right after reading this topic. XD Very awesome stuff. I especially liked the Ocarina of Time poster in the middle, that was a very nice surprise. Thank you very much KIRBY for making this topic, I would have never known about the poster book otherwise, since I never really go in the magazine section of stores anymore.

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Nice assortment of posters there, really liking the one where you can see the Tornado in the background with the floating islands.

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Awesome posters! I love the SatBK and Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games one. Does anyone know how much they measure? If they're small ones I'm going straight to ebay and getting these! =D (well, that's if there's any even listed and if they're extremely cheap), I have no room for big posters anymore, my walls are pretty much completely covered in Sonic posters/items. XD I wish they sold this mag in the UK, they always seem to be giving away free Sonic posters...

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I want that poster book, damn it. How do I get it?

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EDIT: Gabz, we did see that picture from Chronicles, only it was obscured by a review/preview.

Really? O.o Strange, I don't remember seeing it anywhere.

But besides that, they're awesome posters! My faves are the Chronicles, M&S Olympic Winter Games and Black Knight ones~ *o* I wonder if you can get this poster book around here. Doubt it, it's Nintendo Power after all. -.-

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Better question how much is it? I think my local blockbuster would have it but if it's higher then the price of a regular nintendo mag, I don't need it.

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Better question how much is it? I think my local blockbuster would have it but if it's higher then the price of a regular nintendo mag, I don't need it.

It was $9.99 where I got it, so yeah, a bit more than a regular magazine issue. Still worth it though IMO.

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Why is Sonic angry in the Black Knight picture? Despite what his profiles say, and barring that OOC scene in SUnl, he is not one to be angered without a valid reason.

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Why is Sonic angry in the Black Knight picture? Despite what his profiles say, and barring that OOC scene in SUnl, he is not one to be angered without a valid reason.

He's not angry, I can clearly see a smile on his face.

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I looked closely, and it still seems like a slight scowl to me. Oh well, let's just agree to disagree.

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Lots of posters in this i want... (will be cutting off any mention of Nintendo with a pair of Scissors)

I just don't know where the hell to buy Nintendo power stuff, GameStop doesn't have it, so where do you get it?

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I must get hold of this. Poster with Tornado in background = <3! I'll buy it from someone? :3 Or I guess maybe it'll show up on eBay...

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Better question how much is it? I think my local blockbuster would have it but if it's higher then the price of a regular nintendo mag, I don't need it.

In Canada it costs 12.99...

Oh, and I fixed my links, they should work now for I putted them on dA...=A=|||

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I really, really like those Ocarina of Time ones, 8O. As for the Sonic ones, they are pretty awesome too, much better than the last poster book, <3. I'd go by this poster book, but I ended up trashing all of my other ones since they never stuck to the wall good, =/. Plus, I need to stop spending money on things I really don't need in the long run, XP.


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Anyone have a ny idea if these will be released in the land of Australia?

I wouldn't mind getting my hands on the Sonic Chronicles ones, the game was a big let down, but the art was always so brilliant.

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If I ever have any extra change I'd be will to cough some over for that Unleashed poster. :P

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I like the posters for SatBK, Winter Olympics, and the one with the Tornado in the background. And the Klonoa one. ^^

Anyone know how much the poster book costs, and where they can be bought?

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