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Shadow The Hedgehog...


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I baught STH a long time ago, but seeing as ive never owned a playstation, havent been able to play it. My sister baught a playstation so she could play singstar and all that jazz, so ive been able to whack it out (sick minded freaks) and play it.

Firstly, for a game that alot of people ratted on, i'm loving it. Especially because its so over the top with intended violence. The intro had me in tears laughing.. but anyway..

Question: Which direction did you work your way when you first started Shadow The Hedgehog?

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Because Doom's Eye wasn't doing anything for me, I decided to go with the hero path. 45 minutes later, I still couldn't find the last two guys, so I declared the game fucked.

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First playthrough I went for whatever was easiest, of course. That just so happened to lead to Lava Shelter with Omega. When i actually chose who to side with I went with Sonic, of course. Pure hero side.

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At first I didn't understand that I could pull up the story paths on the pause menu. When I did figure it out, I was headed straight on the center path. So I decided I'd finish the neutral path, then finish all the stories methodically after that. It wasn't fun having to get all the paths, especially since each last boss counts as a separate path. I still have fun with the game doing random paths though, since I've A-ranked it and know how to do whichever mission I end up in. When I choose, I end up on the middle good path with Black Doom and Vector, because I always feel like the pure good is too good for Shadow. And GUN deserves a beating sometimes.

Edited by Badnikz
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I first went the Neutral path, seeing as it was easiest and quickest to finish really. Then I went for pure Hero..er, actually, I don't think I got to do pure Hero because of Maria's stupid mission. >.> I might've got it in the end but, I really can't remember. I haven't played this game for years. ^^;

Anyway, I then finished pure Dark (insert evil Shadow laugh here), then the Vector one with the sad ending...hmm, and from then on, I just kind of went all over the place for different endings! :0

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I went with neutral until I hit the stage where your on the flying ruins, and I sided with Eggman I think... After that I continued neutral.

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8D I think I decided I wanted to be an evil widdle angsthog and went on a shooting spree and got the almost pure evil ending. But I don't think I could manage to betray the heroes I loved so much in a certain level, so yeah, I was like...one off. But it was fun being evil. 8D

Then of course I went for the all hero missions, which were generally fun too..until the later ones.. x.x;

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I went for something really weird like Westopolis > Lethal Highway > Prison Island > The Doom > Air Fleet > Black Comet (hero).

The last 2 stages were such fail =/ I was glad when I unlocked Circus Park and GUN Fortress though as they are damn good and underrated stages.

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I kept trying to side with Eggman, but every time I did the story would progress as if I hadn't, or Shadow would outright betray Eggman on his own. D:

I was very sad that there was no "Join Eggman" ending. Bah.

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I think I ended up with the best Hero ending, but didn't take a direct route to it. I remember going via Lost Impact for sure, loved that level. Really can't remember.

My favourite route overall is Westopolis, Lethal Highway, Circus Park, Mad Matrix, and then either Lost Impact and Cosmic Fall, or Space Gadget and Final Haunt, depending on what mood I'm in.

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Heh, same basically, Circus Park Normal mission is too good to pass up on, although Death Ruins is a fairly decent stage too. Shame Final Haunt and Cosmic Fall both suck =/

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Hero side. It wasn't even my game, and my friend was only playing through the hero mode at the time, so I started as a hero.

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My first playthrough, I teamed up with Omega. I was rather surprised to see what Shadow did to Eggman.

I then proceeded to be a neutral hero, neutral villian, true hero, and then true villian.

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Dark Side. I wanted to explore more of the new stuff and see what it was like.

Unfortunately, I wasn't impressed by it. Then I went to the hero side. Wasn't impressed by that either but I found it to be a lot better.

And Diablon was the best looking final boss of the game. Too bad for the actually battle tho.

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Neutral of course. But considering there was always war going on between GUN and the black arms, I like the idea of siding with one group and annialating the opposing.

Casual play of shadow the hedgehog for me, nowadays, involves gunning down every last mo fucka in my path and heading for the goal ring.

But I do like the dark path more. Why? Because the hero characters are so annoying. I like how Black Doom calls you a traitor if you screw up his plans. His dialogue is pretty rich anyway. Shooting down the president's plane, that was a hella lot of fun.

Some of the missions get repetitive, like eliminating X amount of enemies, but honestly, I enjoyed this a lot more than sonic heroes. It was like a true sequel to SA2.... but no where near as polished... but still.

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I first just went with whatever mission was easiest, putting me on the neutral path.

Then I learned of the weapons I'd have access to as evil. So I took the villain path.

Then Black Doom tried to make me mess up the Ark's defense system or something, but I gave up and sold the game.

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Blitz, you do know it's not ONLY on PS2, right? It's on GC and Xbox as well. I played the PS2 version of ShTH, and the character I first joined with was Sonic or Black Doom, can't remember which. But then I went on with Knuckles and Charmy, and I stopped playing when I joined with Charmy.

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I took the neutral path first, usually because of a combination of the fact I couldn't figure out how to progress down the path I wanted, or just plain couldn't be fucked to kill EVERY SINGLE ENEMY IN THE LEVEL. I eventually managed, by some fuckin' fluke, to progress down the hero path, but not to the "pure" hero ending because the goddamn ARK mission is too damn obscure to finish properly the first few times.

It was only by that point that I realized just how much bullshit I'd have to put up with to actually finish the game properly. Real shame too, because ShTH had some great ideas behind it which could've really worked awesomely if they'd just taken an approach that actually made sense.

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I think I went with the totally neutral past first. Afterward I don't know.

I think it would of been sorta cool if Shadow really were just some android clone.

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Blitz, you do know it's not ONLY on PS2, right? It's on GC and Xbox as well. I played the PS2 version of ShTH, and the character I first joined with was Sonic or Black Doom, can't remember which. But then I went on with Knuckles and Charmy, and I stopped playing when I joined with Charmy.

Haha, yep! But I never really thought about buying it on the Gamecube (which I have) until it was too late, and there was no more available. You cant buy gamecube games anymore unless you go to a gametraders store in which case they're horribly expensive.. Ebay's rather pricey too...

Ive gone on the hero side so far, with Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Rouge and im not sure who im with at the moment..

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First time through I tried to do good, but I ended up getting between good and evil because I got stuck somewhere. I've gone through about 3 pages worth of different routes and then I got bored. Thing is though, I haate being evil in games like that. I don't know why, but if given a choice I'm always good.

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Haha, yep! But I never really thought about buying it on the Gamecube (which I have) until it was too late, and there was no more available. You cant buy gamecube games anymore unless you go to a gametraders store in which case they're horribly expensive.. Ebay's rather pricey too...

Ive gone on the hero side so far, with Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Rouge and im not sure who im with at the moment..

They're still selling GC games here at the Gamestop in the mall where we live, but they only have 10-15 games there, so I bet they'll be getting rid of them soon. They already got rid of all their old Xbox games. It'll be sad to see all the GC games go. :(

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