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Here's a nice something for you Sega fans to go on about.


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If you remember the ending of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, you'll remember Sonic's entrance, smashing Taboo's wings as he was about to turn everyone into statues.

I realise that Nintendo had to work carefully with Sega to implement Sonic in the story at all, but did they even realise that they made Sonic save all the Nintendo Characters?

It would appear that Sonic won the war with Nintendo after all.

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I don't want to backseat mod here, but this kind of post won't foster a lot of intelligent discussion. It didn't deserve its own thread.

Also spoilers for SSE, for people who care. Not that anyone does.

Edited by The Soldier
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While in the story it's pretty awesome for Sonic to save everyone all by himself out of nowhere, in real life the reason Sonic only appears at the end is because he was a very late addition to the game and as such it was very hard to implement him into the story, all the earlier cutscenes were probably already finished. If Sonic had been planned from the original announcement like Snake, he most likely would've had a bigger role and the ending would've been different.

That's my understanding of it all anyway.

Edited by ENVY
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I'd argue that Sonic (or Sonic fans at least) actually lost out. Before the game came out, one of the things that people were excited for in regards to his inclusion was how he'd interact with the Nintendo characters (eg references to the rivalry between him and Mario, the potential friendship between him and Pikachu since they're similar etc). By making Sonic turn up at the very end and just save them all, they deprived him of the interaction that people were looking forward to.

Of course, saying as I don't even own Brawl, I might just be talking out of my ass. Plus the IRL reasons that ENVY said.

Edited by VEDJ-F
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Do you realize that you're comparing a console war - one in which, I should remind, that Sega stopped competing in years ago, and if anything has a friendly relationship with their former rivals - to an act of saving the cast of Brawl from a (dodgeable) instant-death attack, which doesn't even make him victorious over anyone so much as working in tandem with them?

"Strawman argument" doesn't even begin to describe it.

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I'd argue that Sonic (or Sonic fans at least) actually lost out. Before the game came out, one of the things that people were excited for in regards to his inclusion was how he'd interact with the Nintendo characters (eg references to the rivalry between him and Mario, the potential friendship between him and Pikachu since they're similar etc). By making Sonic turn up at the very end and just save them all, they deprived him of the interaction that people were looking forward to.

Of course, saying as I don't even own Brawl, I might just be talking out of my ass. Plus the IRL reasons that ENVY said.

Well hey there's always hope for interaction in the next smash bros story mode

Edited by Johnny Boy
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While i do like the fact that Sonic of all characters was the one that saved the day in brawl and defeated the final boss which 20 other characters couldn't take out with just a couple aerial spin dashes and didn't even NEED supersonic, he did miss out in allot of the story mode. i wish he was in the first cut scene/fight against Mario, that would've been pretty cool.

Regardless the story can't change now lets just hope snake and sonic come back for round 2, and maybe with some voice acting this time.

Edited by goku262002
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Actually, I'd consider a jab at Sonic if anything. The fastest thing alive arrived way, way too late.

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I wouldn't had minded if they just kept him out of the story, and had been like Toon Link/Wolf/Jigglypuff. Intrude on his turf, and he will fight you. Defeat him, and he "joins your team."

I do hope he plays a more direct role in SSB4's plot-that is, if he's in the roster. It would be pretty cool if Tails and even Amy (or Knuckles) joins him too.

Edited by Ananze
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I always thought it was a small joke at Sonic. He always has to fight a monster at the end of the game....

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Sonic was the only character in the roster that wasn't decided earlier in development. Sakurai went into detail on who he thought were the most interesting characters to make for Brawl, and he gave a pretty in-depth answer on the Sonic side of things as Sonic was one of the three. They decided they wanted a 35 character roster instead of 34 and to have another guest character besides Snake, and Sonic ultimately was their go-to guy thanks to fan demand, diverse moveset, and interesting addition. As well, SEGA also was easy enough to work with as SEGA and Nintendo have a good relationship. This is where the first flaw in the opening post comes, this was not Sonic "being better than anyone" as they aren't contesting each other. People have personal favorites and that's great, but I wouldn't use one of the ending scenes of Subspace as a way to justify Sonic is better than other awesome series and characters.

Sonic was added at the end because he came into play so late into development. All the cutscenes are pre-rendered in Brawl, and it is extremely difficult, time consuming, and expensive to go back and modify cutscenes that have already, "gone gold." The solution here is to add Sonic towards the end as it's a situation that can easily be fit in, is a bit of fan service to Sonic fans, and also makes a good end-game reward that Subspace gives you, as Sonic was a very hyped character for Brawl (I mean, the Sonic update on the smash dojo netted millions of website views and is the only site update the efficiently crashed the sites servers thanks to to many visitors). I would of liked to actually have had Sonic earlier in the game and interact with characters from Nintendo series and possibly even Snake, but I understand that wasn't an option and think the solution they had was a good alternative.

And as Dr. Spudhead said, it is also a bit fitting as Sonic has a habit of showing up at the end of a game when big boss man shows up to help save the day a bit. His appearance is actually a bit like his appearance in the RPG, Segagaga, when he appears out of the blue near the end of the game to help the hero get somewhere fast.

It's a nice nod to fans, something the developers kind of had to do to include Sonic in the story, makes a good reward for those who are using Subspace to unlock characters to unlock something late-game (and a motive), but in no way is a jab at Nintendo and their excellent characters and series. It's a game to celebrate multiple series in a fun party fighter type game, not say who's better than who.

Edited by Dusk Golem
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