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[EVENT] The Sonic Stadium 52 Game Challenge 2024! - New Prizes every week! Current Prize: Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity profile gift - IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT IN RECOMMENDED POST - PLEASE READ:


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10 minutes ago, Starry Skydancer said:


To make this clear.

If my aim is to finish a game to enter into the event, then I need to start the game from scratch, but if my aim is to 100% a game for the event, then I don't need to start from scratch, but only if I last played it last year?

We’re being lenient enough that if a game was started in 2023, but is now finished in 2024, it’ll count for finished credit, and same if it was started in 2023, and then 100% completed, it’ll count for both finished and completed credit.

We want most games to be started fresh this year of course, but we still want to make the event fun, so we’re trying not to be super strict here.

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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

Edgy the Hedgy was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 20 points.

Starry Skydancer swoops in

Game 1 of 52: NiGHTS into Dreams

Post 1

My username was actually inspired by NiGHTS, having decided to make my usertag something related to the purple jester in question, I had made my usertag "Starry NiGHTS" on Discord. So I suppose "Starry" doubles as a nickname for him.

My first game is...believe it or not, NiGHTS into Dreams on PC.


Starting a new game with Claris in Spring Valley.


A very aesthetically pleasing game, and the main levels have a fun gameplay loop that make you want to squeeze in just one more lap.

The way each main level is attached to the boss feels a bit awkward and if the boss beats you then you lose the entire level, that's a bit frustrating in my opinion. I was going for Mystic Forest but got beaten by Gulpo.

In my opinion, NiGHTS Journey of Dreams is the better game, that's a bit contentious in the NiGHTS fandom!

Main level score



Overall score.




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23 minutes ago, Starry Skydancer said:

My first game is...believe it or not, NiGHTS into Dreams on PC.


Starting a new game with Claris.


A very aesthetically pleasing game, and the main levels have a fun gameplay loop that make you want to squeeze in just one more lap.

The way each main level is attached to the boss feels a bit awkward and if the boss beats you then you lose the entire level, that's a bit frustrating in my opinion. I was going for Mystic Forest but got beaten by Gulpo.

In my opinion, NiGHTS Journey of Dreams is the better game, that's a bit contentious in the NiGHTS fandom!

Main level score



Overall score.




Just to be clear - is this just regular completion, or full 100% completion?

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24 minutes ago, Starry Skydancer said:

My first game is...believe it or not, NiGHTS into Dreams on PC.

Absolutely excellent taste!

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: The opening post of the topic has been updated with a lot of new event details and game conditions for stuff that's been decided over the last few days, so please be sure to read it!

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17 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Just to be clear - is this just regular completion, or full 100% completion?

Well it's a brand new save, so I want to at least any% finish the game. I suppose I will see if I can make it further though? I suppose I will have to think about it before submitting evidence of finishing the last level, I'll get back to you on that one.

I kind of didn't realise I was supposed to pick a category rather than collect a reward for finishing and another for 100%

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8 minutes ago, Starry Skydancer said:

Well it's a brand new save, so I want to at least any% finish the game. I suppose I will see if I can make it further though? I suppose I will have to think about it before submitting evidence of finishing the last level, I'll get back to you on that one.

I kind of didn't realise I was supposed to pick a category rather than collect a reward for finishing and another for 100%

No, no that isn't what I meant.

I haven't finished Nights before, so I wasn't sure if there was a 100% completion term, or if getting to the end of the game is 100% completing it (Think Mega Man 1 on the NES). Games can be either finished, or both finished and completed.

You don't have to pick a catagory, you just need to specify when submitting a game if it's just any% completed, or 100% so I know to mark it down for one or both.

EDIT: OOOOOH wait, I see. You just started the game. I thought you meant you were submitting it as finished, not just giving a progress report, my bad. @Starry Skydancer

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I want to participate in the event, I just don't know where to say that I finished the game

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1 minute ago, SuperSonicFan Gui said:

I want to participate in the event, I just don't know where to say that I finished the game

You just post in this topic every time you finish a game, along with evidence of having done so (image, picture, trophy list, etc).

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Okay, went ahead and replayed Sonic The Hedgehog (1991) after not playing it for a few months. It certainly was easier to 100% than I expected, though the bullshit hazards mixed with the often bad camera panning certainly made some aspects of it not enjoyable.



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ooh this seems like a really fun challenge 👀

this will be my first check in

Currently playing through these two games (BG3 with a friend)


Also playing a bit of Honkai: Star Rail and Halo Infinite every now and then.

Had a few questions though:

1. What's the ruling on DLC/expansions? For example I completed The Champion's Ballad in BotW earlier this month. Would that count as a game completion?

2. As far as battle passes go, completing the base set will count as a standard game completion while also completing the extra pages/sets will count as a 100% completion correct? Just wanted to make sure I interpreted it right.

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51 minutes ago, fink said:

Had a few questions though:

1. What's the ruling on DLC/expansions? For example I completed The Champion's Ballad in BotW earlier this month. Would that count as a game completion?

2. As far as battle passes go, completing the base set will count as a standard game completion while also completing the extra pages/sets will count as a 100% completion correct? Just wanted to make sure I interpreted it right.

DLC does not count as completion as expansions feel like a bit too close to episodic stuff for me. But it also means only base game stuff is required - but if a DLC can *make* the base game stuff easier, then that's fair game.

For the second one - correct. So completing the first 14 pages of Fortnite's BP is regular completion (Level 100), while finishing all bonus rewards and getting to Level 200 is completion.

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Alright, next game done!

it's Sonic R, Saturn version running on Emudeck.

It's been quite some time since I played this, I still have my original game and the Saturn, but no compatible TV. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I did the 100%, no matter when I play it, I always fall in love with the OST again. God I love this cheesy 90's soundtrack..

That makes 2/52. Maybe I'll tackle 3D Blast Saturn next. :)

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This looks like a lot of fun! Good excuse to play my MASSIVE backlog of games.

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1/17/24 - Beat Folder Dungeon


1/18/24 - Beat Sonic Advance 3!! (Credits image below, spoiler for anyone wanting to play it but trying to avoid as many spoilers as possible)



Some little side notes: While I had beaten Folder Dungeon yesterday, I decided to wait to post it because I didn't want to rush the challenge, and, seeing as it is a bit of a short game, I didn't want to "cheese" it. As for Sonic Advance 3: I had started it way back in spring 2023, when I got to the [final zone] I decided I wanted to wait to go back and get all the chaos emeralds to enter [special final boss], but since the challenge started, I said: "Screw it, let's 100% the game later." So, I'll do all the chaos emeralds next. I only need one more, but the game has horrendous special stages, so....

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Actually uh. Discussing the 100% conditions of NiGHTS into dreams might be a good idea.

I'm pretty sure that there is only one way to 100% the original NiGHTS into Dreams, and that's by getting A ranks on every level and being at the top of every scoreboard.

The PC version is a bit more complicated. It includes Christmas NiGHTS into Dreams, so would the mods want me to finish those levels too?

The PC version also includes achievements, but they cannot be reset, once you have the achievements in your account, you can't get rid of them and start again, so anybody doing a replay won't be able to earn them again and count them towards a 100%

I'll just leave this here to prove I haven't got these two yet.


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3 hours ago, Starry Skydancer said:

Starry Skydancer swoops in

Game 1 of 52: NiGHTS into Dreams

Post 2 (I'm labelling these for my benefit.)

Actually uh. Discussing the 100% conditions of NiGHTS into dreams might be a good idea.

I'm pretty sure that there is only one way to 100% the original NiGHTS into Dreams, and that's by getting A ranks on every level and being at the top of every scoreboard.

The PC version is a bit more complicated. It includes Christmas NiGHTS into Dreams, so would the mods want me to finish those levels too?

The PC version also includes achievements, but they cannot be reset, once you have the achievements in your account, you can't get rid of them and start again, so anybody doing a replay won't be able to earn them again and count them towards a 100%

I'll just leave this here to prove I haven't got these two yet.


Only base game content is required, so Christmas NIGHTS Into Dreams would be classed as a expansion. So you’re all good.

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Looking back on my own Nights 100% trophies the only trophy/acievement tied to tthe christmas version is clearing one early level which looking at the achievements you don't have yet you've already done.

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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

TitansCreed was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 20 points.

(Since I'm a dumb and didn't realise this was the actual event post to post in, I'll just cross-post from earlier, haha)

After speaking to @Dreadknux in a quick update call, he let me know about this, so thought I'd weigh in.

So, after Sonic Forces Overclocked released, it's reignited my passion for YouTube content, so been trying to do a video a day, and as such, dived back into "complete" Sonic Fan Games.

So, since SFO was completed in the tail end of December last year, we'll start with January.

Starting with: Sonic and the Fallen Star. Had a fantastic time playing this classic inspired fangame. The special stages are fantastic. I cannot gush enough about them., so much so I even went back after finishing to get the missing emeralds for the final boss fight.

Continuing with: Sonic Encore. Another fangame, which it's final build is available. Went through and completed all the levels with the vast array of different playable characters with different abilities. I do recommend a quick run through, as the modern gameplay is fantastic and it's very momentum based, but watch out for those chasing badniks... especially those damn Penguinators!

Because I'm a tool, all the above links go to my YT channel where I'm going through the games, currently working on Sonic 3D Blast Director's Cut as it's a personal fan favourite game of mine.

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Ok, does this count for 100% completion?

Its the Sonic game available via the Happy Meals in the UK at present. Or is this invalid as one of the "trophy gamea"?

Max rings in all 5 levels! 


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Just in case it doesnt count...does this, or is it too far back to count?


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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

Edgy the Hedgy was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 20 points.

Starry Skydancer swoops in

Game 1 of 52: NiGHTS into Dreams

Post 2 (yes I "unofficialised" the last post)

I've kinda realised now that this isn't really neccessary. I kind of thought you'd want evidence of each level completed.

Level 1: Splash garden.

~The Aesthetic~



I am something of a 3D modeller and texture artist myself, and this makes me want to get back to work. I'm not sure if I have time for that at the moment!20240118170401_1.thumb.jpg.cf5e619d956ce99182930510709dab51.jpg

Level2: Frozen Bell

~The Hectic~


NiGHTS into dreams played right can feel enjoyably hectic, and close shaves with the timer had me on the edge of my seat this time.

Unfortunately I accidentally activated the Ideya capture with Elliot, which puts me at a considerable score disadvantage. 


Not bad, though!


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2 hours ago, castell-neath said:

Ok, does this count for 100% completion?

Its the Sonic game available via the Happy Meals in the UK at present. Or is this invalid as one of the "trophy gamea"?

Max rings in all 5 levels! 


Personally, I'm gonna have to say no. I think it's starting to get too far into a loophole if we start entering super fast browser games here. 

1 hour ago, castell-neath said:

Just in case it doesnt count...does this, or is it too far back to count?


This also wouldn't count since it was completed within 2023. It needs to be something started in 2023, but finished in 2024 to be eligible. 

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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

WorksOfMagic was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 20 points.

Okay, right after my Sonic The Hedgehog (1991) playthrough, I decided to 100% complete Sonic CD (1993), running the JP version. It certainly wasn't enjoyable at all. The game never stops chugging for seemingly no reason, the air speed cap is a big inconvenience, and so is the spindash. If you want to play CD in an enjoyable way, I'd recommend playing the 2011 remake either through mobile, decomp, Origins or Steam if you still have a copy, which is a playthrough I hope to get around to soon enough.



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Decided to fire up the 3DS for old time's sake and revisted s3&k as Sonic and Tails.  A good evening well spent lol


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