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[EVENT] The Sonic Stadium 52 Game Challenge 2024! - New Prizes every week! Current Prize: Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity profile gift - IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT IN RECOMMENDED POST - PLEASE READ:


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I was already planning to blaze through maining pieces of my backlog anyway, so I guess this gives me plenty more reason to do it. I'm in!

Tho I have to ask, is the Platinum Trophy required? Asking 'cause I already platinumed several games before the start of the year. And also I finished A Hat in Time at the start of the month, and there's an 106% save file after all the DLC. So I wanted to see how that's handled/considered...mainly the AHiT bit.

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Just now, Blueknight V2.0 said:

I was already planning to blaze through maining pieces of my backlog anyway, so I guess this gives me plenty more reason to do it. I'm in!

Tho I have to ask, is the Platinum Trophy required? Asking 'cause I already platinumed several games before the start of the year. And also I finished A Hat in Time at the start of the month, and there's an 106% save file after all the DLC. So I wanted to see how that's handled/considered...mainly the AHiT bit.

Platinum is basically our qualifer for 100% for most recent titles. Anything else would be classed bragging rights. So as long as you got some platinums after 2024, it's fair game.

Base game is all that is required for 100% completion too. 

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I'd like to join in! And as a bonus, a submission for a game I happened to finish right before the event dropped.


Submission: ADVENTURES WITH ANXIETY (Runtime: 30 mins)

A short and sweet game aimed to help those struggling with anxiety find out what they fear; and help take steps to overcome it too. Attatched is an image of the "Overall Results" screen, which basically is the end of the game. I would've taken a screenshot of the Support & Resources page, though I didn't exactly know it would've closed me out of the game and restarted it once I left the page (oops).


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I've ordered a bunch of Wii games and have recently started collecting for the PSX and Mega Drive. I also need any excuse to clean out my Steam backlog because it's getting unruly. A few questions first though:

  • Is replaying a game allowed? This is my first time doing this challenge since I only took the plunge and got an SSMB account last year, but as an example I have is that I've beaten Sonic CD a handful of times already. Say I were to post a screenshot of the good ending despite having beaten that game at least seven times. Would I still be eligible?
  • If I started a game last year, can I get away with beating it this year? I am still stuck on the final boss of Trip's campaign in Sonic Superstars and have been grinding out the final boss of Mega Man X4 for a while at this point. Most of the progress in those games was done last year, so would it still be eligible?
  • If I already posted a screenshot of me beating a game, can I come back later with another one from the same game that shows 100% completion?

For the retro stuff I'll mainly be using either a MiSTer or real hardware.

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I'm really glad we were able to get something like this off the ground - thank you @Ryannumber1gamerfor planning this all out (I just did the Badges and the Profile Gifts lol).

I would like to spend 2024 taking part in this, so throw my hat in the ring! I'm working my way through some good games I bought on Switch during the holiday sales, and I'm eyeing up some retro games that I know I wouldn't play otherwise so this would be good exposure for that.

As I am an old, old man now, I tend to really take my time with games - it took me a year to beat Guardians of the Galaxy lol - so this event will help light a fire under me to actually spend time playing games more quickly (without being rushed).

I definitely am going to be tactical about my game choices because, I'm playing Starfield right now and there's no way I'm going to be able to beat that at the pace I'm playing (I NEED TO DO ALL SIDE QUESTS BETHESDA WHY DO YOU ALWAYS TRAP ME SO) and I really don't like rushing those kinds of games... but maybe I'll replay some Yakuza games and build up my game history on other consoles.

Anyway for the purposes of being committed to this event I will say that I am currently In Progress with Murder By Numbers on Nintendo Switch (I freaking love Picross).

8 hours ago, Danj86 said:

But how can you be sure a picture was taken of a game that was completed this year? I supposed most save files do have dates these days but older ones probably wont, even older ones absolutely wont. I guess you gotta trust people.

I wouldn't worry about or overthink this, it's just a bit of fun. :) Let the staff worry about whether something's eligible or not, there are rules in place to stop obvious cheating but the main objective here is to make sure everyone enjoys themselves.

7 hours ago, Blueknight V2.0 said:

Tho I have to ask, is the Platinum Trophy required? Asking 'cause I already platinumed several games before the start of the year. And also I finished A Hat in Time at the start of the month, and there's an 106% save file after all the DLC. So I wanted to see how that's handled/considered...mainly the AHiT bit.

Ryan's already covered this but just wanted to add; you only need to "100%"/Platinum (the conditions may vary depending on the game, but basically: full completion) games to earn a specific kind of Achievement Badge (the orange/purple one). You can opt to just beat the game/story normally without full completion and you'll still earn the green Achievement Badges listed in the OP.

So basically, Platinum'ing is only required if you want extra badges/bragging rights :) It's totally up to you.

24 minutes ago, ShadowXeldron said:
  • Is replaying a game allowed? This is my first time doing this challenge since I only took the plunge and got an SSMB account last year, but as an example I have is that I've beaten Sonic CD a handful of times already. Say I were to post a screenshot of the good ending despite having beaten that game at least seven times. Would I still be eligible?
  • If I started a game last year, can I get away with beating it this year? I am still stuck on the final boss of Trip's campaign in Sonic Superstars and have been grinding out the final boss of Mega Man X4 for a while at this point. Most of the progress in those games was done last year, so would it still be eligible?
  • If I already posted a screenshot of me beating a game, can I come back later with another one from the same game that shows 100% completion?

1. You can replay already-beaten games, as long as you beat them (again) this year (and offer proof of that) it should count. Events like this actually give people a good reason to replay games they really enjoyed in the past (I might do that with some of my own games)!

2. It's preferable to start in 2024, but since we're in January I don't see why we can't offer a grace for games started last year. We're only counting games completed for the event, so technically you could start the game however long ago you like - but it's probably more in the spirit of the game to keep as many starts to 2024 as possible.

3. Yes that's totally fine, as long as you make that clear in your post that you're updating a specific game clear to mark as 100%. Just so it's easier for the staff to check your progress.

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I want to join! But for updates on the games we play, can it be a blog post or does it have to be a reply here?  And if it is a reply here, do we make multiple replies for each game or update one? (Basically, where do we post our status updates [of it] in a way that doesn't get in front of the other site content and that the staff notices?)

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8 hours ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Yup, the event was held quite a few years ago, but I've been wanting to do a revival for ages, so I'm really happy to have the chance to do so now!

That's probably what's inspired me to do it then, because I've been doing it myself every year since 2016!

Then again, I haven't actually managed to finish 52 games for the last couple of years - might break the trend this year! But I also want to finish most of the numbered Final Fantasy games so..may need a lot of retro games to plug the gaps, lol.

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Recently finished Sonic's campaign for Sonic Time Twisted.


Had a somewhat enjoyable playthrough all things considered, though you could tell this game didn't age too well in some aspects, like the sprites among other things. Some aspects also feel unfinished, like Super Sonic not having a unique theme, or keeping Sonic's abilities, including shield abilities, which makes me hope the upcoming v.1.1.3 and 1.2.0 fixes some of the issues I've had.

Screenshot_20240116_135146_Sonic Time Twisted.jpg

Screenshot_20240116_135839_Sonic Time Twisted.jpg

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6 hours ago, Maria.Sosori said:

I want to join! But for updates on the games we play, can it be a blog post or does it have to be a reply here?  And if it is a reply here, do we make multiple replies for each game or update one? (Basically, where do we post our status updates [of it] in a way that doesn't get in front of the other site content and that the staff notices?)

Personally, I would say as long as you aren’t just posting links to blog post, and still writing a small bit on the topic about your experience so it doesn’t just become a series of links being posted, blog posts are fair game, especially if you go in more depth with how the game went for you. Could be a fun way to chronicle your journey. That said, I’ll let @Dreadknuxgive a final answer on it.

Just make sure you keep atop of it and post here in some way whenever a game is done as we can’t keep a constant eye on the blog section to ensure all entries are counted, so it just makes it easier if you’re keeping on it.

As for the second question - as long as you aren’t spamming posts here, you’re good. If you specifically have something like multiple games you finish but haven’t submitted yet, they should all be in the one brand new post (See @Failinheartspost on the previous page to see what I mean). 

However if you finish a new game, submit it, then like a day later, finish another game, you’re still clear to submit it, even if it’s a double post. I want people to make sure their entries are on new posts, rather than editing previous posts, as it would be very easy for staff to miss, and therefore it might not be added to your tally. It basically just makes things easier for us to track.

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In the interest of leniency, and such, I wanted to discuss a few rulings on what may be common games for 100% here, given it’s a Sonic forum. Basically, while in most instances, we’re using achievement lists as a guide for 100%, if there’s a abundance of super grindy trophies and such, we may use different metrics.

This also goes for games with already silly requirements as it is. So here’s a few specific examples: 

SONIC HEROES: Finishing all four stories, collecting all seven emeralds, and completing last story is 100% completion due to how often you need to repeat the campaigns and go out of your way to unlock last story. Emblems and super hard mode is considered a post game bragging rights bonus.

SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG: Same situation. Completing 10 endings (or 5 in the Reloaded mod), and unlocking and beating Last Story is enough for 100% completion, as absolutely no one expects anyone here to go for 302 endings (Sorry @The Tenth Doctor

SONIC LOST WORLD: Gathering all red star rings, and finishing all levels + unlocking Super Sonic is enough for 100% completion due to it being a Wii U game originally, and the Steam achievements being ridiculously grindy.

SONIC FORCES: Finishing all levels, getting all missions complete, and getting all collectibles is enough for 100% due to the abundance of grid centric trophies and achievements in the game.

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36 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:


In the interest of leniency, and such, I wanted to discuss a few rulings on what may be common games for 100% here, given it’s a Sonic forum. Basically, while in most instances, we’re using achievement lists as a guide for 100%, if there’s a abundance of super grindy trophies and such, we may use different metrics.

This also goes for games with already silly requirements as it is. So here’s a few specific examples: 

SONIC HEROES: Finishing all four stories, collecting all seven emeralds, and completing last story is 100% completion due to how often you need to repeat the campaigns and go out of your way to unlock last story. Emblems and super hard mode is considered a post game bragging rights bonus.

SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG: Same situation. Completing 10 endings (or 5 in the Reloaded mod), and unlocking and beating Last Story is enough for 100% completion, as absolutely no one expects anyone here to go for 302 endings (Sorry @The Tenth Doctor

SONIC LOST WORLD: Gathering all red star rings, and finishing all levels + unlocking Super Sonic is enough for 100% completion due to it being a Wii U game originally, and the Steam achievements being ridiculously grindy.

SONIC FORCES: Finishing all levels, getting all missions complete, and getting all collectibles is enough for 100% due to the abundance of grid centric trophies and achievements in the game.

Also, I suppose that for true 100% completion on games like Sonic CD'11, Time Twisted, or even Sonic 3K, the game would have to be beaten with all characters, while also getting all collectibles, and achievements (if available), right?

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3 hours ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Personally, I would say as long as you aren’t just posting links to blog post, and still writing a small bit on the topic about your experience so it doesn’t just become a series of links being posted, blog posts are fair game, especially if you go in more depth with how the game went for you. Could be a fun way to chronicle your journey. That said, I’ll let @Dreadknuxgive a final answer on it.

Just make sure you keep atop of it and post here in some way whenever a game is done as we can’t keep a constant eye on the blog section to ensure all entries are counted, so it just makes it easier if you’re keeping on it.

Yeah I agree with Ryan @Maria.Sosori! If you want to make a Blog covering the games you played in great detail, I think you should absolutely do that (you could even write reviews of the games you played if you wanted)!

Just make sure you're updating this thread as well, so staff have only one place to look for tracking your progress. And if you share a little bit about your experiences on this topic along with your updates, that can help spark discussion with other members here about the games you've played too! :)

You can make a personal Blog by going Main Menu > More > Blogs and then click 'Create a New Blog'. Put it under the 'Community Blogs' category, title it something you'd like (ie. "Maria's Many Thoughts") and then once created, set up a Blog Category for 52 Games Challenge so you can keep your blog posts organised :)

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27 minutes ago, WorksOfMagic said:

Also, I suppose that for true 100% completion on games like Sonic CD'11, Time Twisted, or even Sonic 3K, the game would have to be beaten with all characters, while also getting all collectibles, and achievements (if available), right?

All characters aren’t needed, you’d just need collectibles and all achievements within reason. 

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5 hours ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:


SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG: Same situation. Completing 10 endings (or 5 in the Reloaded mod), and unlocking and beating Last Story is enough for 100% completion, as absolutely no one expects anyone here to go for 302 endings (Sorry @The Tenth Doctor


Oh believe me, not doing that again. Took way too long last time. I've not been able to face the game again since I did all those endings.

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5 hours ago, Dreadknux said:

Just make sure you're updating this thread as well, so staff have only one place to look for tracking your progress. And if you share a little bit about your experiences on this topic along with your updates, that can help spark discussion with other members here about the games you've played too! :)

Okay so basically, just reply here for every game? 

Also, I think the blog thing is a cute idea! I'll probably make one, but I've never made a blog before haha

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i am very much interested!! this is a great excuse to actually complete the many unfinished games i have lying around lol

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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

Ghelatlishol was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 20 points.

Game #2: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (16-Bit) for Sega Genesis. 100% Complete

I remember when I turned six years old, my parents gave me a copy of Sonic 2 for Christmas (the same one I have in the picture.) I was confused because I didn't have a SEGA Genesis.

So, the next present was a SEGA and after thanking my parents profusely, I forgot the world existed for about five hours.

It's the first Sonic game I owned and that I vividly remember playing. I also remember my parents trying to figure out how to defeat the final boss.

Here's the proof!


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Oh boi, I wanna join!

I just finished the Diablo III Season Journey yesterday..does that count? :D




it was the most fun I had in a long time for a Season, they have combined multiple elements of past seasons into one big theme for season 30. Took me around 2 days to finish and I'm already on Paragonlevel 800+.

Edited by FReaK
added proof
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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

Danj86 was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 20 points.

I finally played and completed Sonic Triple Trouble 16-Bit.


It was a fun little romp. A nice touch was allowing you to switch between Sonic and Tails on the fly. Though I did get into the habit of instructing Tails to carry Sonic to higher pathways without performing the switch. I loved the deep cut references, Fang and the new content all looked well integrated too. I'm also glad they made the underwater balloon riding section more forgiving, some of the new gimmicks were unexpected but neat and the Special Stages seemed fair but I do appreciate that it allowed you to try again in exchange for an extra life.

Now you can clearly see I also completed Knuckles. Kinda like in Superstars, Triple Trouble 16Bit has a story mode and a free play mode. Free Play lets you play the stages with Amy too. Completing Sonic and Tails story unlocked Knuckles story and the option to play as Fang in Free Play. But something was clearly still locked and I couldn't allow that. So I played through Knuckles story, and since the Chaos Emeralds seemed to be omitted in his story mode, they is less incentive to explore. Plus I wanted to see the differences. (If any.)

I did unlock the last Free Play character too. It was Metal Sonic.

I died a couple of times during the boss gauntlet near the end of the story with both characters too. I did get a chuckle out of the fact that a fan game was being kinder to it's players by allowing them to start over at key moments of the fights while Superstars chose to be brutal and made you start at the beginning of the first fight. ^^;

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Alright, I'm SO EXCITED!!!

Team Sonic Racing (finished)

Sonic Superstars (finished)

Super Mario Bros Deluxe U (finished)

Sonic Dream Team (finished) (hope mobile games allowed?)

Sonic 3 (completed)






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4 hours ago, FReaK said:

Oh boi, I wanna join!

I just finished the Diablo III Season Journey yesterday..does that count? :D




it was the most fun I had in a long time for a Season, they have combined multiple elements of past seasons into one big theme for season 30. Took me around 2 days to finish and I'm already on Paragonlevel 800+.

Having taken a moment to discuss it, we’ve decided to cautiously allow live service battle passes to be submitted within reason, as long as you aren’t trying to throw in a Diablo season like, every few days.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: For what this means for everyone else, live service seasons can qualify for credit! This includes the likes of Fortnite (Finish and completion for completing all tiers of the battle pass including bonus pages), Overwatch 2, Halo, Crash Team Rumble, Multiversus, so on so forth!

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Oh wow, just saw this, this looks like a fun challenge! I might not make all the achivements, but it'll be a good way to motivate myself to work away at my Steam library, haha!

It's not 100% completion, just finished, but I completed the full story of Sonic Adventure 2 last night (after a frankly embarrasing ammount of time lol) if this counts; I was so happy to have finally experienced Finalhazard and the cutscenes around it for myself rather than a YouTube upload, felt so satisfying and now I feel more ready for the movie come December!


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Every time you finish up a game, you report it right here along with evidence of finish/completion, and we'll mark it on the leaderboard and within our records, and keep a full running tally for you!



In the interest of being lenient however, we're also allowing you the chance to go back to games you may have only finished in 2023, and completely 100% them for full completion to count for 2024, so this is your chance to go back to some other games and get them all cleared!

To make this clear.

If my aim is to finish a game to enter into the event, then I need to start the game from scratch, but if my aim is to 100% a game for the event, then I don't need to start from scratch, but only if I last played it last year?

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Not sure how much time I can do this as a college student. Still, I’m in!

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