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[EVENT] The Sonic Stadium 52 Game Challenge 2024! - New Prizes every week! Current Prize: Shadow the Hedgehog AND Racing Bonus Challenge now on!


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1 hour ago, Covskin said:

Yeah this one was a shame. The first hour is really intriguing and seems to build up quite well but as you say that twist doesn't really work. A prequel was released last year but I can't muster up the motivation to give it a shot.

I'm just glad I was let down by something I played on a subscription partially because the icon looked cool. I'd be mad if it was something I'd invested money and hype into based on the Kickstarter trailer.


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Games beaten so far.

On 2/28/2024 at 12:54 AM, Agie said:

1. Super Mario RPG Remake

2. Kaze and the Wild Masks

3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan (100%)

4. Mega Man 1

5. Mega Man 2

6. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game

7. Twinkle Star Sprites

8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time (100%)

9. Sunset Riders

10. Mega Man 3

11. Mega Man 4 (sequel wars version)

12. Terminator Salvation (arcade)

13. Roll-Chan 5 (hack of Mega Man 5)

14. Kiki KaiKai

15. Roll-Chan 6 (hack of Mega Man 6)

16. Beeny

17. Roll-Chan World (hack of Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge)

18. Roll-Chan: Mini World (hack of Game Gear Mega Man)

19. Duke Nukem 1

20. Roll-Chan World 2 (hack of Game Boy Mega Man II)

21. Earthworm Jim

22. 3D Sonic the Hedgehog 1

23. Duke Nukem II

24. Roll-Chan World 3 (hack of Game Boy Mega Man III)

25. The New Zealand Story

26. Sonic the Hedgehog CD

27. Roll-Chan World 4 (hack of Game Boy Mega Man IV)

28. Momodora

Only one game today, so I'll get to it.

29. Roll-Chan World 5 (hack of Game Boy Mega Man V)

The last game in the Game Boy series, and the last one in my handheld marathon. Unlike the others, the only content this game reuses are letting you fight the four other robots from the previous Game Boy games.

This time, Roll is fighting against robots from space after Terra attacks. After being defeated by Terra, Roll gets an upgrade from Dr. Light, and goes into space to stop these robots. Can Roll stop them?

Considered by many to be the best in the Game Boy series, and after playing it? I agree, honestly; while the Game Boy series slowly got better as it went on, they all reused content from the NES games...until now. Gameplay-wise, it doesn't deviate too far from the Mega Man formula, but they do make the Mega/Roll Buster work in a way that's, if nothing else, unique from the rest of the series. I actually think this holds up as one of the better games in the series as well.

While I say all the Game Boy games are at least worth a try (even Dr. Wily's Revenge, much as I didn't like it, had a novelty to it), if you're only gonna play one Game Boy game in the series? Make it this one; it's made up of almost entirely new content, and even the content it reuses, it reuses the exclusive bosses from the previous Game Boy games; if you only play this one, you get to fight them, too.

And if you played the previous games, well, it's nice to see those robots again as a culmination of all the Game Boy games. Sadly, I did not get all the gems, so no 100% completion bonus.

Another note; apparently, the unaltered version was Tango's first ever appearance. However, since he replaces Rush in all of these Roll-Chan hacks even in prior games, the text is altered so he simply gets some upgrades instead.


Edited by Agie
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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

duckyfloof was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 50 points.

hi guys

Game 15: Shadow The Hedgehog!
5 Endings, Last Story Beat

Start of the dark age games!! (I guess now i know why they call it that..)
I had absolutely zero idea what was going on beginning to end, complete shitshow but its impossible not to find shadow with weaponry endearing

Game 16: Sonic 06 (P-06)
All S ranks and power ups collected

I couldn't be bothered with emulating it and just watched the cutscenes and bosses on youtube instead
The story is certainly a highlight, it was certainly interesting to see sonic in awkward romantic situations he wouldnt usually be in, and shadow/silver campaigns were very interesting as well
ChaosX has done a splendid job at making the game control superbly and in general it is a very fun experience

Game 17: Sonic Unleashed!!!!!!!!
Base Story Beat

My close second favourite game to sa2, it cannot be understated how much collecting all the medals you can in night stages in advance improves the game. Didn't have to backtrack once
This is probably the only time ever i sat down and beat a game without diverting my attention ONCE, im pretty sure i havent even checked my phone. Day stages are sonic at its peak, the night stages are underappreciated, the game's world adventure premise is super interesting and makes for beautiful locations that not even 720p can ruin. I cried at the scene of chip trying to leave to go fight dark gaia himself, which i rarely ever cry at any movies/games so that says a lot. One of my favourite endings to a game as well. Certainly deserves all the glazing it gets on twitter

Game 8: Mario wonder 100%
All 6 medals obtained

I was never a huge mario guy beforehand but this game just really got my attention for its really nice looking artstyle.
All the levels are unique and the badge system allows for much needed customization.
Really fun completion overall, made me wanna play the rest of the mario games i missed out on all these years.
Speaking of which:

Game 18: Super Mario Bros
Game beat

Oh man. mario wonder could not have prepared me for this
Extremely difficult game, having to restart the whole world once youre out of lives didnt help either. Other than that not much to say, we all know about the huge impact it had on the gaming industry but ignoring that it is a very basic inoffensive game. Nothing wrong with it, nothing amazing either

Game 19: Super Mario Bros 2
Game Beat

this one fucking sucks man

Game 20: Super Mario Bros 3

Every Level Beat

I am finally starting to get it, smb3 is miles better than 1 or 2. It's just so well thought out the whole way through and it has really good feeling controls, the levels are fun and it is simply a good game

Game 21: Super Mario world
Base game beat

Basically everything i've said about smb3 applies here too, except it is considerably easier, i also liked the artstyle a lot; very pleasing to look at
In general, i enjoyed the original 4 mario games way more than i thought it would. And it's kinda crazy to me how and why it took me so long to get to them.

To make the poor piccolo guy's job easier here's the count:
Games beaten - 21
Games completed - 17

Thanks for reading, i'll be back soon enough

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Another week, another game beaten. This time, it's Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES). Gosh this was a difficult one to beat, but still a satisfying one. Classic 2D Mario at its best imo. Definitely recommend playing it.

Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev 1)-240301-171423.png

Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev 1)-240301-171545.png

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Another game I somehow managed to beat in Normal and Hard mode is Super Mario Land (GB). It was relatively easy to beat, even in Hard mode. It hasn't aged that well, but if anyone wants a quick and easy Mario adventure, this and its sequel are pretty good ways to get just that.

Super Mario Land (World) (Rev 1)-240301-174945.png

Super Mario Land (World) (Rev 1)-240301-181713.png


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Games beaten so far.

22 hours ago, Agie said:

1. Super Mario RPG Remake

2. Kaze and the Wild Masks

3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan (100%)

4. Mega Man 1

5. Mega Man 2

6. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game

7. Twinkle Star Sprites

8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time (100%)

9. Sunset Riders

10. Mega Man 3

11. Mega Man 4 (sequel wars version)

12. Terminator Salvation (arcade)

13. Roll-Chan 5 (hack of Mega Man 5)

14. Kiki KaiKai

15. Roll-Chan 6 (hack of Mega Man 6)

16. Beeny

17. Roll-Chan World (hack of Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge)

18. Roll-Chan: Mini World (hack of Game Gear Mega Man)

19. Duke Nukem 1

20. Roll-Chan World 2 (hack of Game Boy Mega Man II)

21. Earthworm Jim

22. 3D Sonic the Hedgehog 1

23. Duke Nukem II

24. Roll-Chan World 3 (hack of Game Boy Mega Man III)

25. The New Zealand Story

26. Sonic the Hedgehog CD

27. Roll-Chan World 4 (hack of Game Boy Mega Man IV)

28. Momodora

29. Roll-Chan World 5 (hack of Game Boy Mega Man V)

Only one game today, one I'm glad there was a way to do.

30. Mega Man: The Wily Wars (Wily Tower)

I do admit; I regret not doing Wily Wars for Mega Man 1-3 to start with, since this is apparently counted as its own game. Thankfully, there was a hack that allowed Wily Tower to be played from the very start, so I went with that.

Ryan gave a much better summary of the story than I could, but basically, after reliving the first three games, Wily sends the Genesis squad out, and Mega Man must stop them, and stop Wily's plans again!

I do kinda like that you can mix and match weapons from Mega Man 1-3, and switch weapons between levels, though I largely stuck with the same loadout. The levels themselves? Well, I wouldn't call them the best, but they do challenge you in your knowledge of Mega Man, which makes sense; for people who didn't use the hack or a save, by the time you can even access Wily Tower, you already have Mega Man 1-3 under your belt. It did feel a bit slower, but that's probably because I was emulating a European version to do this hack to begin with.

The new bosses, however? They certainly take longer to kill than other Mega Man bosses I fought, and they will test you, so they're nice, but I wouldn't call them better than other bosses in the series. But I don't think they're worse, either.

If you already have another method of playing Mega Man 1-3, I don't think you should lose sleep over this, but it's still a nice little addition to these games, and I decided this would be used to cap off the 8-bit era.

I didn't see any requirements for 100%, and while there are optional hidden rooms to find, they seem to only contain E-tanks, health, and other items that certainly help, but aren't really super special items exclusive to this.

But I'm sure some of you are wondering; why isn't this a Roll-Chan hack? The answer is...there is none. Not at the moment, anyways; maybe that will change in the future, but for now, it is what it is.


Edited by Agie
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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

Spin Attaxx was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 50 points.

Time to play catch-up (very slowly) with the others:


Strangely (OK, not really, for reasons I'll get into) I think this is the NES Mega Man I find myself coming back to the least. In some ways it feels more solid than its predecessors, but you can tell this game got rushed out the door with all the jank at work, huh. More than any bugs, however, the thing that stuck out to me this go around was the slide. It feels stickier than it does in 4 and 5 (meanwhile I'm told 6 is the one with the wonky slide physics!) but it wasn't crippling or anything. This playthrough I found myself using the Magnet Missile more often than I usually do; I'm not a fan of how it uses two ammo per shot and gets easily distracted, but it has its uses. I guess I could've used Gemini Laser more seeing how Legacy Collection removed the slowdown, but I usually found a more efficient weapon for those situations (it IS, however, very good at killing hedgehogs). Overall, 3's weaponset is pretty decent overall.

Except Spark Shock. Mistakes were made there.

I don't have much to say on the Robot Masters (they're all pretty solid, except for Shadow Man being the worst because no-one gave Top Spin i-frames), but the Doc Robot stages... this is pretty much the start of an age-old question I've seen discussed from time to time in the MaGMML circle: "How do you make a Mega Man game longer than eight stages and a castle? Moreover, should you even make it longer?" On one level, I appreciate the extra levels giving you more time to play with a full arsenal without having to worry about being conservative with using them, but on the other I'd have liked something other than what amount to hard mode romhacks with rubbish checkpoint placement.

I can only imagine Doc Robot was made out of a need to fill whatever void was left open by cut content. It's a reuse of code (more or less) and graphics from the last game, and you don't have to worry about taking up cartridge space since it's eight fights using the same set of sprites! But the novelty of spiritually refighting 2's bosses is tempered by the fact that most of them are just jank to fight. Aside from the crime against humanity that is these things' hitboxes, I'm convinced they were designed with slowdown in mind, because it's a hell of a lot harder to react to them without it. Say what you will about Gemini Laser lagging the game, at least against Quick Man it lets me see where projectiles are going before they smack me in the face. All in all, the Doc Robots feel like quintessential filler that could be omitted with little negative effects; and you know a game's given up on pretending otherwise when their only role in the miniscule story is to literally waste the player's time. Thankfully 4 will provide an alternate, better means of adding more levels to a Mega Man game. Kind of.

And something something laughably easy castle (though it is rather funny how the bosses all call back to MM1's Wily bosses), something something helper dog, something something poor showing of a final boss, something something red guy. I guess I can say you can really see the Showa era references shine through with this game in particular, what with Mega Man getting his own version of Casshern's dog; Dr. Light's dream being to build a giant robot that's meant to preserve peace and somehow never once thinking this might not be such a good idea, even before Wily enters the picture; and Mega Man having an elusive masked rival who unbeknownst to him is his older brother who ran away from home and was thought dead, just like Speed Racer's Racer X (or, as I've seen from a bigger nerd than I on the MaGMML Discord, Hakaider from the Kikaider series).

(Oh, yeah, Mega Man actually doesn't know Proto Man's his brother in Japanese continuity. Also he never goes by "Break Man" until that one fight, the Japanese manual straight up calls him Blues. The Archie comics lied to you.)

Capcom released a poll lately asking about remakes of their games, of which the first three Mega Man games were included. While I'm typically one to prefer the originals (sorry, but Powered Up doesn't appeal to me), I feel like 3 is perhaps the most deserving to be redone. It's clear that big plans were at play at first, only to get cut down through compromise and circumstances (i.e. losing a level because someone tripped over a power cord). It'd be nice to see an official version of 3 that finds a way to make the Doc Robots worthwhile (or even replacing them with something brand new, though that's a big pipe dream), that makes the Wily Castle not an afterthought, that actually tells the story it wanted to tell, that makes a final boss more elaborate than a reskinned minor enemy followed by something that gets instagibbed with Top Spin, that makes Break Man the henshin-ass super transformed fight he was clearly meant to be as opposed to just Proto Man but with different shot graphics and an immunity to weapons, etc. etc.

I guess at least Wily Wars fixed Top Spin's bugginess. Better than nothing.


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Checking in again, though I don't have any real progress to report on as I've been spending most of my free time this week playing through Splatoon 3's new Side Order DLC. A pretty fun challenge overall, but it doesn't count for this event, so... yeah, no real progress made.

Still, I'm more-or-less wrapped up on that now, so I can get back to the games that do count towards this challenge.

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I got a few more games under my belt on Switch

4: Metroid Dread (100%)

5: Sonic Mania (All Emeralds) Have not beaten Encore mode yet do not 100% completion

6: Pokemon Violet 

I have beaten the base game in its entirety, but just started the DLC and have not completed the Pokedex.




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Game 7: Sonic the Hedgehog 2(No Emeralds)


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Just a quick status update to say I finally cleared Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on Xbox Series X! That's basically 100% as I cleared all cases and earned all game-related achievements from the AA Trilogy collection it's in.

As for what I'm playing right now... I got side-tracked and fell into Pentiment REALLY hard! Wasn't sure what I was going to get myself into with this one, expecting to drop it after an hour or so... it's brilliant, actually. Murder mysteries in ye olden times. I'm absolutely hooked! I think I'm nearly done with this one, hopefully it will be another notch on the post come next week.

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Game 8: Sonic 3 & Knuckles


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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

Danj86 was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 50 points.

Registered Games

  1. Sonic The Hedgehog: Triple Trouble 16Bit
  2. The Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown  -  1st: 100% Completion
  3. Klonoa: Phantasy Reverie Series P1 - Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
  4. Klonoa: Phantasy Reverie Series P2 - Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil
  5. The Pedestrian
  6. Another Code: Recollection P1 - Another Code: Two Memories
  7. Another Code: Recollection P2 - Another Code: R - A Journey into Lost Memories

New Additions

  • 8. Touhou: Luna Nights - 2nd: 100% Completion
  • 9. Afterimage - 3rd: 100% Completion

I'm just now realizing I could've done a Metroidvania theme throughout March. Luna Nights and Afterimage are both Metroidvanias and I still have several more I could play through, two in my back catalogue being actual Metroid titles. But anyway, lets talk about the two completed games.

Touhou: Luna Nights - 2nd: 100% Completion



I put the screenshot in a spoiler tag to hopefully reduce the time it'll take other posters to scroll down. The save file doesn't really offer any additions to completion from what I recall so I took a picture of the pause map instead. It states the map as being 100% completed while all those icons in that box on the left indicates all the collectables had been found. I completed the story and also beat the secret final boss. (Which was Reimu Hakurei. She was super tough, no wonder she's the Touhou protagonist.) While playing through Luna Nights, I made the mistake of jumping between this and Afterimage. I shouldn't have done that, my brain remembers abilities and tries to perform them while playing the wrong title. Since these games are so similar, DNA wise, it's much easier to get mixed up.

You do unlock a boss rush after completing the secret boss but I just couldn't go through with that challenge. It was the final unlockable I believe so it's up to you if you consider this as a legitimate 100% completion, but I asked a trusted friend and he thought it should.

Afterimage - 3rd: 100% Completion



Afterimage had much more content than Luna Nights. My first run tends to be a blind one, so I was pretty shocked to discover the game has multiple endings. With the game also being entirely hand drawn, the visuals were stunning and artistic. Though I must admit, I got impatient while playing and skipped a lot of dialogue. That resulted in me having no idea which endings were good.

But also like Luna Nights, the save file doesn't make it obvious that you completed the game. The closest thing I could find was the pause menu achievements, which are only there because I'm playing the Switch version. One Achievement tasks you to earn all of them, which is what I used in the picture. Most Achievements ask you to earn the different endings, while others demand you earn and purchase everything you can. A very useful item even tells you how many collectables each map segment hides. That was essential for my 100% completion. Although Afterimage also has a boss rush, nothing in the game seems to ask you to complete it.

I would've preferred to add in three games at minimum for each update but getting to the end of these last two was on the heels of the weekly deadline. Anyway, that's it for now. I'll be back next week.

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5 hours ago, SadVlad said:

Game 7: Sonic the Hedgehog 2(No Emeralds)


As a heads up, you’ve already submitted Sonic 2 as finished.

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29 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

As a heads up, you’ve already submitted Sonic 2 as finished.

Oh! I'm sorry about that. Good eye! That was actually a misfortunate typo at my expense. I did infact put Sonic 2, but it was supposed to say Sonic CD as displayed in the confirmation photo I had posted... 

The eight games I had currently completed as of now were

1. Sonic Superstars (100%)

2. Sonic 1

3. Sonic CD

4. Sonic 2

5. Sonic 3 & Knuckles (All Emeralds)

6. Sonic Mania

7. Pokemon Violet (Base campaign-no DLC)

8.Metroid Dread (100%)

I am very sorry about causing any confusion. I appreciate you bringing to attention.

Edited by SadVlad
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#1/52 - Kirby's Dream Land (Game Boy)


I haven't been playing many games this year

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Game Number 11/52: Sonic The Hedgehog 1 (Tails) (100% Completed)

Definitely one of the more interesting Sonic games to discuss about in my opinion. I myself find a rather solid really, with only a couple really large bumps in the road like Labyrinth Zone or Marble Zone to an extent, but overall, pretty good experience. Graphics were solid, level design was also solid, music was pretty alright, and story was...as deep as it was.

Game Rating: 3 Out Of 5:2024022920143500_s.thumb.jpg.b7665a9e0510ecd5076e29b691cb8f30.jpg

Games Finished: 7

Games Completed: 4

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Games beaten so far.

On 3/2/2024 at 2:26 AM, Agie said:

1. Super Mario RPG Remake

2. Kaze and the Wild Masks

3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan (100%)

4. Mega Man 1

5. Mega Man 2

6. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game

7. Twinkle Star Sprites

8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time (100%)

9. Sunset Riders

10. Mega Man 3

11. Mega Man 4 (sequel wars version)

12. Terminator Salvation (arcade)

13. Roll-Chan 5 (hack of Mega Man 5)

14. Kiki KaiKai

15. Roll-Chan 6 (hack of Mega Man 6)

16. Beeny

17. Roll-Chan World (hack of Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge)

18. Roll-Chan: Mini World (hack of Game Gear Mega Man)

19. Duke Nukem 1

20. Roll-Chan World 2 (hack of Game Boy Mega Man II)

21. Earthworm Jim

22. 3D Sonic the Hedgehog 1

23. Duke Nukem II

24. Roll-Chan World 3 (hack of Game Boy Mega Man III)

25. The New Zealand Story

26. Sonic the Hedgehog CD

27. Roll-Chan World 4 (hack of Game Boy Mega Man IV)

28. Momodora

29. Roll-Chan World 5 (hack of Game Boy Mega Man V)

30. Mega Man: The Wily Wars (Wily Tower)

Only one game today, and this is one I considered for the challenge before I finally decided to just do it.

31. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Back From the Sewers

The Shredder, Krang and the Foot Clan are wreaking havoc again, and they kidnapped April...again! It's up to the turtles to stop their plans once more!

Okay, the story is pretty standard stuff. The gameplay is Fall of the Foot Clan...only harder, and now you have to start from the beginning. I will admit, I used the rewind feature pretty heavily in this one. Still, I had fun blasting through it, and it's still a short game. I did not see any requirements for 100% completion here, and since I played the Switch version, no trophies or achievements, either.

There is that flying level, however, where it looks like you're supposed to go in a specific order, a la some levels in the older Mario games...but I never figured out the sequence without getting lucky; I just kept going right until I finally move on, and I did. But if anyone can do it without simply getting lucky, let me know.

But yeah, if you liked Fall of the Foot Clan, but wished it was tougher, this is the game you're looking for. I say give it a go.


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Time for the weekly update :)

This week was completely dominated by Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Since release, I've accumulated ~38 hours of gameplay, which is quite a lot in 3 days... I might have a problem here :'D

Anyway, I haven't finished the main story yet and I'm currently in Chapter 10. There are still several chapters to complete, and I'm unfortunately still far from 100% (my minimum requirement in this entire challenge, for any game).

There are tons of things to do and discover.

Additionally, a second playthrough on Hard difficulty is necessary for the Platinum Trophy - so I can expect at least double the playtime again. It's going to take a while before this project is finished. :) All in all, highly recommended, especially if you are a Fan of FF or ARPG's in general.

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While my check-ins have been a little spotty, i'm back to report now!

I have progressed further in my modded Terraria playthrough, slaying Plantera and returning to the dungeon in order to open the biome chests inside. I got achivements for beating Plantera, opening the Biome Chests, returning to the Dungeon's depths, and entering thr Temple as well!

I've also been keeping up with my dragons in Dragonvale, too. I managed to get lucky and pull pieces of Gaia's Nest twice in a row as well! Now what are the odds of that, with the chests being in the exact same place too?

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Just checking in for the week. The videos for Triple Trouble finished on YT, and we've started Frontiers this week. Specifically the Final Horizon DLC, as I've not touched the game since it released.


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Status Report:

- Split/Second 1/4 done.

- Batteries obtained. Can play Xbox One games again.

- Fortnite Battle Pass completion abandoned.

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Game 9: Sonic the Hedgehog(Game Gear/Master System)


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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

TheKarmaCollector1994 was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 30 points.

Just a check-in on progress for this week. I had planned to get some shorter games finished, but I was unable to find a lot of time for gaming this week due to IRL stuff getting in the way. AGAIN.


That said, I am almost about to complete a few shorter games, including some freebies that I got with my XBOX Game Pass, but I haven’t quite completed them yet as I’m on a bit of an achievement hunt, and want to make sure they are 100% done.

Additionally, I am also almost done on a run-through of Tecmo Bowl for the NES (courtesy of my Switch), and I have made it through to the Championship game, so just need to beat that and the final round to get that finished off.

Oh, by the way, you know how I said that I had finished the main part of Power Wash Simulator and got all of the career mode and bonus jobs completed? Well, I did… but then an update showed up and added new bonus levels based on Warhammer, with NEW achievements to unlock. So, yeah. Whilst I will complete these extra levels to grab the achievements, I’ll not bring up the game a second time since the levels were paid DLC anyways, and weren’t added as an additional part of the main game.

I’ll give another update once I’ve got round to completing the other games that I haven’t mentioned.

Games finished: 1

Games 100% completed: 0

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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

coral_reef was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 50 points.

This week, I finished Sonic Generations and Sonic Adventure. Starting off with Generations, wow. I've heard that Generations is good but wow. I absolutely loved it! I'm even more excited for Sonic X Shadow Generations now haha.


I'm actually glad I waited until now to play it. I think I enjoyed revisiting levels I now know well more than I would have enjoyed seeing them for the first time if I had played Generations before I played the original levels.


The only stage I'm not super enthusiastic about is planet wisp. It's not bad or anything, just my least favourite. It doesn't help my perception of it that I had to completely restart act 2 twice because I somehow managed to accidentally get soft locked by two different glitches haha.



I also really enjoyed Sonic Adventure. I've played the Dreamcast version before, so I played the DX version on Steam this time. While it unfortunately isn't a great port, it's still a great game and glitches don't change that, even if they do make it a bit annoying at times.



I've also just started Penny's Big Breakaway. I've only played the first few levels at the moment, but I've been really enjoying it!

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